1. Select a topic from class that interests you (a person, event, theme, period of time, etc.)2. Identify its important…
Essay optionsEssay option: Mark the box for which option you are writing about: A [ ] B [ ] C…
History essay
This paper is for my immigration course and is supposed to beabout the way our society deals with foreigners today,…
The impact of industrialization to society and economy
Read the “details of short essay” first before start writing the paper. The theme has been picked as set two.…
4 major periods of reform in American history
Answer these question in essay form What are the four major periods of reform in American history? Explain what each…
Reagan Revolution and the rise of conservatives
What were some of the long-term effects of the Reagan Revolution and the rise of conservatives? Be sure to FULLY…
Marijuana policy
After reading “The Division of Powers” and the article by Blumenfeld (2017),who do you think should determine marijuana policy, the…
Any topic (writer’s choice)
Your primary task is to make a historical argument about the role and significance of your topic on evolving perspectives…
Any topic (writer’s choice)
DESCRIPTION: use at least one (1) cited reference from the appropriate section/chapter of the assigned Cole/Symes textbook and one (1)…
The War of 1812 and the Mexican War
Submit a fully-developed essay in response to the following questions. Your essay should be approximately 500 to 1000 words (the…