
Janvier 2

Name: Stacy Janvier

Professor: Kathleen Noonan

Course: Enc1102

Date: March 20, 2022

Reflection on “Formation” by Beyonce

The Beyonce’s music video “Formation” did “break” the internet in a way that the world did not expect her to politicize a simple and clear message. Beyonce did take a stance that would wake up Americans and the entire world which did map the existing problems in the United States including the police target towards African Americans, the Katrina effect on New Orleans and the queer culture in New Orleans.

My daddy Alabama, momma Louisiana, you mix that negro with that Creole, make a Texas Bama, I like my baby heir with baby hair and afros (Beyoncé – Formation, 1).” Beyonce is clear because she tries to incorporate the concepts into an entertaining song which will get into a national anthem and help get the point across to the people. The African Americans in the New Orleans have had a difficult time in the recent past and this is a sign of a failing state starting from the national to the local government. It is evident that the combinational of Alabama and Louisiana by Beyonce was a way of trying to show the authenticity or originality of most of the African Americans that have underwent much of the frustrations from the majority Whites, the sitting governments and even the natural phenomena. It is clear that Beyonce is trying to reflect on the authenticity of the African Americans and sticking to their roots that includes keeping their hair in natural and afros that was a common gesture from the previous generations.

The video illuminates some sensitive issues in the country that help change and shape the way that people try to view the general world. It is important to come to a consensus that the African Americans do live in their country as renters and now as residents which results into this constant issues of discrimination. The majority White community seems to never entirely accept that the African Americans also belong and need some understanding and absolution into the society. The concept results in some ignorance from the government systems and the people that results in constant sidelining which is a major problem. The video tries to shade light on the existing issue while trying to make sure that there is some form of people owning up to their own failures and cultures.

The fact that African Americans do lock up their hairs or dress up in some different prospects does not imply that they are different or have to earn different treatment instead it is important to try and come up with a positive structuring (Beyonce's 'Formation' Is a Visual Anthem, 1). The division among the people transforms the general interactions which changes the general understanding of the society which is not appropriate. Numerous African Americans have lost their lives under the law enforcement officers which does not happen in the same way to the Whites, and this causes constant alarm. The issue is a major problem because it hinders the cohesion in a society that needs it because of the constant need for challenges that limit the way that they must interact. Beyonce helped lineup the message through the song to help push the message across the society and help make sure that there was an open channel that would see African Americans live an open life similar to that of the Whites.

Beyonce did make a clear point of trying to push for African Americans to lead their independent lives without having to think about the consequences. For instance, an African American in a hoodie and locks or afro hairstyle should not end up in a position to explain themselves to the law enforcement officers because it is just part of the culture and thus it is people just leading their lives as they see fit. The freedom should cut across all the daily interactions and this will help make sure that there is a transformation which will help improve the outcomes. The concept will help change and improve the interactions in the society, but it first needs to change and transform the general settings and interactions in the society.

The general song “formation” including the dancing styles, the clothing, the general message helps clear some of the issues which is a major problem that did affect African Americans. It is important to understand that there are interactions that would help change and formulate a positive society. Beyonce takes the stand because of the clear understanding that she has a huge following and her music will get to numerous people, and this helps shape and transform the way that the society will approach the issues of black lives, the long-standing differences emanating from racism and division of labor and responsibilities. It is evident that the message was clear, and it did focus on bringing out the general public to the common understanding that there are differences that will help shape the society. The message across the song does help broadcast sensitive issues affecting the country but in an entertaining manner with one of the biggest names in the entertainment industry.

Works Cited

“Beyonce's 'Formation' Is a Visual Anthem.” NPR, NPR, 8 Feb. 2016,

“Beyoncé – Formation.” Genius,