Week 7 Assignment: Essay – Creating Your Ideal StateDue Feb 23 by 11:59pm Points 160 Submitting a file uploadRequired ResourcesRead/review…
*For each question, 1 page*For each question, a source from the textbook and an outside source*Textbook: Chapter 2, 3 (pp.…
nclude a discussion of which political socialization agents have shaped the formulation of your political opinions while growing up. (Political Socialization agents are those that influence us throughout our lifetime, they can include: the family, school,
Write a paper in which you recount your first political impression, that is the first political event or issue that…
Instructions: You must write an essay (500 words minimum) in which you address the following two questions or topics: The…
Essay #1 – American Political Ideology
1. Do you consider yourself to lean liberal or conservative, or are you more moderate? In the opening of this…
“The Atlantic” by Ta-Nehesi Coates
Article: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/06/the-case-for-reparations/361631/ A reading response should accomplish two primary things: first, it should summarize the text and second, it should…
Political Action Essay
Part 1: Analyze how your experience with your political action compares to what you have read in the assigned…
Any topic (writer’s choice)
Students are required to prepare a policy analysis paper on a specific policy in one of the following policy topic…
Americans trust in the government
Essay Question #1: Political analysts have identified a significant change in the American publics level of trust in government over…
Please read the following article by Graeme Wood. Please respond to the article in 2 pages or less For those…