
Federal Emergency Management Agency

A Compendium ofExemplary Practices inEmergency Management

Volume IV


January 2000


This Compendium of Exemplary Practices in Emergency Management, Volume IV, is a productof the emergency management community working in partnership in service to thepublic. It is the result of FEMA’s continuing outreach initiative to identify the innovativeideas, emergency management talent, and abundant resources that exist throughout thecountry.

What is an exemplary practice? In the judgment of the emergency management partnerswho reviewed all entries for this edition, it is any idea, project, program, technique, ormethod in emergency management that has worked in one place and may be worthy ofadopting elsewhere. This Compendium describes public- and private-sector emergencymanagement practices that include unique coordination among organizations, volunteerprojects, resource sharing, and other innovative approaches to emergency management.

In addition to describing the practices selected, the Compendium refers readers to knowl-edgeable individuals for further information. This book is not only being published inthis printed format but is also available on the Internet at FEMA’s World Wide Web site.

In keeping with FEMA’s goals of building a strong and effective emergency managementsystem, the search for exemplary practices is continuing. Instructions and a form forsubmitting additional innovative ideas can be found at the end of this volume, and weurge you to share your exemplary practices.


James Lee WittDirectorFederal Emergency Management Agency

Kay C. GossAssociate Director for PreparednessFederal Emergency Management Agency


A Compendium of Exemplary Practices inEmergency Management

Volume IV

Federal Emergency Management Agency

January 2000

James Lee WittDirector

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Kay C. GossAssociate Director

Federal Emergency Management Agencyfor the Preparedness Directorate


____________________________________________________________________ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS


Many people contributed to this fourth edition of the Compendium. Their contributions include the critical executivesupport needed to make this initiative a reality: the memoranda, letters, and communications on the Internetencouraging nominations from throughout the emergency management community and the administrative tasksand correspondence involved in the nominations of exemplary practices in emergency management.

Under the policy guidance of Kay C. Goss, FEMA’s Associate Director for Preparedness, Partnerships in Preparednesswas implemented in the Preparedness Outreach Division under the direction of Thomas R. McQuillan. The projectofficer during the development of this fourth edition was Maria A. Younker.

However, the many ideas, suggestions, and encouraging words of support received from people throughout thepublic and private sectors of the emergency management community have given the effort vitality. All of theindividual State, Tribal, and local emergency managers whose support and nominations are a part of this editionare acknowledged as contact people in the body of the Compendium.

The Compendium is an example of interagency cooperation between FEMA and the U.S. Department of Justice’sNational Institute of Justice (NIJ). NIJ’s assistance was instrumental in establishing and applying a model ofinformation sharing among local, State, and Federal agencies.

The individuals listed below played direct roles in developing this edition. We wish to thank everyone associatedwith launching this initiative and helping it grow.

Federal Emergency Management AgencyHeadquarters LeadershipKay C. GossAssociate Director for Preparedness

Michael ArmstrongAssociate Director for Mitigation

Lacy E. SuiterExecutive Associate Director for Response and Recovery

JoAnn HowardAdministrator for Federal Insurance Administration

Carrye B. BrownAdministrator for U.S. Fire Administration

Clay G. HollisterExecutive Associate Director for Information TechnologyServices

Bruce CampbellExecutive Associate Director for Operations Support

FEMA Regional Directors

Jeffrey A. BeanRegion I

Lynn G. CantonRegion II

Rita A. CalvanRegion III

John B. CopenhaverRegion IV

Dale W. ShipleyRegion V

Raymond L. YoungRegion VI

John A. MillerRegion VII


____________________________________________________________________ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Richard P. WeilandRegion VIII

Martha Z. WhetstoneRegion IX

David L. de CourcyRegion X

State, Tribal, and Local Partners

Elizabeth B. Armstrong, CAEInternational Association of Emergency Managers

Garry L. Briese, CAEInternational Association of Fire Chiefs

Trina HembreeNational Emergency Management Association

Andrea A. WalterIOCAD Emergency Services Group

Heather WestraPrairie Island Indian Community

FEMA Participants

Morris BooneOffice of Emergency Information and Media Affairs

Leo BosnerResponse and Recovery Directorate

Elizabeth R. EdgeResponse and Recovery Directorate

Marilyn MacCabeMitigation Directorate

William J. TroupU.S. Fire Administration

Kyle W. BlackmanPreparedness Directorate

David M. LarimerPreparedness Directorate

Peggy StahlPreparedness Directorate

National Institute of Justice

William A. BallweberRaymond GermanJohn SchwarzDaniel TompkinsRobyn TowlesJeremy Travis

NIJ’s Information Clearinghouse Staff(Operated by Aspen Systems Corporation)

Rob LeeBecky LewisLaura MitchellAnnie Pardo


Table of Contents

Foreword␣ ……………………………………………………………………………. Inside front cover

Acknowledgments␣ ……………………………………………………………………………………… iii

Introduction␣ …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1

Exemplary Practices in Emergency Management␣ ………………………………………… 3

Indexes␣ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 39

Program Contacts␣ …………………………………………………………………………………….. 41

Program Titles␣ ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 43

Program Subjects␣ ……………………………………………………………………………………… 45

Program Locations␣ …………………………………………………………………………………… 51

Appendix …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 53

Online Resources …………………………………………………………………………………….. 55

_________________________________________________ CONTENTS


_________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION

IntroductionDear Partners:

When dealing with disasters, we can accomplish more together as a group than as individuals. Natural disasterspermeate every corner of our communities. No individual, business, or organization is left untouched. For thisreason, communities need to work together to become better prepared. They need to take action before the nextearthquake, flood, hurricane, wildfire, or hazardous materials incident occurs.

Since 1995 the Preparedness Directorate has been producing A Compendium of Exemplary Practices in EmergencyManagement. The objective of FEMA’s Compendium is to share information regarding innovative emergency man-agement programs that have worked well so that these programs can be adopted elsewhere. By disseminatinginformation on exemplary practices that have worked, communities can better prepare themselves to respond tothe diversity of natural or man-caused disasters.

This volume contains various exemplary practices detailing how some communities have built partnerships andimplemented innovative programs to address specific areas of emergency management. It is FEMA’s goal that themethods and principles contained in this Compendium be applied in any community across the country to helpbuild a safer and stronger America. By sharing your creative and innovative programs for dissemination throughthis Compendium to the emergency management community, we can create a network of “Partners in Preparedness.”

As we create this network, it is important to remember that all individuals have a vital role in protecting ourcommunities from the effects of disasters. It has become evident by our Nation’s real-world events that emergencymanagement preparedness is necessary at all age levels of our society. Integrating emergency management aware-ness education in our school curriculum promotes the development of an effective, comprehensive emergencymanagement infrastructure. We have included in this volume of the Compendium several exemplary practices thatare geared toward school-age youth in their primary and secondary years of study.

Project Impact is FEMA’s initiative to help communities build capabilities to reduce the effects of disasters. Theefforts undertaken by the Project Impact Communities are commendable and I am pleased that several of thesecommunities are recognized in this volume of the Compendium.

Also, this year I am pleased to recognize that the Compendium includes an exemplary practice from one of ourTribal Government partners, the Prairie Island Indian Community. I have placed this exemplary practice first in the“Exemplary Practices in Emergency Management” section to recognize the unique relationship between NativeAmerican Tribal Governments and the United States Government. I hope to expand the Compendium to include asection for Tribal Governments in future volumes.

A panel of our partners from the public and private emergency management community reviewed all of thepractices included in this volume; the practices have been certified as accurate by the submitters. FEMA is notresponsible for misinformation.

All four volumes of the Compendium are also published on the Internet at www.fema.gov/library/lib07.htm.

The organization of this document responds to FEMA’s goal to inform all interested individuals of innovative andpromising approaches to emergency management. The sections are organized alphabetically by the State fromwhich the exemplary practice was nominated. Under each State listing, the programs are organized alphabeticallyby project name. Each program listing provides data in the following categories: name of the program, contactperson’s name, address, e-mail address where available, phone, and fax numbers; program type; populationtargeted by the program; program setting; startup date; description of the program; evaluation information; annual



budget; sources of funding; and in some cases, additional sources for information. The categories are highlighted tohelp the reader peruse each listing for specific data. For example, check the Program Type description to get aquick overview of the program’s purpose. Read the Program Description to learn more about the program’s goalsand operations. Check the Evaluation Information for indicators of its success.

Four indexes enable the readers to locate key information:

• Contact. The names of the program contacts are listed in alphabetical order to enable the reader to easilyidentify the individuals to write to or call for further information.

• Title. The program titles are listed in alphabetical order.• Subject. Most programs have been indexed to more than a single subject heading. Subject headings include

aspects such as the type of problem being addressed by the program (e.g., earthquakes, hurricanes), the pro-gram type (e.g., damage assessment), and solutions to problems (e.g., evacuation routes, emergency responseteams).

• Location. This index enhances the Table of Contents by indicating the cities and counties within a State coveredby the program. If a program is multistate, that information is listed first under the name of each involved State.If the program is operating throughout a single State, that information is provided next.

I hope that this Compendium is effective in helping you to take a step toward building a safer and stronger emer-gency management community in your neighborhood. With your dedication and involvement, we can work toprepare ourselves for tomorrow and build a more disaster-resistant America today.

I urge you to share your exemplary practices! We look forward to hearing from you.


Kay C. GossAssociate Director for Preparedness


_________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION

ExemplaryPractices inEmergencyManagement



Prairie Island Fire EngineDeployment

Contact:Heather WestraEmergency PlannerPrairie Island Indian

Community5636 Sturgeon Lake RoadWelch, MN 55089Tel: 651–385–2554, ext. 4285Fax: 651–385–4110

Program Type:Fire prevention.

Target Population:Approximately 150 residentsof the Prairie Island IndianCommunity and visitors tothe Treasure Island Resortand Casino.


Project Startup Date:1999.

Program Description:The community is located on an island in the Mississippi River and is acces-sible by only one paved road, bisected by a railroad line. A train derailment orother road closure would result in the community’s becoming isolated fromfire protection by the Red Wing Fire Department, which is located approxi-mately 13 miles away.

To prepare for such an emergency, the community has obtained a surplus fireengine and is training volunteers to respond. Community members are beingtrained as volunteer firefighters and they have been taught how to deploy thevehicle in the event of an emergency, which results in increased responsecapability and community involvement.

The fire engine was obtained by using U.S. Government surplus procedures.It is also available for use by the Red Wing Fire Department on request.

Evaluation Information:The Red Wing Fire Department has expressed gratitude for the additionalequipment and assistance.

Annual Budget:Estimated at less than $2,000.

Sources of Funding:This program is funded through Prairie Island Indian Community revenue.



Contact:Terry GrayArkansas Office of Emergency

ServicesP.O. Box 758Conway, AR 72033Tel: 501–730–9798Fax: 501–730–9853E-mail: terry.gray@ adem.state.ar.us

Program Type:Flood mitigation.

Target Population:Residents of the city ofMcGehee.

Setting:Residential area east of andadjacent to Black Pond Slough.

Project Startup Date:November 1995.

Program Description:McGehee residents living east of and adjacent to Black Pond Slough hadexperienced flooding numerous times in the previous 10 years, with approxi-mately 25 houses incurring damages in excess of $1.1 million, or an annualaverage of $150,000. Following severe flooding and designation of the neigh-borhood as a Federal and State disaster area on January 27, 1994, the city ofMcGehee surveyed local residents about flood damage and came up with aplan to mitigate future damage.

The city built a 17-acre detention basin to the west of the affected subdivision,as well as a containment levee on the east side of Black Pond Slough and thenorth side of the detention basin. Storm water flows into the detention basinand remains there until water in Black Pond Slough recedes. At that point, astorm water pump with the capacity to empty the 5-foot deep basin in 48hours discharges water back into the slough. The system also reduces flood-water infiltration into the McGehee sewer system and damage to city streets.

The facility was completed in October 1998 and received its first test in January1999 when 8.3 inches of rain fell in McGehee over a 3-day span. No homeswere flooded and the detention facility averted an estimated $200,000 indamages.

Arkansas is currently helping North Little Rock and Helena to constructsimilar facilities.

Annual Budget:$1,000 for maintenance.

Sources of Funding:FEMA provided 75 percent ($436,500) of needed funds, with State and localagencies contributing the remaining 25 percent ($72,500 each).

Black Pond Slough DetentionFacility


Clay County EarthquakePreparedness and MitigationProgram

Contact:Judge Gary Howell151 South Second AvenuePiggott, AR 72454Tel: 870–598–2667Fax: 870–598–5592

Program Type:Earthquake mitigation.

Target Population:Residents of Clay County,Arkansas.


Project Startup Date:September 1997.

Program Description:The Clay County Disaster Resistant Community Council, a voluntary organi-zation, uses its members’ networking skills to promote earthquake prepared-ness and mitigation in an area that lies atop the New Madrid fault. More than4,000 minor earthquakes, most too small to be felt, have been detected in thearea since monitoring instruments were installed in 1974. Chances of an earth-quake registering 6.0 or greater on the Richter scale occurring before 2000 havebeen estimated at 50 percent, and before 2040 at 90 percent.

Council members focus their efforts on meeting goals of safety and earthquakepreparedness for schools, hospitals, and businesses, and citizen awareness andeducation. Toward those ends, the council has leveraged more than $3 millionin grants and completed the following projects:

• Installed earthquake-sensitive gas valves in all county school buildings.• Completed a seismic engineering survey for the Piggott and Central Clay

County school districts.

• Approved seismic retrofits for those two school districts.• Completed applications for seismic retrofit grants for Corning School

District and Piggott Hospital.

• Developed a Clay County Hazard Assessment and Hazard Mitigation Plan.Evaluation InformationFEMA has named Clay County and its three largest cities—Corning, Piggott,and Rector—a Project Impact community. Only one city or county in each Statereceives this designation, which means FEMA provides technical assistanceand support.

Annual Budget:None given.

Sources of Funding:FEMA grants have provided the majority of project funding. The council isseeking other funding sources, including a 12.5-percent local match.



Los Angeles Unified School DistrictEarthquake and Safe SchoolsTraining

Contact:Dan AustinChief of Staff/Assistant

SuperintendentLos Angeles Unified School

District450 North Grand AvenueLos Angeles, CA 90012Tel: 213–625–6251Fax: 213–485–0321E-mail: mwong01@ lausd.k12.ca.us

Program Type:Training.

Target Population:Los Angeles Unified SchoolDistrict staff.

Setting:Throughout the school district.

Project Startup Date:1995.

Program Description:During two Shake Days held in November and April each year, every schoolin the Los Angeles Unified School District responds to a scenario involving a6.0-magnitude earthquake that result in injuries, death, chemical spills, andother hazards. Students participate in drills, while school system employeesenact their roles as members of teams for first aid, search and rescue, studentassembly, fire suppression, security, and other tasks. All schools in the systemmaintain 72-hour supplies of food and water and a large cargo container filledwith earthquake preparedness supplies, including search and rescue and firstaid kits. These enactments allow school system employees to exercise theannual training they receive on rapid, effective response in the aftermath of amajor earthquake or other disaster.

The training program is held each year in 27 locations convenient to thesystem’s clusters of schools, and includes the use of updated training manualsand videos. In addition to the annual training, staff also hold a monthlydiscussion on a specific safety preparedness topic as part of faculty meetings.

Staff have not yet had to use the training in the aftermath of an actual earth-quake, but several schools have had occasion to apply the training to otheremergency situations, including school lockdowns following bank robberyattempts in which gunfire had crossed campuses.

School districts across the Nation have requested materials and assistance touse in modifying this training, which prepares all adult employees to protectand shelter students in the event of a major disaster. The training was devel-oped by the school district’s Office of the Superintendent, Office of EmergencyServices, and Professional Development Collaborative/Office of InstructionalServices. It also included contributions by the offices of Environmental Healthand Safety, Maintenance and Operations, Communications, and School MentalHealth, as well as the State of California Division of the State Architect. Thecontent and procedural model of the training was based on earthquakepreparedness training from the National Emergency Training Center inEmmitsburg, Maryland.

Evaluation Information:After receiving training, 95 percent of participants evaluated the program as“excellent.”

Annual Budget:$1.2 million.

Sources of Funding:School district operating budget.



Montecito Emergency Responseand Recovery Action Group(MERRAG)

Contact:Herb McElweeChiefMontecito Fire Protection

District595 San Ysidro RoadSanta Barbara, CA 93108Tel: 805–969–7762Fax: 805–969–3598E-mail: gsimmons@ montecitofire.com

Program Type:Mutual self-help organization.

Target Population:In addition to the 13,000 resi-dents of Montecito, a seasonaltourist and student population.


Project Startup Date:1987.

Program Description:MERRAG uses the resources of its members and the community at large forcooperative community disaster recovery response within the critical first 72hours. Initially formed by the Montecito Fire, Water, and Sanitary Districts, thegroup has since expanded to take in large private institutions, homeowners’associations, and individuals as members.

MERRAG’s goals are to:

• Support the Fire District in its response to life-threatening situations.• Coordinate support activities with outside emergency services agencies.• Muster and organize local resources.• Maintain a reliable communication system.• Train District staff and community volunteers in disaster preparedness and


• Minimize property damage.• Provide assistance in qualifying for disaster relief funds.The group demonstrated its ability to meet these goals during the 1997 and1998 El Niño floods, which caused damage throughout the community.MERRAG provided such services as traffic control where trees were downedand preparation and delivery of sandbags to homes threatened by flooding.MERRAG also offers ongoing training through monthly meetings and specialtraining events.

The group became incorporated as a private nonprofit corporation in 1993,receiving a charitable designation from California and a 501(c)(3) designa-tion from the Internal Revenue Service. This allows MERRAG to solicit tax-deductible donations, which have been used to purchase equipment andother resources.

Evaluation Information:MERRAG was honored by the Montecito Association for its efforts duringthe 1997 and 1998 El Niño floods. Project Impact coordinators approachedMERRAG and invited the organization to become a partner in Project Impact.The organization was asked to partner as an example of how a community cancoordinate together to prepare for and recover from disasters.

Annual Budget:$2,000 for supplies.

Sources of Funding:Institutions, homeowners’ associations, and individuals pay membership feesto cover the annual budget. Donations cover additional expenses.



Public Education and ProfessionalOutreach Programs for DisasterPreparedness

Contact:Russell C. CoileDisaster Coordinator/Emer-

gency Program ManagerPacific Grove Fire Department600 Pine AvenuePacific Grove, CA 93950–3317Tel: 831–648–3110Fax: 831–648–3107E-mail: [email protected]

Program Type:Public education and profes-sional outreach.

Target Population:Residents of Pacific Grove.


Project Startup Date:1990.

Program Description:The Pacific Grove Fire Department has developed comprehensive programsfor educating local residents about disaster preparedness, including specificprograms that focus on earthquakes, fire safety, other natural disasters, andoil spills.

Through its materials and presentations, the department promotes 72-hourself-sufficiency for local residents by encouraging them to keep supplies ofmedicine, food, drinking water, flashlights, and other essentials on hand.Another program, “Oil Spill!”, is a four-act dramatization of the incidentcommand system and how it operates during a spill incident. The fire depart-ment uses a portable two-story model house built to scale for a 6-year-oldchild to teach local kindergarten students about earthquake and fire safety. Italso offers a 6-week training program for adult Volunteers in Preparedness(VIPs), the local community emergency response teams.

In the past 10 years, numerous presentations have been given to such groupsas the Lions, Kiwanis, and Rotary clubs; the Pacific Grove Chamber of Com-merce; the Pacific Grove School District; retirement communities and seniorcenters; homeowners’ associations; the Boy Scouts; and the police depart-ment’s Citizens’ Police Academy.

Evaluation Information:The fire department’s emergency program manager has presented papers onprograms at conferences given by various State, national, and internationalprofessional societies.

Annual Budget:$2,000 for disaster preparedness literature.

Sources of Funding:Pacific Grove funds the ongoing program through its annual budget. Themodel house was built using a FEMA grant at a cost of $42,000.



School-Based Disaster MentalHealth Services for Children in theLaguna Beach Firestorm

Contact:Merritt D. Schreiber, Ph.D.Clinical PsychologistChildren and Youth Mental

Health ServicesOrange County Health Care

Agency3115 Redhill AvenueCosta Mesa, CA 92626Tel: 949–499–5346Fax: 714–850–8492E-mail: [email protected]

Program Type:Crisis counseling.

Target Population:Children and adolescentsexposed to the Laguna Beachfirestorm and their families.

Setting:All schools in Laguna Beach.

Project Startup Date:October 1993.

Program Description:On October 27, 1993, Santa Ana winds in excess of 45 miles per hour fanned anarson-induced fire into a firestorm that caused the evacuation of the entire cityof Laguna Beach. The fire, which burned 16,682 acres, destroyed 366 homeswhile damaging 84 more. Residents were unable to return to their homes for3 days, and schools were closed for an additional 5 days.

The Laguna Beach United School District asked Children and Youth MentalHealth Services of Orange County to develop continuing mental health serv-ices to help children and adolescents cope with post-traumatic stress in theaftermath of the firestorm. These youth had to cope with events that includedseeing flames and burning homes; being evacuated from schools and homes;being separated from parents for periods ranging up to 18 hours; trying tosave parents, homes, neighbors, and pets; inability to return home to rescuepets or retrieve belongings; and losing their own homes or knowing someonewho lost their home.

Using a collaborative school-based model, a partnership that included schools,the Orange County Health Agency, and private corporations provided servicesto parents and children at each school that included crisis assessment; indi-vidual, family, parent, group, and school counseling services; bilingual serv-ices; and specialized outreach to minority populations. Between October 27,1993, and March 30, 1995, services were provided to approximately 500children.

Annual Budget:None given.

Sources of Funding:FEMA and the Emergency Services Disaster Relief Branch at the U.S. Depart-ment of Health and Human Services, Center for Mental Health Services.




Adopt a House

Contact:Ronald J. RubackHazard Mitigation CoordinatorCity of Deerfield Beach150 Northeast Second AvenueDeerfield Beach, FL 33441Tel: 954–480–4249Fax: 954–422–5812E-mail: rruback@ deerfieldbch.com

Program Type:Home renovation.

Target Population:Low-income senior citizens.

Setting:Deerfield Beach.

Project Startup Date:1998.

Program Description:The Adopt a House program provides storm shutters for the homes of low-income senior citizens. Local businesses adopt houses and pay for the shutters,which are installed by local high school students (who earn credit towardcommunity service activity requirements) and employees of the businesses.These companies also provide drink and food for the volunteer workers.

To date, seven houses and one daycare center have received shutters under theprogram. Shutters for the first group of homes were installed during springbreak 1998 and donated by the local Home Depot; the donation included oneset that did not fit any of the qualifying homes, but did fit a nearby daycarecenter. When Home Depot stopped carrying the shutters, the city of DeerfieldBeach began recruiting among local businesses for donations of additionalshutters to continue the program.

Evaluation Information:The entire hazard mitigation program of the city of Deerfield Beach recentlyreceived the Florida Emergency Managers Award for preparedness. Adopt aHouse has received positive publicity in the local media.

Annual Budget:None given.

Sources of Funding:Shutters will continue to be donated by local businesses.


Public/Private EmergencyManagement CommunicationPartnerships

Contact:David ByronDirectorCommunity InformationCounty of Volusia123 West Indiana AvenueDeLand, FL 32720Tel: 904–822–5062Fax: 904–822–5072E-mail: [email protected]

Program Type:Public/private partnershipsfor crisis communication.

Target Population:Residents of, and visitors to,Volusia County and surround-ing areas.

Setting:Volusia County EmergencyOperations Center; localtelevision and radio stations.

Project Startup Date:1996.

Program Description:Volusia County formed partnerships with WCEU, the local public broadcast-ing station, and Black Crow Broadcasting, the largest radio group in the area,to ensure that residents and visitors will have a dedicated information sourcebefore, during, and after a disaster.

The contract with WCEU makes the PBS station the Official Emergency PublicInformation Station and dedicates the resources of the station in the event of awidespread community disaster. Time and type of broadcasts vary accordingto need, and may include detailed maps of flood zones, tornado strikes, orother information. The two partners also split the $10,406.50 cost of PictureTelLiveWare, a full-color, full-motion, simultaneous live video and audio commu-nication software package that can be used to provide live updates from theCounty’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) on WCEU.

The agreement with Black Crow Broadcasting allows the company’s four radiostations to call themselves the Official Emergency Public Information Stationsof Volusia County. This enables Volusia County to provide immediate crisiscommunications to the area, while Black Crow Broadcasting has the onlymedia person with permanent access to the EOC.

The overall effectiveness of Volusia County’s public information during thewildfires of June and July 1998 is directly related to these public/privatepartnerships. It proved to be an effective low-cost way to give EmergencyManagement personnel an additional outlet for communicating with thepublic. Through online communication, WCEU has shared this agreementwith other PBS stations, and two of these stations have formed similar partner-ships in their communities.

Evaluation Information:Volusia County Community Information received the 1998 Media Award fromthe Florida Emergency Preparedness Association for showing foresight in theadvancement of public awareness and planning and response to wildfires.WCEU and Black Crow Broadcasting both received positive feedback fromthe public.

Annual Budget:$10,000.

Sources of Funding:This is a line item in the county’s Emergency Management budget, which isfunded by local property tax revenue.



Community Disaster InformationWeb Page

Contact:Holly E. SmithCommunity Information

SpecialistVolusia County Community

Information123 West Indiana AvenueDeLand, FL 32720Tel: 904–822–5062Fax: 904–822–5072E-mail: [email protected].

Program Type:World Wide Web site.

Target Population:Citizens of Volusia County andnearby areas, and members ofthe media worldwide.

Setting:The Internet.

Project Startup Date:1998.

Program Description:Volusia County uses its World Wide Web site to provide local residents whohave Internet access with up-to-date evacuation, shelter, road closing, and otherpreparedness information during times of crisis. New organizations worldwide—as well as local residents who are temporarily out of the area or family membersof local residents—also have direct access to timely information.

During the wildfires of June and July 1998—which burned 140,000 acres ofland and threatened 29,000 residences—the site recorded 4.4 million hits andreceived 1,000 e-mails in 20 days. Peak usage took place on July 2, when894,107 hits by 19,929 users were documented. The site’s administrator, from alocation inside the County Emergency Operations Center, posted up-to-the-minute information that included news releases, situation reports, maps,evacuation routes, and road openings and closings. County public informationofficers referred out-of-area media to http://volusia.org, which gave themmore time to focus on the needs of local residents and local media.

Evaluation Information:The Web site received the Savvy Award from the City, County, Communicationand Marketing Association for best technical services and the 1998 MediaAward from the Florida Emergency Preparedness Association for showingforesight in the advancement of public awareness and planning and responseto wildfires. The National Association of County Information Officers hasawarded the Web site a first-place award 2 years in a row.

In a post-fire survey of Central Florida news media, Volusia County received arating of 8 of 10 for overall public information effectiveness. The OrlandoSentinel called the Web site the best in the State, saying: “Emergency officialseverywhere should take note. This is a textbook example of how it should bedone.”

Annual Budget:None given.

Sources of Funding:Local tax revenue.



First Coast Disaster Council

Contact:Carolyn E. AbellSenior Emergency Preparedness

PlannerOffice of Emergency

PreparednessJacksonville Fire and Rescue

Department515 Julia StreetJacksonville, FL 32202Tel: 904–693–2472Fax: 904–630–7820E-mail: [email protected]

Program Type:Emergency preparedness andresponse partnership.

Target Population:Approximately 800,000 North-east Florida residents.

Setting:Any disaster location, especiallymass casualty incidents, inNortheast Florida.

Project Startup Date:November 1979.

Program Description:The First Coast Disaster Council responds to the need for continuing and coordi-nated medical planning for disaster response in Northeast Florida. Memberorganizations include local hospitals, private ambulance companies, air ambu-lances, the Duval County Public Health and Emergency Preparedness Depart-ments, military medical support organizations, Jacksonville Fire and Rescue, theJacksonville Sheriff’s Office, Jacksonville International Airport, the American RedCross, and Amateur Radio Emergency Services.

Council goals include:

• Facilitating cooperation among local hospitals, medical professionals,industry, government organizations, and other agencies.

• Developing and documenting policies and procedures.• Establishing a basis for the preparation and maintenance of detailed disas-

ter plans for every hospital and emergency medical service.

• Disseminating information regarding hospitals’ preparedness to handlemass casualty incidents.

• Establishing and maintaining links between hospitals and the onsite man-agement of mass casualty incidents.

• Defining the duties, responsibilities, and functions for each member organi-zation in a mass casualty incident.

• Supporting and promoting a countywide effort to establish, staff, equip, andmaintain shelters designated for Special Medical Needs personnel during ahurricane or other disaster requiring either limited or general evacuation.

The council holds a Mass Casualty Exercise every October that provides a chancefor the entire regional response system to rehearse its procedures. The exercisereceives community support that includes volunteer “victims” from local schools,support from nursing school students and faculty, donations of food and bever-ages from local merchants, and provision of refreshments to participants by theSalvation Army and the Red Cross.

The council also served as the nucleus of the planning effort for developmentand implementation of the Metropolitan Medical Strike Team (MMST) to copewith terrorist use of weapons of mass destruction. MMST was designated andfunded under the Federal Domestic Preparedness Program.

Evaluation Information:During the 1997 Mass Casualty Exercise, independent evaluators rated the widerange of participating agencies and their knowledge of the regional response planas excellent.

Annual Budget:$2,500.

Sources of Funding:Area hospitals and the Jacksonville Port Authority pay annual dues that areprorated according to the size of the organization and range from $130 to $325.



Neighborhood Emergency TeamOutreach

Contact:Ronald J. RubackHazard Mitigation CoordinatorCity of Deerfield Beach150 Northeast Second AvenueDeerfield Beach, FL 33441Tel: 954–480–4249Fax: 954–422–5812E-mail: rruback@ deerfieldbch.com

Program Type:Neighborhood emergencyteams.

Target Population:The 50,200 residents ofDeerfield Beach.

Setting:Deerfield Beach.

Project Startup Date:1999.

Program Description:The city of Deerfield Beach holds block parties throughout the city to educateresidents about Neighborhood Emergency Teams (NET) and recruit teammembers. Using a grid system to ensure coverage, the city plans to holdparties throughout the entire metropolitan area. In addition to having anenjoyable time at the party, residents learn about NET, training that they cantake, and ways in which they can help. During the first 72 hours after adisaster, a specific area’s NET will coordinate and triage resources, possiblyput out small fires, and generally help the neighborhood to be self-sufficient.The program is based on the premise that most residents want to help after adisaster, but do not know what they can do.

Evaluation Information:As a result of this program, 45 persons have taken CERT training and 41 havetaken a CPR course in preparation for joining their local NET. The program hasreceived positive feedback from residents.

Annual Budget:$5,000.

Sources of Funding:FEMA, with donations of food from local businesses and residents.



Fayette County GovernmentIndustry Self-Assessment Program

Contact:Pete NelmsCaptainFayette County Local Emer-

gency Planning Committee140 Stonewall AvenueFayetteville, GA 30214Tel: 770–461–1321, ext. 172Fax: 770–460–6396E-mail: peten@ admin.co.fayette.ga.us

Program Type:Industrial self-assessment formitigating, preparing for,responding to, and recoveryfrom industrial accidents.

Target Population:Industry, government respond-ers, and the general public(100,000 residents).

Setting:Industrial areas and manufac-turing plants located in highlypopulated residential areas thatcould be affected by industrialaccidents.

Project Startup Date:1999.

Program Description:The Fayette County Government Industry Self-Assessment Program assessesthe level of emergency planning taking place among industries in FayetteCounty and also assists businesses with planning. The program takes an all-hazards approach to emergency planning at high-profile facilities at which anincident could have potentially catastrophic effects.

The program’s goals and objectives are to:

• Ensure that businesses are planning for emergencies.• Provide planning assistance to businesses as needed.• Develop emergency plans that include hazardous materials response, terror-

ism reaction, evacuation, and emergency action plans; fire protection systems;training; and communication and coordination with first responders.

• Allow industries to identify and correct weaknesses in their overall emer-gency plans.

All businesses that successfully complete the assessment process receive anachievement award from the Fayette County Local Emergency PlanningCommittee (LEPC) and Resource Council. The LEPC and council committeehave targeted 11 facilities. Five have completed the assessment process, whiletwo more are in the midst of the process. Once the high-hazard businesseshave completed the assessment, plans will be made to include other businessesin the process. These first-year scores, which averaged in the 90-percent range,are used to set a baseline standard on the safety of the industries’ program.The businesses can use information in the assessment to improve from year toyear and ultimately meet all of the goals and safety objectives.

The Self-Assessment Program decreases the likelihood of an industrial acci-dent that could potentially affect the community. It has already reduced thenumber of responses—particularly for hazardous materials—in the industrialbasin. The program is designed for all industries and can be replicated in anycommunity. Members of the Fayette County Resource Council Board, anonprofit organization created to identify resources in the event of an indus-trial incident, volunteer their time to develop, implement, and review theassessments.

Annual Budget:$2,000 for the self-assessment program.

Sources of Funding:The program is administered by volunteers using LEPC and council funding.



School Safety Project

Contact:Karen FranklinState School Safety CoordinatorGeorgia Emergency Manage-

ment AgencyP.O. Box 18055Atlanta, GA 30316–0055Tel: 404–635–7244Fax: 404–635–7205E-mail: kfranklin@ gema.state.ga.us

Program Type:School safety.

Target Population:Local education, emergencymanagement, and public safetyagencies.


Project Startup Date:1998.

Program Description:The School Safety Project includes nine programs that cover various aspects ofemergency management as it affects schools. Each program includes a lessonplan, a program outline, handouts, slides, overheads, and instructor notes.Descriptions of each unit are available from the Georgia Emergency Manage-ment Agency (GEMA) and include program objectives, target audience,length, and an outline. Program titles are: “Building a Prevention Strategy,”“Community’s Role in School Safety,” “Comprehensive School EmergencyManagement” (under development), “Contemporary Issues in GeorgiaSchools,” “Crisis Response and Recovery,” “Emergency Management forSchools,” “Emergency Operations Planning for Schools,” “School Bomb ThreatManagement,” and “Visual Screening in the School Setting.”

GEMA has also prepared Emergency/Disaster Preparedness—A Planning Guide, acomprehensive 50-page guide to assist local school systems and individualschools (both public and private), in reaching preparedness objectives throughthe development of a comprehensive emergency/disaster plan. The GEMAguide complements requirements and guidelines provided by the GeorgiaDepartment of Education, and covers the roles of various agencies and staff inplanning and response, developing a plan, guidelines related to specific hazardsand emergencies, and emergency preparedness education. Approximately 8,200persons received training under this program in the last 12 months.

Evaluation Information:This program was a finalist for the Council of State Governments Innovationaward.

Annual Budget:None given.

Sources of Funding:None given.



Chemical Safety Awareness Week

Contact:Steve RobertsonDirectorMarion County Emergency

Management Agency47 South State StreetIndianapolis, IN 46201–3876Tel: 317–327–3900Fax: 317–327–7508E-mail: [email protected]

Program Type:Public education.

Target Population:Residents of the city of Indian-apolis and Marion County.

Setting:Indianapolis and MarionCounty.

Project Startup Date:1997.

Program Description:Chemical Safety Awareness Week, a concentrated effort aimed at boostingoverall public awareness of hazardous materials, takes place during the firstweek of November. The Local Emergency Planning Committee works in anonprofit partnership with Industry Partners for Safety Awareness (IPSA), aconsortium of local industrial firms dedicated to public safety educationefforts and outreach, to plan the event. Chemical Safety Awareness Week goalsinclude raising public awareness of chemicals handled, manufactured, andstored in the Marion County area, without increasing public concern, andeducating the public about what to do in the event of a chemical emergency.

Chemical Safety Awareness Week 1998 focused on Sheltering-in-Place, arelatively new type of safety precaution. A 30-minute talk show on WCTYChannel 16, a local public safety television station, focused on Sheltering-in-Place, and was repeated several times in subsequent months. Other mediaexposure in 1998 included 13 television news interviews, five radio interviews,and two print articles in the Indianapolis Star/News.

The partnership uses existing educational materials and delivery methodswhen appropriate, but also creates new materials and methods as needed. Thelatter included the 1998 publication of emergency information in the frontportions of the Ameritech Yellow Pages, placing information in the homes andbusinesses of approximately 800,000 local residents. The educational materialsused are specific to the Marion County area, but the ideas and strategies usedcould be easily duplicated elsewhere.

Evaluation Information:The program and some of its participants have been recognized by the IndianaState Emergency Response Commission.

Annual Budget:None given.

Sources of Funding:The first year of the program was funded by a U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency grant. The second year was funded largely by IPSA.



Tippecanoe County Animal CareReferral Plan

Contact:Steve WettschurackDirectorTippecanoe County Emergency

Management Agency629 North Sixth StreetLafayette, IN 47901Tel: 765–742–1334Fax: 765–742–0975E-mail: [email protected]

Program Type:Community coordination ofemergencies involving animals.

Target Population:The 140,000 residents ofTippecanoe County.

Setting:Tippecanoe County, includingthe cities of Lafayette and WestLafayette.

Project Startup Date:1996.

Program Description:The Tippecanoe County Animal Care Referral Plan provides referrals to commu-nity resources, supply centers, and persons in the community who will providecare to animals whose owners have been affected by disaster. Calls regarding anyemergency that affects animal victims are directed through a single contact phonenumber—publicized at trade shows, at the county fair, and in the local telephonedirectory—at the local dispatch center. The majority of calls are forwarded 24 hoursa day to the local Humane Society, where trained volunteers are available to pri-oritize needs and contact appropriate local resources. Services available under theplan include temporary housing for pets and livestock, veterinary care, supervi-sion of animals housed in community shelters, wildlife rehabilitation, temporaryremoval of pets from homes involved in domestic disputes, and mental healthcounseling for persons grieving the loss of an animal. The list of participatingpersons and agencies is updated as part of biannual training exercises by theTippecanoe County Chapter of the American Red Cross.

The plan has been activated in response to several emergencies since itsinception, including during blizzards in 1998 and 1999 when approximately500 persons needed shelter. In 1988, 180 individuals and 13 families with petswere assisted; in 1999, two shelters housed a total of 500 persons, including 18families with pets. It has also been activated in response to house fires, trafficaccidents, and domestic disputes.

The plan was developed by a committee including representatives from theTippecanoe County Emergency Management Agency, local law enforcementdepartments, local city and volunteer fire departments, the American Red Cross,the Humane Society, Animal Control, the Cooperative Extension Service, theTippecanoe County Health Department, the American Kennel Club, the CatFanciers’ Association, local veterinarians, and local horse and livestock owners.Similar programs could readily be developed in comparable communities.

Evaluation Information:The plan has been endorsed by the Tippecanoe County sheriff’s office andreceived recognition from the American Red Cross, National Headquarters, as amodel working program to care for animals and their owners during disasters.

Local veterinarians, feed and pet stores, and breed associations have statedthat this plan is an opportunity to improve responsible animal ownership.

Annual Budget:None given.

Sources of Funding:Local sponsors paid for the printing of public education brochures. Extraordinaryexpenses incurred by participating agencies are addressed as needs arise. To date,these expenses have been covered by local fundraising activities. Expenses mightalso be included in an agency’s annual budget request or covered by matchingState or Federal disaster funds. Volunteers provide assistance.




Contact:Walter E. WrightDirector of Emergency

ManagementLinn County Emergency

Management Agency50 Second Avenue BridgeCedar Rapids, IA 52401Tel: 319–363–2671Fax: 319–398–5316E-mail: [email protected]

Program Type:Mutual aid partnership.

Target Population:The 190,000 residents of LinnCounty, Iowa.


Project Startup Date:1990.

Program Description:Through this partnership, the Linn County Firefighters Association serves as the“eyes and ears” of the Linn County Emergency Management Agency (EMA)during weather-related and other emergencies. The EMA sends out one pagethat alerts more than 400 firefighters who set up STORMWATCH at predesignatedlocations throughout the county. The EMA provides general weather updatesand other necessary information from the Emergency Operations Center whilethe firefighters report back on field conditions. Their reports help EMA decidewhen to activate indoor and outdoor warning systems.

Because EMA has access to communitywide information, the 20 participatingvolunteer fire departments have given the agency the authority to make callout and recall decisions, to site the crews through their respective fire chiefs,and to coordinate initial damage assessments during weather-related emer-gencies. Emergency radio traffic coordination switches from the countysheriff’s department dispatchers to EMA for the duration.

Under the partnership agreement, EMA also coordinates the acquisition ofsurplus equipment and material for the fire departments, and coordinates andconducts nonfire training such as mass casualty drills and hazardous materialstraining. EMA also provides information on additional training opportunities,while Firefighters Association representatives participate in discussions ontraining, equipment, exercises, and other emergency management issues thatmight affect rural areas.

EMA also coordinates emergency shelter for stranded motorists in designatedfire stations along interstate and other major highways during severe winterweather.

This program can be duplicated anywhere that firefighting and emergencymedical services radio frequencies are available to an emergency managementassociation. Several neighboring counties have requested assistance in settingup similar partnerships.

Annual Budget:$1,000.

Sources of Funding:This is a line item in the EMA operational budget.




Floodplain Compensation Basins

Contact:Robert F. Smith, P.E.Chief Stormwater EngineerLouisville and Jefferson County

Metropolitan Sewer District700 West Liberty StreetLouisville, KY 40203–1911Tel: 502–540–6206Fax: 502–540–6562E-mail: [email protected]

Program Type:Construction and operationof regional floodplain deten-tion basins for stormwatermanagement.

Target Population:Residents and businesseslocated near floodplains.


Project Startup Date:1997.

Program Description:Under the Floodplain Compensation Basins program, the Louisville andJefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) oversees the develop-ment and operation of regional floodplain detention basins constructed andpaid for by private developers. Floodplain storage volume created under thisprogram is sold to new developments to offset the impacts of filling in thefloodplain and/or increases in runoff volume. This mitigation is required bythe community’s floodplain ordinance and development code, which allows itto be provided through floodplain “banks.” To help offset existing floodingproblems, 20 percent of the total volume created in the bank is reserved by thecommunity and cannot be sold. MSD accepts ownership of the basin after theprivate developer sells the remaining 80 percent. MSD also reserves the optionto purchase additional volume at market rates.

The basins are located in the most floodprone area of Jefferson County, wheremore than 5,000 structures are located. A minimum of 50 acre-feet in size, theyare designed as sidesaddle basins adjacent to a major stream and also aredesigned to provide recreational, wetlands, and habitat functions. The wet-lands are regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. One basin has beenbuilt, a second is in the permit stage, and three others are being designed.

Evaluation Information:The Metropolitan Sewer District has given presentations on the program to theU.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Associa-tion of State Floodplain Managers, the National Association of Flood andStormwater Management Agencies, and the Project Impact Summit; allresponded positively.

Annual Budget:Since the basins are built with private investment funding, the program isexpected to reduce flood damages at almost no cost to the community.

Sources of Funding:The Economic Development Administration provided a $1 million startupgrant to help fund the cost of the first basin. MSD paid the remainder of thecost of that basin, but will be reimbursed as development occurs.


Kentucky Community CrisisResponse Board (KCCRB) CrisisIntervention Team

Contact:Renelle GrubbsExecutive DirectorKentucky Community Crisis

Response Board612–B Shelby StreetFrankfort, KY 40601–3466Tel: 502–564–0131Fax: 502–564–0133E-mail: kyccrb@ bngc.dma.state.ky.us

Program Type:Safe schools initiative.

Target Population:Student survivors of disaster;emergency workers.


Project Startup Date:1998.

Program Description:Under 1998 school safety legislation, the Kentucky Department of Educationand the Kentucky School Board Association authorized the KCCRB to trainschool district personnel in crisis preparedness management and crisis recovery.

The legislation mandates safety assessment and safety plans for all schools andschool districts; KCCRB played an instrumental role in developing the proto-type for plans that provide for crisis counseling following any type of schoolemergency or disaster. KCCRB helped direct the program startup and pro-vided fundamental training to the State’s safe school board and the KentuckySchool Board Association.

Each school develops its own preparedness plan and puts together a responseteam based on its specific needs. The school team in turn should create anadditional unit, called a resource team, which consists of representatives fromcommunity mental health organizations, pastors and youth ministers, parentvolunteers, and emergency management personnel. KCCRB can also be calledin to provide additional services as needed. KCCRB’s free, confidential services,provided by teams of mental health professionals and designated emergencyservices peers, are available 24 hours a day. In the first 3 months of 1999,KCCRB responded to five school-related emergencies.

KCCRB presented the safe school program and the overall KCCRB system inDecember 1998 to a national gathering of State mental health directors, andhas helped create similar safe schools programs in Illinois and South Carolina.

Evaluation Information:KCCRB routinely issues a client satisfaction survey to all organizations thatrequest KCCRB team activation. One hundred percent of responses have beenin the “very helpful” range. Numerous unsolicited letters of thanks andencouragement have been received by emergency workers, school leaders,and families.

Annual Budget:$200,000.

Sources of Funding:All operating funds are provided by the State of Kentucky.



Marine Incident Resources &Training (MIRT)

Contact:Kenneth C. SheddenChiefEverett Fire Department384 BroadwayEverett, MA 02149Tel: 617–394–2348Fax: 617–389–1802

Program Type:Shipboard firefighting training.

Target Population:Firefighters; local residents.

Setting:New England seacoast fromMaine to Rhode Island.

Project Startup Date:February 1996.

Program Description:MIRT was started as a result of a shipboard fire on board a carrier in Everett,Massachusetts, on February 6, 1996. The initiative was started by local fire depart-ment chiefs and emergency managers in cooperation with the Massachusetts PortAuthority (Massport), the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Office, MassachusettsEmergency Management Agency (MEMA), the Massachusetts Maritime Academy,and the Massachusetts Fire Academy. It has grown to include approximately 70fire departments, several additional Federal and State public safety agencies, anda number of private organizations, including the National Fire Protection Asso-ciation. It includes organizations from four States (Maine, Massachusetts, NewHampshire, and Rhode Island) and three Coast Guard Districts.

The initiative seeks to improve response capabilities for the following:

• Fishing vessel casualties. The majority of shipboard fires in the Bostonzone occur on fishing vessels.

• Passenger vessel casualties. Passenger vessels are the leading source ofinjuries and the second-leading source of shipboard fire casualties in theBoston zone.

• Tank vessel casualties. Tank ships make approximately half of the deep-draft port calls in the Boston zone.

• Container ship casualties. Cargoes in containers are involved in a largeportion of hazardous material incidents.

• Engine room fires. Approximately half of local shipboard fires involved thevessel’s engine room.

The strategic planning committee develops and recommends long-range goalsto promote marine firefighting and incident response preparedness. Thetraining committee trains firefighters, evaluates training needs, and developsprograms. The exercise committee plans and develops drills. The resourcesand research committee provides local, State, and Federal authorities with aninventory of MIRT member agency resources and researches marine incidents,best practices, and technological advances. The finance committee receives anddisburses all MIRT funds. MIRT is working with similar organizations inHampton Roads, Virginia; Philadelphia and its Delaware suburbs; Portland,Oregon; and Seattle, Washington, to form a national group.

Evaluation Information:This program has received an award from the U.S. Coast Guard for progress inpromoting public safety through the cooperative effort of organizing numer-ous Federal, State, and local government agencies and maritime industries inpreparation for shipboard firefighting and other maritime incidents.

Annual Budget:No specific budget; program costs for 1998 totaled $20,000.

Sources of Funding:Massport Authority, Maritime Division; U.S. Coast Guard; and corporate sponsors.



Contact:David McMillionDirectorMaryland Emergency Manage-

ment Agency2 Sudbrook Lane EastPikesville, MD 21208Tel: 410–486–4422Fax: 410–486–1867E-mail: dmcmillion@ mema.state.md.us

Program Type:Emergency response coordina-tion for hurricane preparedness.

Target Population:Residents of and visitors to theDelaware-Maryland-Virginia(DelMarVa) peninsula.

Setting:DelMarVa peninsula.

Project Startup Date:May 1997.

Program Description:Members of State and local emergency management agencies and departmentsof transportation, the American Red Cross, the National Weather Service, Statepolice, and the U.S. Coast Guard voluntarily met and created the DelMarVaEmergency Task Force. The goal of the task force is to improve hurricanepreparedness in a geographic region known as the third most difficult in theNation to evacuate. The task force steering committee meets quarterly, and hasfour individual work groups that focus on communications, education,planning, and resources and recovery, respectively. All activities have beencarried out within State and local agency budgets.

In less than 2 years, the task force has drafted an emergency response plan;identified a common communications channel; used a Geographic InformationSystem to develop an emergency planning map showing hurricane surgeareas, evacuation routes, and shelter locations; circulated the map to Stateagencies, local emergency managers, the American Red Cross, and the NationalWeather Service for emergency planning and response; and produceda brochure describing the purpose and activities of the task force.

A modified tabletop exercise called “DelMarVa Response ’99,” based on asimulated Category 3 hurricane approaching the peninsula, took place inJune 1999.

Evaluation Information:The governors of the three affected States have signed a proclamation declar-ing the program “a great asset to our citizens and our States.”

Annual Budget:None given.

DelMarVa Emergency Task Force(DETF)



Event-Based Science (EBS) Project

Contact:Russell G. WrightProject DirectorMontgomery County Public

Schools850 Hungerford DriveRockville, MD 20850Tel: 301–279–3339Fax: 301–279–3153E-mail: russ@ eventbasedscience.com

Program Type:Curriculum.

Target Population:Middle school students.

Setting:Middle schools throughoutthe United States.

Project Startup Date:1992.

Program Description:EBS, a new way to teach science to middle school students, had its origins inHurricane Hugo and the 1989 San Francisco earthquake. In September of thatyear, Montgomery County, Maryland, science teacher Russell Wright beganusing videotapes of breaking news coverage on Hurricane Hugo to stimulatestudent questions and interest in meteorology. A month later, a 6.9 magnitudeearthquake hit San Francisco during game three of the World Series, andWright again used news footage to interest his students in the structure of theearth and plate tectonics.

Wright’s technique led to the development of a proposal and the award of a$1.3 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to developthe first nine modules in the series. An additional $850,000 grant in 1995 ledto additional modules. Each unit starts with television news coverage of anactual event, then sets out student tasks in the context of the event. In orderto complete their assignments, students must learn more about the sciencebehind the event. NBC provides news clips and USA Today provides printarticles for each unit.

Disaster-related titles in the series include Asteroid!, Blackout!, Blight!, Earth-quake!, Fire!, Flood!, Hurricane!, Oil Spill!, Outbreak!, Tornado!, Toxic Leak!, andVolcano! All units include a student edition, a teacher edition, and an accompa-nying videotape and can be ordered directly from the publisher or from online(Web-based) retail booksellers. The EBS Institute, Inc., in Montgomery Countyprovides training workshops to teachers, and NSF also offers training atvarious sites around the country.

The latest information on the program can be found on the Internet atwww.eventbasedscience.com.

Evaluation Information:EBS has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, the NationalScience Teachers Association, NSF, and the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration (NASA).

Annual Budget:Cost per instructional unit is $264 or less per class.

Sources of Funding:Materials were developed using grants from NSF and NASA.



Civilian Fire Academy

Contact:Tom LindemanCaptain/Training InstructorSterling Heights Fire

Department41625 Ryan RoadSterling Heights, MI 48314Tel: 810–726–7000Fax: 810–726–7007

Program Type:Civilian fire academy.

Target Population:The 120,000 residents of SterlingHeights.

Setting:Fire stations.

Project Startup Date:1998.

Program Description:The Sterling Heights Fire Department introduced its Civilian Fire Academy toincrease fire safety awareness and expand public knowledge of the responsi-bilities of modern professional firefighters. The 5-week course, which con-sisted of 15 hours of training, was the first civilian fire academy offered inMichigan.

The 15 academy participants trained side-by-side with instructors andfirefighters and gained some firsthand experience with firefighting. Academysubjects included firefighting personal protective equipment, self-containedbreathing apparatus, ground and aerial ladders, vehicle extrication, search andrescue, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, fire prevention, and fire safety educa-tion. Participants are not fire certified and are unable to fight fires like profes-sionals. At the end of the course, they were offered the opportunity to do aride-along shift of 8 hours (or shorter) with a local engine company.

Evaluation Information:Each academy participant completed a detailed course evaluation form;responses were overwhelmingly positive. Participants presented the firedepartment with a plaque to express their appreciation and wrote numerousletters of thanks.

Annual Budget:Budget includes 68 paid work hours for instructors and $170 for refreshments,certificates, and photos.

Sources of Funding:Sterling Heights Fire Department budget item. Used firefighting equipmentwas issued to participants at no additional cost.




Fire Chiefs’ Assistance andSupport Team (FAST)

Contact:David A. KaplerChiefMinnesota State Fire Chiefs’

Association201 Fourth Street, SE, Room 10Rochester, MN 55904Tel: 507–285–8072Fax: 507–280–4721E-mail: dkapler@ ci.rochester.mn.us

Program Type:Management support for localfire chiefs.

Target Population:Approximately 830 fire chiefsand fire departments inMinnesota.

Setting:Teams are located in the cities ofDuluth, St. Cloud, and Rochester.

Project Startup Date:1998.

Program Description:As a result of devastating floods and other large-scale and long-term disastersthroughout the State, the Minnesota State Fire Chiefs’ Association has createdthree FAST teams of fire service professionals that can respond anywhere inthe State. The teams play a support role for local fire chiefs and assist them inthe event of an emergency situation—such as a tornado, flood, or major fire—that taxes the local fire department’s strength and resources.

The FAST teams primarily benefit fire departments that do not have the depthof management personnel to respond to emergencies or disasters that last overan extended period of time. A responding team may consist of one to fivepeople, including: team leader (fire chief or other senior chief officer), teamclerk (team recorder and clerical assistant), operations officer, logistics officer,finance officer, or technical support officer. A team member may fill more thanone of these functions; all team members assist with planning. The team mayassist in making an assessment of the incident, developing a plan for response,mitigation, and recovery, or act as liaison with other local, State, and Federalagencies. Consultation and technical support are also available over thetelephone.

Teams are located in Duluth, St. Cloud, and Rochester; these fire departmentswere chosen based in part on their size, management structure, and location.

A number of other statewide agencies, including the associations of countysheriffs, emergency managers, public works, and public utilities, are looking atFAST Teams as a model. The Minnesota State Fire Chiefs’ Association canprovide literature and documents for the development of similar teams.

Evaluation Information:Members of the teams have been asked to speak about the project throughoutthe State and in other areas, including Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Annual Budget:$1,000 for brochures, travel, and training.

Sources of Funding:Cost of deployment is covered by host cities.


Flood Buyout Program

Contact:Jim ColeCity AdministratorCity of Neosho211 College StreetNeosho, MO 64850Tel: 417–451–8050Fax: 417–451–8065

Program Type:Flood hazard mitigation.

Target Population:The 11,000 residents of Neosho.


Project Startup Date:1997.

Program Description:The city of Neosho is using a voter-approved local sales tax to complete aflood buyout program used to create a greenway and, at the same time,eliminate 26 floodprone residential properties. Following Missouri’s GreatFlood of 1993, Neosho executed an existing watershed plan, using a $1.4million grant from the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and $400,000 in cityfunds to acquire 52 residential properties and start the greenway alongHickory Creek and the High School Branch. When an additional 26 propertyowners wanted to participate in the buyout program, the residents of Neoshopassed—by a 73.3-percent majority—a 3/8-of-1-percent local sales tax to fundpark, recreation, and storm drainage projects. NationsBank agreed to finance a$1.5 million bond program to complete the buyout, with revenue from thesales tax going to repay the bonds.

Evaluation Information:The State Emergency Management Agency has nominated Neosho fornongrant Project Impact status, and Neosho is under evaluation for grantProject Impact status.

Annual Budget:None given.

Sources of Funding:NationsBank is financing approximately $1.5 million in bonds at 4.51 percentinterest that will be repaid with a voter-approved local sales tax.



Missouri Governor’s DisasterResistant Community (DRC)Initiative

Contact:Beaufort C. KattDeputy DirectorMissouri Emergency

Management Agency2302 Militia DriveJefferson City, MO 65102Tel: 573–526–9103Fax: 573–526–9198

Program Type:All-hazard mitigation plan.

Target Population:Missouri residents.


Project Startup Date:1998.

Program Description:In an effort to encourage all communities to become disaster resistant, theMissouri Governor’s office has started naming communities that makeprogress toward disaster resistant status as Missouri Disaster ResistantCommunities (DRCs).

Communities that continue to make progress receive consideration for ProjectImpact designation from FEMA. Nongrant Project Impact status communitiescan participate in a number of Project Impact activities, such as the ProjectImpact national summit. Nongrant communities also prepare an All HazardMitigation Plan and start the basic foundation for public/private partnerships.An approximate 1-year period of nongrant status gives the community time tobring the private sector on board before engaging in the activities that followdesignation as a grant community.

Following a community’s designation as a DRC, its local officials are invited tothe Governor’s office, where a proclamation signing ceremony is conducted.This designation brings recognition and increased awareness of the disasterresistance concept.

This project can potentially impact all Missouri residents as well as visitors tothe State.

Evaluation Information:Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan has designated three local jurisdictions asdisaster-resistant communities. At least two more will be designated by theend of 1999. Enhanced awareness of emergency management at the local levelis demonstrated by commitments by nine communities to develop All HazardMitigation Plans and work toward developing partnerships to promotedisaster resistant communities.

Annual Budget:None given.

Sources of Funding:None given.



Planning by Doing

Contact:Frederick J. Cowie, Ph.D.Liaison/Law Enforcement for

TerrorismMontana Disaster and Emer-

gency Services Division1100 North MainHelena, MT 59601Tel: 406–841–3954Fax: 406–841–3965E-mail: [email protected]

Program Type:Emergency action plandevelopment.

Target Population:Firefighters, first responders,and emergency medical services(EMS) personnel.

Setting:Rural areas and reservationswhere most firefighters andEMS personnel are volunteersand law enforcement staffing issmall.

Project Startup Date:1997.

Program Description:The Planning by Doing program teaches participants to design emergencyaction plans for various scenarios that might be faced by emergency respond-ers in their rural areas. The 4-day program uses two educational materialswritten by Frederick J. Cowie, Ph.D.: “Realistic Approaches to HazardousMaterials Risk Management” and “A Visioning Approach to Exercise Designin Extremely Rural (Frontier) Areas.”

On the first day, participants work in a group to define the parameters of anincident. They are asked to think about their agency’s response to that incidentprior to the second session. In that session, participants list their agency’s keyresponse activities and discuss how these activities interact or interfere withthose of other agencies. On the third day, participants are asked to act as if dataon that incident have just come in and they have 15 to 20 minutes to design anincident management system. The final day’s activities focus on designingincident management systems for four additional scenarios, then teachingparticipants how to use these exercises to develop more generic plans that canbe used in the event of actual incidents.

Evaluation Information:The program has been well received by the Confederated Salish and KootenaiTribe and Pondera County, as well as firefighters, first responders, and EMSpersonnel from Federal, tribal, State, local, and private agencies.

Annual Budget:None given.

Sources of Funding:FEMA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and U.S. Department of Trans-portation hazardous materials grants; and FEMA and U.S. Department ofJustice terrorism grants.




SKYWARN of Northwest Ohio

Contact:Christopher TaylorNet Control OfficerLucas County Emergency

Management Agency2144 Monroe StreetToledo, OH 43624Tel: 419–213–6503Fax: 419–213–6520

Program Type:Severe storm monitoring.

Target Population:Approximately 900,000 personsin seven northwestern Ohiocounties: Hancock, Lucas,Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca,Wood, and Wyandot.

Setting:Lucas County EmergencyServices Building in Toledo,Ohio.

Project Startup Date:1965.

Program Description:SKYWARN, a network of more than 1,000 amateur radio volunteers, usesthese volunteers to spot severe weather and to relay reports to the NationalWeather Service office in Cleveland. The Lucas County Emergency Manage-ment Agency (EMA) offered SKYWARN access to then-unused space for itsNet Control Station in 1995 when the Toledo office (home to SKYWARN for30 years) of the National Weather Service closed.

The National Weather Service was able to provide funds for needed radios andequipment while the EMA provided support for antennas, computers, soft-ware, telecommunications equipment, and a satellite weather service link forreal-time monitoring of severe storms. In March 1995, 4 days before the newcontrol center officially was completed, SKYWARN volunteers were called towork when a series of severe storms struck the area.

Evaluation Information:The Lucas County Board of Commission recognized SKYWARN for its Out-standing Public Service.

Annual Budget:$2,500.

Sources of Funding:This program is funded as a line item in the Lucas County EMA budget.


Preparedness—Taking It One Stepat a Time

Contact:Michael J. MumawEmergency Manager, City of

BeavertonOffice of Consolidated Emer-

gency ManagementP.O. Box 4755Beaverton, OR 97076–4755Tel: 503–642–0383Fax: 503–642–4814E-mail: [email protected]

Program Type:Employee and public educationprogram.

Target Population:Local government employees,local businesses and theiremployees, and the generalpublic.

Setting:City of Beaverton; WashingtonCounty, Oregon; and neighbor-ing States.

Project Startup Date:1997.

Program Description:This series of disaster preparedness flyers focuses on the theme “Prepared-ness—Taking It One Step at a Time.” The flyers consolidate general andhazard-specific preparedness information derived from a variety of sourcesinto simple, easy-to-read documents. The materials touch on topics such asfamily disaster supplies and preparedness activities, hunting for home haz-ards, taking an inventory of neighborhood resources, and motor vehiclepreparedness.

The flyers were designed by emergency managers from jurisdictions thatparticipate in the Washington County Office of Consolidated EmergencyManagement (OCEM). One flyer was distributed each month to WashingtonCounty employees over a 24-month period. The flyers were later numberedand prepared for distribution to the general public.

The flyers can be obtained as electronic Microsoft PowerPoint files, as black-and-white camera-ready copy, or in ready-to-distribute color format. Recipi-ents of electronic files may change agency logos and make other modificationsas needed to tailor the flyers for local use.

Evaluation Information:The chair of the Regional Emergency Management Technical Committee haswritten a letter of commendation.

Annual Budget:None given.

Sources of Funding:Reproduction costs are covered under normal overhead operating costs andreprographics budgets. OCEM is considering establishing partnerships withlocal businesses to develop and reproduce the flyers in a booklet format.



What Is Emergency Managementand How Am I Involved?

Contact:Michael J. MumawEmergency ManagerOffice of Consolidated Emer-

gency ManagementP.O. Box 4755Beaverton, OR 97076–4755Tel: 503–642–0383Fax: 503–642–4814E-mail: [email protected]

Program Type:Employee education program.

Target Population:City employees.


Project Startup Date:1999.

Program Description:What Is Emergency Management and How Am I Involved?, a 20-page photocopiedbooklet, educates city employees about Beaverton’s emergency managementprogram and their role in the program. Its easy-to-read format includesgraphics and bulleted text, and covers topics such as the reasons for emer-gency management, the need for a comprehensive program, program organi-zation, and emergency definitions. All present city employees have received acopy of the booklet, and it will be added to the new employee orientationpackage.

Although the booklet was developed for Beaverton, its basic outline can beused by other jurisdictions to develop program-specific versions. Beavertonhas sent electronic files to several jurisdictions for that purpose.

Evaluation Information:Oregon’s State Training Officer (STO) has requested a digital copy to sharewith FEMA Region X and other STOs.

Annual Budget:None given.

Sources of Funding:Reproduction costs are covered under normal overhead operating costs andreprographics budgets.




After the Fire

Contact:Frederick A. TetorChiefMount Pleasant Fire Department100 Ann Edwards LaneP.O. Box 745Mount Pleasant, SC 29464Tel: 843–884–0623Fax: 843–849–2060

Program Type:Assistance to fire victims.

Target Population:The 45,000 residents of MountPleasant and the surroundingarea.

Setting:Mount Pleasant and the sur-rounding area.

Project Startup Date:1992.

Program Description:In 1987, Frederick Tetor, then an assistant fire chief with the Mount PleasantFire Department, suffered a structure fire in his home. In the aftermath of thefire, he found himself unsure what to do next and where to turn for assistance,housing, and insurance needs.

When Tetor became chief, he instituted After the Fire as part of the department’sOperation Safety Awareness for Everyone (Operation S.A.F.E.) program. Over-all, the program assists victims with recovery, provides enhanced salvage andoverhaul operations, cleans the structure, removes debris, and reduces overallproperty damage loss.

While a fire is still in progress, a member of the fire department takes thehomeowner aside and explains in detail the tasks the firefighters are doing(such as ventilating gables or outing doors and windows) and why these tasksneed to be done. The fire department works to determine the family’s immedi-ate needs for medication, food, and shelter, and the location of importantinsurance papers.

When the scene is safe, a member of the fire department walks the homeownerthrough the home, providing a firsthand look at the damage. The fire depart-ment offers assistance in calling a family’s pastor or the department’s chaplain,the American Red Cross for shelter and food, and the Mount Pleasant policedepartment for security. Over the course of the next several days, the firedepartment works with the homeowner and the insurance agent to vacuumwater out of the house, mop floors, and dry carpets. Mount Pleasant’s publicservice department provides work crews and dumpsters to assist with thecleanup and with boarding windows and doors, and the police maintainregular security patrols.

This program is provided at no cost to the homeowner; these tasks are part offirefighters’ regular duties and are planned into daily departmental opera-tions. This program could easily be duplicated anywhere that fire, police, andpublic service departments work together to provide interagency support.

Evaluation Information:Several insurance companies have commended the fire department for itsefforts, and numerous homeowners have written letters of thanks to the firedepartment or local newspapers.

Annual Budget:None given.

Sources of Funding:Assistance provided as needed by the American Red Cross.



Virginia Disaster RecoveryTask Force

Contact:Selby C. JacobsTask Force CoordinatorVirginia Department of

Housing and CommunityDevelopment

501 North Second StreetRichmond, VA 23219Tel: 804–371–7070Fax: 804–371–7090E-mail: sjacobs@ dhcd.state.va.us

Program Type:Long-term disaster recoveryactivities.

Target Population:Any resident or businesssuffering as a result of disaster.


Project Startup Date:1996.

Program Description:The Virginia Disaster Recovery Task Force ensures that the needs of Virginiacommunities and residents affected by disasters are met. The task force helpscommunities develop their own local disaster recovery task forces and willoffer additional resources on a case-by-case basis when community resourcesare exhausted or when individuals still have unmet needs after applying forState and Federal assistance. The task force operates through local groups thatuse State, local, private, and volunteer resources—from financial assistanceand home repair to supplies and household items such as food and clothing—to assist individuals and families.

A local group is created when a community’s business and financial leadersand representatives from faith-based organizations, the American Red Cross,the Salvation Army, and other nonprofit and charitable organizations jointogether. The local group then develops an overall coordinated recovery plan.Emergency services should be involved but not take the lead in this endeavor.

The focus is on building local recovery groups for the following reasons:

• Local groups can respond much more quickly and efficiently.• They have the knowledge needed to draw on local resources.• Local groups will know the areas most likely to have residents with unmet

needs and be better able to decide where resources are needed.

By early 1999, 38 local task forces had been established. Several States havecontacted Virginia for information that may result in similar programs.

Evaluation Information:The task force was created in response to flood damage caused by HurricaneFran and it proved an effective approach to reaching individuals’ unmetneeds. The program was included in FEMA’s Recovery From Disaster: LocalRecovery Guide, which was used at the National Emergency Training Center.The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development hasrecognized the task force in its quarterly newsletter.

Annual Budget:None given.

Sources of Funding:Administrative costs are shared by the Virginia Department of Housing andCommunity Development and the Virginia Department of Emergency Ser-vices. Other funding comes from various State agencies and donations fromlocal businesses and financial institutions.



HAZMAT Transportation Study

Contact:Greg HavelAssistant ChiefTown of Burlington Fire

Department32288 Bushnell RoadBurlington, WI 53105Tel: 414–767–7429Fax: 414–767–9391

Program Type:Hazardous materials transpor-tation study.

Target Population:Racine County emergencyresponse agencies and residentsof the town and city ofBurlington.

Setting:Burlington and the surroundingrural area.

Project Startup Date:1998.

Program Description:Sean Hartwick, a 14-year-old Eagle Scout candidate, coordinated a hazardousmaterials transportation study for Burlington as his service project. He orga-nized more than 35 volunteers who contributed 310 service hours over a 3-dayperiod. During that time, they monitored three busy intersections between7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sean then worked with assistant fire chief Greg Havel—who had approached Boy Scout Troop 334 about undertaking the study—tocompile a report that was distributed to area fire departments.

Evaluation Information:The results of this study have been incorporated into the Racine CountyHazardous Materials Plan. Sean received a Certificate of Recognition fromWisconsin Governor Tommy G. Thompson and was honored by the RacineCounty Local Emergency Planning Committee.

Annual Budget:None given.

Sources of Funding:Area businesses donated beverages, supplies, shelter, and washroom facilitiesfor volunteers; printing costs; and the use of computers.



____________________________________ PROGRAM CONTACTS INDEX

Program Contacts Index

The program contacts in this Compendium are listed alphabetically below:

Carolyn E. Abell, 15Dan Austin, 8David Byron, 13Russell C. Coile, 10Jim Cole, 29Frederick J. Cowie, 31Karen Franklin, 18Terry Gray, 6Renelle Grubbs, 23Greg Havel, 37Gary Howell, 7Selby C. Jacobs, 36David A. Kapler, 28Beaufort C. Katt, 30Tom Lindeman, 27Herb McElwee, 9

David McMillion, 25Michael J. Mumaw, 33, 34Pete Nelms, 17Steve Robertson, 19Ronald J. Ruback, 12, 16Merritt D. Schreiber, 11Kenneth C. Shedden, 24Holly E. Smith, 14Robert F. Smith, 22Christopher Taylor, 32Frederick A. Tetor, 35Heather Westra, 5Steve Wettschurack, 20Russell G. Wright, 26Walter E. Wright, 21


_______________________________________ PROGRAM TITLES INDEX

Program Titles Index

The program titles in this Compendium are listed alphabetically below:

Adopt a House, 12After the Fire, 35Black Pond Slough Detention Facility, 6Chemical Safety Awareness Week, 19Civilian Fire Academy, 27Clay County Earthquake Preparedness and Mitigation Program, 7Community Disaster Information Web Page, 14DelMarVa Emergency Task Force (DETF), 25Event-Based Science (EBS) Project, 26Fayette County Government Industry Self-Assessment Program, 17Fire Chiefs’ Assistance and Support Team (FAST), 28First Coast Disaster Council, 15Flood Buyout Program, 29Floodplain Compensation Basins, 22HAZMAT Transportation Study, 37Kentucky Community Crisis Response Board (KCCRB) Crisis Intervention

Team, 23Los Angeles Unified School District Earthquake and Safe Schools Training, 8Marine Incident Resources & Training (MIRT), 24Missouri Governor’s Disaster Resistant Community (DRC) Initiative, 30Montecito Emergency Response and Recovery Action Group (MERRAG), 9Neighborhood Emergency Team Outreach, 16Planning by Doing, 31Prairie Island Fire Engine Deployment, 5Preparedness—Taking It One Step at a Time, 33Public Education and Professional Outreach Programs for Disaster

Preparedness, 10Public/Private Emergency Management Communication Partnerships, 13School-Based Disaster Mental Health Services for Children in the Laguna

Beach Firestorm, 11School Safety Project, 18SKYWARN of Northwest Ohio, 32STORMWATCH, 21Tippecanoe County Animal Care Referral Plan, 20Virginia Disaster Recovery Task Force, 36What Is Emergency Management and How Am I Involved?, 34


Program Subjects Index

_____________________________________ PROGRAM SUBJECTS INDEX

Alert programs. See Emergency warning and communications systems; Schoolprograms

Boy ScoutsHAZMAT Transportation Study, 37

Broadcasting systems. See Emergency warning and communications systems

Business/government cooperationChemical Safety Awareness Week, 19Fayette County Government Industry Self-Assessment Program, 17Floodplain Compensation Basins, 22Flood Buyout Program, 29Public/Private Emergency Management Communication Partnerships, 13

Communications systems. See Emergency warning and communicationssystems

Community disaster preparednessCommunity Disaster Information Web Page, 14Missouri Governor’s Disaster Resistant Community (DRC) Initiative, 30Montecito Emergency Response and Recovery Action Group (MERRAG), 9Neighborhood Emergency Team Outreach, 16Planning by Doing, 31Prairie Island Fire Engine Deployment, 5Public Education and Professional Outreach Programs for Disaster

Preparedness, 10Virginia Disaster Recovery Task Force, 36

Community outreachAfter the Fire, 35Civilian Fire Academy, 27Community Disaster Information Web Page, 14Neighborhood Emergency Team Outreach, 16

Crisis counselingKentucky Community Crisis Response Board (KCCRB) Crisis Intervention

Team, 23School-Based Disaster Mental Health Services for Children in the Laguna

Beach Firestorm, 11Tippecanoe County Animal Care Referral Plan, 20

Disaster preparedness and mitigationAdopt a House, 12Missouri Governor’s Disaster Resistant Community (DRC) Initiative, 30Public Education and Professional Outreach Programs for Disaster

Preparedness, 10Tippecanoe County Animal Care Referral Plan, 20

Disaster response. See Emergency response teams


_____________________________________ PROGRAM SUBJECTS INDEX

Disaster response and recoveryCommunity Disaster Information Web Page, 14First Coast Disaster Council, 15Public/Private Emergency Management Communication Partnerships, 13SKYWARN of Northwest Ohio, 32Tippecanoe County Animal Care Referral Plan, 20Virginia Disaster Recovery Task Force, 36

Earthquake preparedness and mitigationClay County Earthquake Preparedness and Mitigation Program, 7Los Angeles Unified School District Earthquake and Safe Schools Training, 8

Education. See Fire safety training; Public education; School programs

Elderly personsAdopt a House, 12

Emergency communications planCommunity Disaster Information Web Page, 14Public/Private Emergency Management Communication Partnerships, 13

Emergency first responders. See Emergency response teams

Emergency managementFayette County Government Industry Self-Assessment Program, 17Planning by Doing, 31Virginia Disaster Recovery Task Force, 36

Emergency management trainingSchool Safety Project, 18

Emergency personnel. See also Emergency response teams; Volunteer servicesPlanning by Doing, 31

Emergency planning. See Emergency management

Emergency preparedness and mitigationFire Chiefs’ Assistance and Support Team (FAST), 28Montecito Emergency Response and Recovery Action Group (MERRAG), 9Neighborhood Emergency Team Outreach, 16Planning by Doing, 31Preparedness—Taking It One Step at a Time, 33What Is Emergency Management and How Am I Involved?, 34

Emergency responseMarine Incident Resources & Training (MIRT), 24STORMWATCH, 21

Emergency response teamsFire Chiefs’ Assistance and Support Team (FAST), 28Kentucky Community Crisis Response Board (KCCRB) Crisis Intervention

Team, 23Neighborhood Emergency Team Outreach, 16


_____________________________________ PROGRAM SUBJECTS INDEX

Emergency warning and communications systemsCommunity Disaster Information Web Page, 14Public/Private Emergency Management Communication Partnerships, 13SKYWARN of Northwest Ohio, 32STORMWATCH, 21

Fire mitigation and responseAfter the Fire, 35Marine Incident Resources & Training (MIRT), 24Prairie Island Fire Engine Deployment, 5

Fire safety trainingCivilian Fire Academy, 27

Flood mitigation and preventionBlack Pond Slough Detention Facility, 6Floodplain Compensation Basins, 22Flood Buyout Program, 29

Hazard preparedness and mitigation. See Disaster preparedness and mitiga-tion; Earthquake preparedness and mitigation; Fire mitigation and response;Flood mitigation and prevention; Hazardous materials preparedness andmitigation; Hurricane preparedness and mitigation; Public education; Schoolprograms

Hazardous materials studiesHAZMAT Transportation Study, 37

Hazardous materials preparedness and mitigationChemical Safety Awareness Week, 19Fayette County Government Industry Self-Assessment Program, 17HAZMAT Transportation Study, 37

Home renovationAdopt a House, 12

Hospital disaster supportFirst Coast Disaster Council, 15

Hurricane preparedness and mitigationDelMarVa Emergency Task Force (DETF), 25

Interagency cooperationChemical Safety Awareness Week, 19DelMarVa Emergency Task Force (DETF), 25Fire Chiefs’ Assistance and Support Team (FAST), 28First Coast Disaster Council, 15Marine Incident Resources & Training (MIRT), 24Montecito Emergency Response and Recovery Action Group (MERRAG), 9School-Based Disaster Mental Health Services for Children in the Laguna

Beach Firestorm, 11STORMWATCH, 21Tippecanoe County Animal Care Referral Plan, 20Virginia Disaster Recovery Task Force, 36


_____________________________________ PROGRAM SUBJECTS INDEX

Intergovernmental cooperationDelMarVa Emergency Task Force (DETF), 25

InternetCommunity Disaster Information Web Page, 14

Media partnershipsPublic/Private Emergency Management Communication Partnerships, 13

Multistate cooperationDelMarVa Emergency Task Force (DETF), 25Marine Incident Resources & Training (MIRT), 24

Neighborhood emergency teamsNeighborhood Emergency Team Outreach, 16

Public educationChemical Safety Awareness Week, 19Civilian Fire Academy, 27Preparedness—Taking It One Step at a Time, 33Public Education and Professional Outreach Programs for Disaster

Preparedness, 10What Is Emergency Management and How Am I Involved?, 34

Public information emergency responsePublic/Private Emergency Management Communication Partnerships, 13

Radio emergency servicesPublic/Private Emergency Management Communication Partnerships, 13

School programsEvent-Based Science (EBS) Project, 26Public Education and Professional Outreach Programs for Disaster

Preparedness, 10School-Based Disaster Mental Health Services for Children in the Laguna

Beach Firestorm, 11

School safetyKentucky Community Crisis Response Board (KCCRB) Crisis Intervention

Team, 23Los Angeles Unified School District Earthquake and Safe Schools Training, 8School Safety Project, 18

Television programChemical Safety Awareness Week, 19

TerrorismPlanning by Doing, 31

TrainingFirst Coast Disaster Council, 15Kentucky Community Crisis Response Board (KCCRB) Crisis Intervention

Team, 23Los Angeles Unified School District Earthquake and Safe Schools Training, 8Planning by Doing, 31


_____________________________________ PROGRAM SUBJECTS INDEX

Volunteer servicesAdopt a House, 12Clay County Earthquake Preparedness and Mitigation Program, 7HAZMAT Transportation Study, 37Neighborhood Emergency Team Outreach, 16SKYWARN of Northwest Ohio, 32Virginia Disaster Recovery Task Force, 36

Warning systems. See Emergency warning and communications systems

Weather information networkSKYWARN of Northwest Ohio, 32STORMWATCH, 21

Workshops. See Public education; Training

World Wide Web. See Internet


Program Locations Index

___________________________________ PROGRAM LOCATIONS INDEX

Following is a list of locations where exemplary practices and/or their contactscan be found. The list begins with the Prairie Island Community; States arethen listed in bold in alphabetical order.

ArkansasClay County, 7McGehee, 6

CaliforniaLaguna Beach, 11Los Angeles, 8Montecito, 9Pacific Grove, 10

DelawareMultistate, 25

FloridaDeerfield Beach, 12, 16Jacksonville, 15Volusia County, 13, 14

GeorgiaFayette County, 17Statewide, 18

IndianaIndianapolis, 19Tippecanoe County, 20

IowaLinn County, 21

KentuckyLouisville, 22Statewide, 23

MaineMultistate, 24

MassachusettsMultistate, 24

MarylandMultistate, 25National, 26

MichiganSterling Heights, 27

MinnesotaPrairie Island Indian Community, 5Statewide, 28

MissouriNeosho, 29Statewide, 30

MontanaStatewide, 31

New HampshireMultistate, 24

OhioToledo, 32

OregonBeaverton, 33, 34

Rhode IslandMultistate, 24

South CarolinaMount Pleasant, 35

VirginiaMultistate, 25Statewide, 36

WisconsinBurlington, 37



Online Resources

__________________________________________ ONLINE RESOURCES


American Meteorological Societyatm.geo.nsf.gov/AMS/

American Red Crosswww.redcross.org

Emergency Information Infrastructure Partnership (EIIP)www.emforum.org

International Association of Emergency Managerswww.emassaciation.org

Massachusetts Institute of Technology—U.S. Weather Mapwww.mit.edu/usa.html

National Drought Mitigation Centerenso.unl.edu/ndmc

National Emergency Management Associationwww.nemaweb.org

National Fire Protection Associationwww.nfpa.org

National Interagency Fire Centerwww.nifc.doi.gov

National Oceanic Atmospheric Administrationwww.noaa.gov

National Severe Storms Laboratorywww.nssl.uoknor.edu

National Weather Service Homepagewww.nws.noaa.gov/

United States Army Corps of Engineerswww.usace.army.mil/inet/functions/cw

United States Fire Administrationwww.usfa.fema.gov

United States Geological Surveywww.usgs.gov