Discussion Board: Social Media Addiction Options Menu: Forum


As discussed in this section, many ethical issues are surrounding the use of social media. As social media becomes more integrated into our day to day lives, many people end up spending hours each day scrolling through their feeds.

With the increased social media usage, many believe that addiction to social media is becoming widespread. Social media has been proven to stimulate the reward centers of the brain, which is believed to be the basis of addiction. 

Read the following article,  

If you’d like to explore the topic further, watch the following optional video from Casey Neistat, a favorite YouTube influencer, to learn about his personal experience with social media addiction.


Craft a discussion board post that includes your response to the following questions:

  • Have you noticed that your personal social media usage has changed over time? If so, how has this impacted you (if at all)? 
  • Considering the potential negative impacts of social media, and the full range of ages of its users (the minimum age for creating a Facebook account is 13), do you think businesses have a responsibility to consider these impacts when creating a social media strategy?
  • How might companies today balance the benefits of social media with its potential disadvantages?