
Paper #1: Analysis of a 10-K Relating to Segment and NCI Reporting & Disclosures (10%)

1. Locate a 10-K of your choice from the SEC website (COSTCO). Present your choice in the conference set up for same in Week #1 for approval by stating the company name in the conference, and uploading / attaching the company’s most recent 10-K report in PDF format. Only approved entities / 10-Ks will be accepted.

a. The company you select MUST have multiple reporting segments and non-controlling interests (NCIs) and references to same. You are expected to check to be sure they have these prior to posting up for approval.

2. Explore the concepts of segment and NCI disclosure and reporting using course resources. You must also find and review / read outside literature (to mean more than just the 10-K report) on these subjects and use and reference same in the paper.

3. Prepare a paper on reporting and disclosure issues related to segment and NCI within a 10-K that must include the following:

a. A brief introduction / review of your chosen entity.

b. What are the requirements / rules for disclosures in the two areas of segments and NCIs to include the history and development of the specific rules, the specific applicable rule #s, key points etc. of segment and NCI reporting and disclosure requirements.

c. Summarize what and how your particular company has disclosed relating to these two items (and only these items), and

d. Your thoughts on the effectiveness / overall meaningfulness of your company's disclosures relating to only segments and NCIs and their disclosure rules for these two areas only.

4. Your deliverable is to be three to five pages in length (~1,000 to 1,800 words), single-spaced, double spacing between paragraphs, one-inch margins and a font size of 10 – 12 points. Include a cover page and works cited section. In-text citations of all facts must be included and done per APA standards. The paper is to be uploaded through the assignment folder provided for same using only a single Word document with only “YourName.doc(x)” as the file name. There are to be no active hyperlinks anywhere in the submission.

5. Points will be deducted for failing to adhere to these requirements, including the word count and especially the 4 requirements in part 3.

6. Please refer to the grading matrix for how your performance will be evaluated.

Area of Assessment



Assessment Criteria

Basic Content in Place


1-Must use an approved company that has both segments and NCIs; 2- a brief introduction / review of your chosen entity; 3- coverage of the requirements for segment and NCI disclosures and reporting including clear identification of the actual rules (#s, history / development); 4- summarization of what and how your particular company has disclosed relating to these two items, and; 5- your thoughts on the effectiveness / overall meaningfulness of your company's disclosures and the disclosure rules themselves in only the areas of segments and NCIs

Quantitative: 5 requirements worth 10 points each

Advanced Content in Place


Demonstrate an understanding of the subjects of NCI and segment reporting and disclosures within the context of a 10-K report of the student’s chosen and approved entity.

Qualitative: 0 to 20 points depending on the student’s ability to tie together all the requirements into a cohesive presentation

Overall Analysis and Evaluation


1,000 to 1,800 words required to properly address the topics at hand; headings used to identify the four primary subject areas required; appropriate and relevant outside literature used and referenced properly.

Qualitative: 0 to 10 points depending on the student’s ability to demonstrate an understanding of the topic at hand and ability to lay out the discussion of same in a meaningful, logical manner.

Meets Presentation Requirements


Single-spaced; double-spacing between paragraphs; one inch margins; font size 10-12; cover page.

Quantitative: 5 requirements worth 1 point each

APA In-Text Citations and Reference Section


“Works Cited” section included at end; proper in-text citations used and all facts are cited

Quantitative: 5 points for including the Works Cited Section and proper in-text citation of all facts

Clarity, Mechanics, Grammar


Free of spelling and grammar mistakes. Text and sentence structure should be clear and readable. Free of choppy or incomplete sentences. Proper use of paragraphs. No active hyperlinks anywhere in the paper.

Quantitative: 10 points if totally free of grammar / spelling errors and active hyperlinks; 5 points if minor grammar / spelling errors and or active hyperlinks; <5 points for numerous spelling grammar errors, 0 points when no demonstrable attention has been paid to grammar / spelling.