
CLED 815

Six Dimensions Assessment Assignment Instructions


As part of the EdD program, students interact with various resources that help to provide a personal assessment. One of these resources is Henry Cloud’s book, Integrity: The courage to meet the demands of reality. Students are asked to interact with the elements within the resources in an in-depth manner to reflect on the ways in which the student’s life needs to better demonstrate a commitment to living with integrity.


Students will produce a 1,800–2,200-word personal assessment using the six essential qualities addressed by Henry Cloud in Integrity: The courage to meet the demands of reality.

The assignment must be outlined as follows:

I. Introduction that established the biblical priority of integrity for the Christian leader/education (150 – 200 words)

II. Six Dimension Personal Assessment (section heading for each one and 250 – 300 words per section)

III. Concluding thoughts that include a short list of action points for personal leadership growth (150 – 200 words)

The assessment should address each of the six character dimensions and identify specific ways that the student’s leadership currently reflects that dimension as well as ways that they could strengthen the practice of leadership as related to that dimension.

Each assessment must be between 250 – 300 words.

Formatting: The assessment must include a cover page with the title of the assignment, your name, class and date in current APA format. This must be written as a paper, not as a list of questions with answers. Make sure to include proper citations if you reference the book.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.