
Student Self StudyMusic of Baroque Era (1700-1850)Part 2

Music History and Literature MUS 201E

Dr. You Jin Park

Important Baroque Composers

Antonio V (1678-1741)

Johann Sebastian B (1685-1750)

George Frederic H (1685-1759)

Antonio V (1678-1741) – ‘Red Priest’

Italian Violinist and Composer

“The father of the c ”; composed over 450 concertos. (Developed and Enriched the “Various Color” of Orchestral Music.

Most famous work is “The Four Seasons”, a set of four programmatic solo concertos for violin, often used r form.

Johann Sebastian B (1685-1750)

German composer and organist

Bach was known more during his lifetime as an organist and teacher than composer.

Represents the height of complex polyphonic writing

Bach’s works are unique in their combination of polyphonic texture and rich harmony.

Composed in every genre of the time except opera

His music was forgotten after his death until Mendelssohn revived it in the 19th century.

<Brandenburg Concertos>, <Well-tempered Clavier>, <Church Cantatas>, <Suites>, <Invention and Sinfonia>, <Suites for Cello>, <Mass in B minor>, <Toccata>

Geroge F. H (1685-1759) – ‘Mother of Music’

German composer who succeeded in London writing Italian operas and English oratorios

The master of late Baroque Opera (composed over 40 operas)

Music director at the Royal Academy of Music, London opera company

Composed the first Italian opera <Rodrigo (1707)>

< Rinaldo (1711) > – Opera with great success

< M (1740) > – Oratorio

< Water Music >, <Royal Fireworks>

Watch & Learn 7 Find the Info at Google Classwork!

Comparisons Between Baroque Vocal Genres

1. Comparison A: Oratorio vs Opera

2. Comparison B: Chorale vs Cantata

D. Composition Styles and Musical Genres

3. Instrumental Music

1) T Sonata: A composition written in Three Melodic Lines

– Two High Melodies (Violin, Flute, Oboe)

AND B C (Harpsichord or Organ + Bassoon or Cello)

Four instruments are employed to perform

Sonata: a composition in several movements for one to eight instruments

Music Example 4 – Trio Sonata– Find the Info at Google Classwork!

J. S. Bach

Trio Sonata no. 5 in C Major BWV 529 (Allegro)

D. Composition Styles and Musical Genres

a. Sonata da C (Church Sonata)

Written in distinguished character, suitable for sacred performance with several movements in slow-fast-slow-fast tempo order.

b. Sonata da C (Chamber Sonata)

Composed for performance at court with 2-3 dancelike musical movements. All movements were written in same key.

Music Example 5 – Trio Sonata Find the Info at Google Classwork!

A. Corelli

1) Sonata da Chiesa in A Minor Op.3, No.10

2) Sonata da Camera in G Major Op.2, No.12 'Ciaccona’

D. Composition Styles and Musical Genres

2) C G .

A Three-movement (fast-slow-fast) instrumental work for a Small Group of Soloists (Concertino) accompanied by an orchestra (Tutti or Ripieno)

The smaller group (consisting most often two violins + continuo) opposes a larger orchestra (a string orchestra + continuo)

Concerto originated from Italian word ‘concertare’, meaning

“to join together” or “unite”

Movements in Concerto Grosso

1. Opening Movement – Usually vigorous and determined, clearly showing the contrast between tutti and soloists.

2. Second Movement – Slow and quieter than the first, often lyrical and intimate.

3. Last Movement – Lively and cheerful, sometimes dancelike.

Music Example 6- Concerto Grosso & Ritornello Form

J. S. Bach

“Brandenburg Concerto No.5, 1st Mvt.

– Find the Info at Google Classwork!

D. Composition Styles and Musical Genres

3) R Form

A form commonly used in the Baroque Concerto Grosso that tutti repeatedly plays the ritornello (refrain), alternating with the solo group playing new material. 

The theme in Ritornello always played by the t (an instrumental group for accompaniment), returns in different keys with fragment of the theme throughout the movement.

Music Example 7- Concerto Grosso & Ritornello Form Find the Info at Google Classwork!

Antonio Vivaldi

From “Four Seasons”

1. Spring, 1st Movement, Allegro

2. Summer, 3rd Movement, Presto

3. Winter, 1st Movement, Allegro Non Molto

D. Composition Styles and Musical Genres

4) F / Fuga

A compositional style that fully developed procedure of imitative counterpoint, in which the theme (motive) is stated successively in all voices of the

P texture.

In fugue, the voices are tonally established, continuously expanded, opposed, and restated.

Watch & Learn 8 – Fuga / Fugue Find the Info at Google Classwork!

1. What is Fugue/Fuga?

2. Analysis of Fuga

3. Music Example

D. Composition Styles and Musical Genres

5) S .

A series of different/various instrumental movements with some element of unity, most often to be performed as a single work.

Composed mostly for performing in courts, salons, feasts.

Each piece was written in two-part form (AABB) within 2, 3, 4 beats depending on regional/national characters and preferences.

Allamande, Courante, Gavotte, Sarabande, Gigue

Music Examples 8- Suite No.3 in D Majorby J. S. Bach

Find the Info at Google Classwork!

1) Air (Second Movement)

2) Gavotte I, II (Third Movement)

3) Gigue (Fifth Movement)