HSDD 5300 – Legal & Ethical Issues in DisabilitiesSe me ste r and Ye ar: Winter 2022

I. Course InformationSe me ste r and Ye ar: Winter 2022 Course Start and End Date s: 01/03/2022 – 05/01/2022Course CRN and Se ction: 30115 – L01B uilding and Room: Online Venue – CANVAS

II. Instructor InformationProfe ssor: Marilyn S Anglade Email: [email protected]

If the instructor cannot be reached, please contact the Department offering this course.

III. Class Schedule and LocationDay Date Time Location Building/Room

01/03/2022 – 05/01/2022 Programs On-line Online Venue-CANVAS

IV. Course DescriptionThis course discusses current laws related to disabilities, such as ADA and IDEA, as well ascontemporary issues affecting the lives of individuals with disabilities and the daily responsibilities ofdisability professionals. This course further examines the application of ethical principles to mattersassociated with genetics, treatment decisions, and competency determination. P rerequisite: HSDD 5000

V. Course Objectives / Learning Outcomes1) Discuss the importance and impact of disability law such as ADA and IDEA. 2) Demonstrate an understanding of the most common ethical issues affecting individuals with disabilitiesand disability professionals. 3) Demonstrate an understanding of the application of ethical principles to the resolution of commondilemmas in the disability field.

VI. Materials and ResourcesB ook Url: NSU Book StoreCourse Re quire d Te xts and M ate rials:We hme ye r, M . L., B rown, I., Pe rcy, M ., Shogre n, K. A. & Fung, W. L. A. (2017). Acomprehensive guide to intellectual and developmental disabilities. B rooke s. ISB N:978-1-59857-602-3

American P sychological Association. (2019). Publication Manual of the American PsychologicalAssociation (7th ed.). Author. ISB N: 978-1-4338-3217-8

Course Supple me ntal M ate rials:Ouellette, A. (2013). Bioethics and disability: Toward a disability-conscious bioethics. Cambridge University P ress.

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U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Disability Rights Section. (n.d.). A Guide to Disability Rights Laws.

He lpful We bsite s:Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). (n.d.). Information and technical assistance on the Americans with disabilities education act.

The National Alliance for Direct Support P rofessionals (2020). Frontline initiative. Department of Education. (n.d.). Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. Department of Labor. (2020). Office of Disability Employment Policy.

VII. Course Schedule and Topic OutlineClass schedule subject to modification, but not without prior notification.Course Sche dule :

**Class schedule subject to modification, but not without prior notification.**We e k Topic

Week1 1/3-1/9

Ethics of Decision Making and Consent in P eople with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


Changing P erspectives on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


Trends and Issues in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


Responding to Cultural and Linguistic Differences Among P eople with Intellectual Disability

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Maltreatment of Children with Developmental Disabilities


Sexuality and P eople Who Have Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


Historical Overview of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


What Is Meant by the Terms Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disabilities?


Spring Break


Advocacy and Legal Considerations to Ensure Civil Rights



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Nutritional Considerations for Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


Making Services More Effective Through Research and Evaluation


P eople with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health Needs


Future Trends and Advances in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


Introduction to Early Development: A Multidisciplinary P erspective


Introduction to Genetics, Genomics, Epigenetics, and Intellectual andDevelopmental Disabilities

VIII. AssignmentsAssignme nt # 1: Disability Encounte r Re action Pape r (Due we e k 4) Students will be asked to write a short reflection paper (3 pages) describing one ofthe following encounters with disability:• Interview a person with a disability and provide transcript• Read a first-person account of a person with a disability

The reflection paper will focus on basic information about the type of disability as well as the individual’sexperience(s) of and attitude(s) towards the disability. Be sure to use literature to support your statements(at least 3 citations from disability-related journals). When citing the literature, please remember to follow

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APA style.

P age 1: Background and description of the disabilityP age 2: Description of your encounter (i.e. describe the interview, summarize the articles read, summarizebiographical description)P age 3: Reflect on the individuals experiences and provide personal reactions/reflections to yourexperiences learning from an individual with a disability.

Assignme nt # 2: Ethical Issue s and Challe nge s Re action Pape r (Due we e k 11)Students will be expected to discuss the common issues and challenges when working with individuals withdisabilities, including methods of overcoming these challenges while considering ethical and legal aspectsalong the way. In addition, talk about how specific laws, such as ADA, IDEA, etc… play a role inaddressing the challenges and issues encountered. Be sure to use literature to support your statements (atleast 5 citations from disability-related journals). Your paper should be between 4 to 5 pages. When citingthe literature, please remember to follow APA style.

P age 1: Identify common issues and challenges when working with individuals with disabilitiesP age 2: Discuss ethical and legal aspects of the issues/challenges you presentedP age 3-4: Discuss laws (ADA, IDEA, etc) and how they can specifically play into supporting orhindering individuals encountering the common issues/challenges you identified.P age 5: Discuss your personal reflections, thoughts, ideas

Assignme nt # 3: Program Re se arch Pape r (Due we e k 13) Students are expected to produce a 8-10 page paper with at least 10 citations from disability-relatedjournals. When citing the literature, follow APA style. For this assignment, students are to DESIGN aservice program for individuals with a specific disability including the following components: administrativeconsiderations, ethical and legal considerations, managing staff and workplace conflict, and utilizing wellresearched and effective techniques with the population chosen.

P age 1: Identify and describe a disabilityP age 2-3: Describe a program need for individuals with this disability (cite current research surroundingthis need, what programming currently exists, why additional programming is needed.)P age 4-6: Discuss your program design in detail using research-based techniques. P ages 7-8 Includeadditional sections to discuss any legal/ethical considerations that may emerge with the program you areimplementing.P ages 9-10: Include personal reflections/opinions, ideas for future research.

Assignme nt # 4: Program Re se arch Pre se ntation (Due we e k 14) Students are expected to create a power point presentation of 10-15 slides discussing their assignment #3papers. These presentations will be shared during class and posted.

Discussion Posts: (Due throughout the se me ste r) Throughout this course, you will be prompted to respond to a discussion question. Discussion postassignments are due as indicated on the course schedule. P rior to completing the discussion post, youshould read all assigned material for the week so as to incorporate what you’ve learned (and any additionalresearch you’ve done) into your response. Your discussion posts should not solely consist of your opinions– all opinions/conclusions should be supported by research and/or the text demonstrating yourunderstanding of the assigned materials. For each discussion post, you are required to respond to oneclassmate’s post. Both your initial post as well as your response post must be submitted by the Sunday ofthat week by 11:59 p.m., EST.

Chat participation:There will be four (4) live chat sessions, held via Zoom, throughout the semester. Students who are unableto attend the live session should submit a one (1) paragraph synopsis of the discussion held in order to

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obtain points for attendance. See “course policies” below for further information.

IX. Grading CriteriaYour final grade is determined by your performance on a number of different tasks:Grade Quality P oints P ercentage P oints

A 4.00 90 – 100

B 3.00 80 – 89

C 2.00 70 – 79

F 0.00 Below 70

NP R 0.00 –

P 0.00 – Additional Grade s: I (Incomplete), W (Withdrawn), AU (Audit), NPR (No P rogress), and TR(Transfer). The grade of PR (P rogress) may be used for programs with a thesis or dissertation in whichthe student continues to demonstrate progress towards requirement completion. P rograms with clinicalrotations, internships, or externships in which grades may not be available within the university’s approvedgrading period may use the IP (In P rogress) grade.

Final Course Grade :GRADING CRITERIA: Your final grade is determined by your performance on the following gradecategories and scale GRADE CATEGO RIES WEIGH T

Assignment #1: Disability Encounter Reaction P aper 15%

Assignment #2: Ethical Issues & Challenges Reaction P aper 15%

Assignment #3: P rogram Research P aper 15%

Assignment #4: P rogram Research P resentation 25%

Discussion P osts (x7) 20%

P articipation in Live Chats (x4) 10%

TOTAL: 100%

X. Course PoliciesGe ne ral Policy:This course consists of readings, live classes, and discussions. While you are not required to attend livesessions, you are strongly encouraged to do so. Students who do not attend a live session should listen to arecording of that week’s discussion which will be posted on the Canvas site within 48 hours of the livesession. To obtain points for the session, students are required to submit a 1 paragraph synopsis of thediscussion held during that live session. Students are charged with the knowledge and informationdisseminated during the live sessions. Therefore, while attendance is not mandatory, reviewing therecording is suggested such that students are kept abreast of course information. While previousknowledge and/or experience are not required for this course, it is the responsibility of the student tocontact the instructor to clarify any issues regarding the concepts being studied each week.

Specifically, this course is taught in eight week-long sessions. The materials are presented in eight weekly

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modules. Each week, the Module will open on Monday at 12:01 a.m. EST and will close the followingSunday. All assignments for a given week will be due on Sunday at 11:59 p.m. EST. In addition to the modulematerial, we will have 4 live chat sessions, as noted above in the course schedule. Each week, the student isexpected to complete the assigned readings as well as either a research/reaction paper or a discussion post andresponse.

If a student anticipates being unable to complete an assignment by the listed deadline, he/she may contactthe instructor for a possible extension. Stude nts should not assume the y will be grante d ane xte nsion but must contact the instructor for further information.

Both the subjects covered and the required readings may necessitate modification during the semester. The instructor will make every effort to advise students of any changes. However, it is the responsibilityof the student to check the course site often for adjustments made to the syllabus or for any otherannouncements.

The Internet is an extension of the classroom. As such, the decorum and professionalism expected of youin class extends to the Website and all postings made regarding the course or its content. I expect that youwill extend the same courtesy to your fellow students on the list as you do in class. Feel free to disagreewith the ideas expressed but work to keep the discussions polite and focused on the ideas.

XI. University PoliciesP lease consult the FCE catalog for information on college and department policies and the NSU StudentHandbook for information on NSU policies:

NSU Class Recording P olicy:Class content throughout this course may be recorded in accordance with the NSU Class RecordingP olicy. If class content is recorded, these recordings will be made available to students registered for thiscourse as a supplement to the classroom experience. Recordings will be made available to all students whowere registered to attend the live offering of the class, regardless of a student’s section or discipline, orwhether the student is participating in the course online. If recordings are intended to be accessible tostudents or third parties who were not registered for the live offering of the class, students’ personallyidentifiable information will be removed or redacted from the recording, unless (1) their written consent tosuch disclosure was previously provided, or (2) the disclosure is permissible in accordance with the FamilyEducational Rights and P rivacy Act (“FERPA”).Students are prohibited from recording audio or video, or taking photographs in classrooms (including onlineclasses) without prior permission from the instructor or pursuant to an approved disability accommodation,and from reproducing, sharing, or disseminating classroom recordings to individuals outside of this course. Students found engaging in such conduct will be in breach of the Student Code of Conduct and subject todisciplinary action.

XII. BibliographyMcAfee, J. K., Cockram, J., & Wolfe, P. S. (2001). P olice reactions to crimes involving people withmental retardation: A cross-cultural experimental study. Education and Training in Mental Retardationand Developmental Disabilities, 36, 160-171.Morris, C. D., Niederbuhl, J. M., & Mahr, J. M. (1993). Determining the capability of individuals withmental retardation to give informed consent. American Journal of Mental Retardation, 98, 263-272.Niederbuhl, J. M., & Morris, C. D. (1993). Sexual knowledge and the capability of persons with dualdiagnoses to consent to sexual contact. Sexuality & Disability, 11, 295-307.P arker, T., & Abramson, P. R. (1995). The law hath not been dead: protecting adults with mentalretardation from sexual abuse and violation of their sexual freedom. Mental Retardation, 33, 257-263.P etersilia, J. (1997). Unequal justice? Offenders with mental retardation in prison. Corrections

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Management Quarterly, 1(4), 36-43.P etersilia, J. (2000). Doing justice? The criminal justice system and offenders with developmentaldisabilities. California P olicy Research Center, University of California: Los Angeles, CA.Stavis, P. F. (1991). Harmonizing the right to sexual expression and the right to protection from harm forpersons with mental disability. Sexuality and Disability, 9, (2), 131-141.

XIII. Appendix/AppendicesP lease refer to the grading rubrics below for specific scoring:

Rubric for Classroom ParticipationCriteria 0 points 1 point 2-3 points

Actively contributes toclassroom discussions

P rofessor has noability to connectstudent’s name,voice, and ideas.Student “multi-tasks” or distractsothers in class.

Student followsclassroom discussionand offers thoughtsduring some classes.

Student initiatesdiscussions or activelycontributes todiscussions in avariety of ways,including those below.

Displays awareness ofclass readings

Contributionsdisplay lack ofawareness of thereadings.

Contributions displaytangential or vagueawareness ofreadings.

Contributionsconnected to readings. Student able toreference ideas fromthe readings.


Student passivelyaccepts, passivelyrejects, or gives upon ideas fromreadings.

Student participates indiscussions ofquestions related toreadings, or testing ofideas.

Student initiatesquestions arising fromthe reading orchallenges ideas inresponse to other,contrasting ideas.

P resents areas ofconfusion/“miss-understandings”

Student presumesthat confusion is astatement abouttheir owninadequacies, orthe difficulty of thecontent, andremains silent.

Student participates indiscussions aboutareas of confusion or“miss-understandings.”

Student raises areasof confusion andcollaborates withseminar members tothink throughconfusions and “miss-understandings.”

Rubric for Discussion Postings Criteria 0-1 point 2 points 3-4 points

Sufficient number ofcontributions

Less than sixcontributions, and/orcontributions onlyadded at the lastminute, and/or fewvisits to site

Six contributionsand/or site visitedonce per week orless.

More than Sixcontributions and sitevisited once perweek or more.

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Contributions relatedto readings/discussions

Contributionsunrelated to coursecontent

Contributionsrelated to others’comments aboutthe course material,without adding newresponses relatedto course material

Contributions areclearly that—contributions thatdraw from (withcitations) coursereadings/discussions.

Engagement ofcontributions

Contributions onlycongratulatory,critical, and/or of the“thanks-that-was-great” variety

Contributions relateto and expand uponthe contributions ofothers.

Contributions initiatenew threads and/orintroduce new ideasto discussion.

Rubric for Re action Pape rs Assignme nts 1 and 2

0-2 points 3-4 points 5-7 points Comments

P resents ownideas, thoughts,questions aroundpersonal reflection,the course, orother relevantmatters stemmingfrom participationin the course

P aper is basedsolely on coursecontent, e.g. asummary of oneof the chaptersor articles.

Some, thindiscussion ofpersonalreflectionsbased on thecourse content

P aper reflectspersonalconsideration ofpersonal reflection,the course or otherrelevant mattersstemming fromparticipation in thecourse.

Relates ownthoughts tospecific coursecontent,particularlyreadings, and otherempiricallyvalidated andsupportiveliterature

Reflections areentirely personalwithoutevidence ofengagementwith coursereadings orexperience.

P ersonalreflectionsrelated tocoursematerials andresearchliterature, butthese are notspecificallycited.

P ersonal reflectionsare founded incourse materials,particularly basedon specificreference to coursereadings andresearch literature.Reference to classdiscussions may beincluded.

Adheres to APAformat; well-written.

Multiple errorsin APA format;errors fromprevious papersnot corrected insubsequentpapers. Writingpoorly edited;awkwardconstructionand/or poor flowof ideas.

Some APAerrors. Writingshowsevidence ofself-editingwith someconstructionand/or flowproblems.

Accurate use ofAPA format withminimal errors.Evidence that errorsfrom previouspapers arecorrected in laterpapers. Coherentdevelopment of theideas using well-formed sentencesand flowingparagraphs.

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Rubric for Program Re se arch Pape r Assignme nts 3

0-2 points 3-4 points 5-7 points Comments

P resents ideas,thoughts, andquestions in amanner thataddresses theresearch questionchosen andrelatesinformation tocourse content.

P aper does notfully answer theresearchquestionchosen.

Somecomponents ofthe questionchosen areaddressed andintegration ofstudent’sideas,thoughts, andquestions withcourse contentis noted.

P aper reflects fullintegration ofpersonal ideas,thoughts, andquestions withcourse content andall components ofthe question chosenare answeredthoroughly.

Informationpresentedprovides evidenceof knowledge andskills gainedthrough research,as well asapplication ofthese skills.

Responses tothe questionchosen areentirelypersonalwithoutevidence ofengagementwith coursereadings,experience, orsupportiveliterature.

P ersonalresponses tothe questionchosen arerelated tocoursematerials andsupportiveliterature butthese are notspecificallycited.

P ersonal responsesto the questionchosen are foundedin course materials,particularly basedon specificreference to coursereadings andresearch literature.In addition, there isevidence of theapplication ofknowledge andskills learned.

Adheres to APAformat; well-written.

Multiple errorsin APA format;errors fromprevious papersnot corrected insubsequentpapers. Writingpoorly edited;awkwardconstructionand/or poorflow of ideas.

Some APAerrors. Writingshowsevidence ofself-editingwith someconstructionand/or flowproblems.

Accurate use ofAPA format withminimal errors.Evidence thaterrors fromprevious papers arecorrected in laterpapers. Coherentdevelopment of theideas using well-formed sentencesand flowingparagraphs.

Rubric for Program Re se arch Pre se ntation Assignme nt 4

0-2 points 3-4 points 5-7 points Comments

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P resents ideas,thoughts, andquestions in amanner thataddresses theresearch questionchosen and relatesinformation tocourse content.

P resentationdoes not fullyanswer theresearchquestion chosen.

Somecomponents ofthe questionchosen areaddressed andintegration ofstudent’s ideas,thoughts, andquestions withcourse contentis noted.

P resentationreflects fullintegration ofpersonal ideas,thoughts, andquestions withcourse content andall components ofthe question chosenare answeredthoroughly.

Studentdisseminatesinformation andresearch findingsclearly andprovides theirpersonal thoughts,feelings, or ideasthat support orcontradict thesefindings.

P resentationdoes not provideinformationaddresses thequestion chosennor does itprovide theaudience withresearch dataand conclusions.

P resentationanswers thecomponents ofthe questionand presentssome researchdata andconclusionswith noelaboration orpersonal viewsmentioned.

P resentation fullyanswers theresearch questionchosen and providesdetailed researchdata andconclusions. Inaddition, the studentprovides his/herpersonal views thateither support orcontradict theresearch findings.

P resentationgenerates activeparticipation fromthe audience, aswell as questionsfor discussion.

P resentationgenerates nointerest from theaudience or anyquestions fordiscussion.

P resentationgeneratessome interestfrom theaudience in theform of activeparticipation orsome shortquestions thatdo not lead todiscussion.

P resentation posesquestions to theaudience, engagesthem in activity, andgenerates manyquestions fordiscussion.

Stude nts comple ting H SDD 5300 will be able to me e t the following program obje ctive s by thefollowing asse ssme nt me asure me nts and me thods:Course : Le gal and Ethical Issue s in Disability

Le arning Outcome s/Obje ctive sandProgram Obje ctive s

Dire ct Asse ssme nt Asse ssme nt M e thod

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Learning Outcome 1:Discuss the importance and impact ofdisability law such as ADA andIDEA.P rogram Learning Objectives:P LO 1: Knowledge of LeadershipP LO 2: Knowledge of DevelopmentalDisabilities and ChallengesP LO 3: Understanding impact ofsystemsP LO 4: Apply ethical and legalprinciplesP LO 6: Demonstrate research,analytic, and writing skills

Discussion P osts, Ethical Issues andChallenges ReactionP aper

A 20-point criterion-based rubric isused to assess students’ ability toreview literature and discuss howspecific laws play a role in addressingchallenges when working withindividuals with disabilities.

Learning Outcome 2:Demonstrate an understanding of themost common ethical issues affectingindividuals with disabilities anddisability professionals.P rogram Learning Objectives:P LO 1: Knowledge of LeadershipP LO 2: Knowledge of DevelopmentalDisabilities and ChallengesP LO 3: Understanding impact ofsystemsP LO 4: Apply ethical and legalprinciplesP LO 5: Apply knowledge of strategicplanning and administration to provideservicesP LO 6: Demonstrate research,analytic, and writing skills

Discussion P osts, Disability EncounterP aper,Ethical Issues andChallenges ReactionP aper,

A 20-point criterion-based rubric isused to assess students’ ability toreflect on an individual with a specificdisability in interviewing anddiscussing that individual’sexperiences, attitudes, and challengeswith regard to their disability. A 20-point criterion-based rubric isused to assess students’ ability toreview literature and discuss howspecific laws play a role in addressingchallenges when working withindividuals with disabilities.

Learning Outcome 3:Demonstrate an understanding of theapplication of ethical principles to theresolution of common dilemmas in thedisability field. P rogram Learning Objectives:P LO 1: Knowledge of LeadershipP LO 2: Knowledge of DevelopmentalDisabilities and ChallengesP LO 3: Understanding impact ofsystemsP LO 4: Apply ethical and legalprinciplesP LO 5: Apply knowledge of strategicplanning and administration to provideservicesP LO 6: Demonstrate research,analytic, and writing skills

Discussion P osts, Ethical Issues andChallenges ReactionP aper,P rogram ResearchP aper,P rogram ResearchP resentation

A 20-point criterion-based rubric isused to assess students’ ability toreview literature and discuss howspecific laws play a role in addressingchallenges when working withindividuals with disabilities.A 20-point criterion-based rubric isused to assess student’s ability to doan extensive review of literature indesigning a service program forindividuals with a specific disability.A 20-point criterion-based rubric isused to assess student’s ability topresent information retrieved inresearch in designing a serviceprogram for individuals with aspecific disability.

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Learning Outcome 4:Recognize the function of his or herprofessional code of ethics whenworking with individuals withdisabilities. P rogram Learning Objectives:P LO 1: Knowledge of LeadershipP LO 2: Knowledge of DevelopmentalDisabilities and ChallengesP LO 3: Understanding impact ofsystemsP LO 4: Apply ethical and legalprinciplesP LO 5: Apply knowledge of strategicplanning and administration to provideservicesP LO 6: Demonstrate research,analytic, and writing skills

Discussion P osts, P rogram ResearchP aper,P rogram ResearchP resentation

A 20-point criterion-based rubric isused to assess student’s ability to doan extensive review of literature indesigning a service program forindividuals with a specific disability.A 20-point criterion-based rubric isused to assess student’s ability topresent information retrieved inresearch in designing a serviceprogram for individuals with aspecific disability.

Learning Outcome 5:Analyze and apply the appropriatelegal concepts of privacy,confidentiality, and informed consentwhen working with individuals withdisabilities, understanding the uniquefactors that affect these concepts withthis population.P rogram Learning Objectives:P LO 1: Knowledge of LeadershipP LO 2: Knowledge of DevelopmentalDisabilities and ChallengesP LO 3: Understanding impact ofsystemsP LO 4: Apply ethical and legalprinciplesP LO 5: Apply knowledge of strategicplanning and administration to provideservicesP LO 6: Demonstrate research,analytic, and writing skills

Discussion P osts, P rogram ResearchP aper,P rogram ResearchP resentation

A 20-point criterion-based rubric isused to assess student’s ability to doan extensive review of literature indesigning a service program forindividuals with a specific disability.A 20-point criterion-based rubric isused to assess student’s ability topresent information retrieved inresearch in designing a serviceprogram for individuals with aspecific disability.

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Learning Outcome 6:Reflect on the core concepts discussedin the course and the relevance ofthese concepts and ideas to your workwith individuals with developmentaldisabilities. P rogram Learning Objectives:P LO 1: Knowledge of LeadershipP LO 2: Knowledge of DevelopmentalDisabilities and ChallengesP LO 3: Understanding impact ofsystemsP LO 4: Apply ethical and legalprinciplesP LO 5: Apply knowledge of strategicplanning and administration to provideservicesP LO 6: Demonstrate research,analytic, and writing skills

Discussion P osts, Ethical Issues andChallenges ReactionP aper,P rogram ResearchP aper,P rogram ResearchP resentation

A 20-point criterion-based rubric isused to assess students’ ability toreview literature and discuss howspecific laws play a role in addressingchallenges when working withindividuals with disabilities. A 20-point criterion-based rubric isused to assess student’s ability to doan extensive review of literature indesigning a service program forindividuals with a specific disability.A 20-point criterion-based rubric isused to assess student’s ability topresent information retrieved inresearch in designing a serviceprogram for individuals with aspecific disability.

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