Interpersonal CommunicationSPRING 2022


Obtain an interview with someone currently earning a living in the field of work that you are interested in entering. Develop a list of 8 interview questions to ask this person based upon what you’ve learned/read about interpersonal communication and your own interest in this career field. For example, what are their reasons for communicating on the job and how do these reasons help him/her to meet their physical, social, identity and practical needs at work? What means of communication do they use the most and why? How does their communication at work with men and women differ? Be sure to list the communication channel you used to conduct the interview (face-to-face or a mediated channel) and explain why this communication was used.

Your paper must be submitted as a typed Word Document, size 12 font, using either Times New Roman or Arial font. Please be sure to use proper headings (your name, date, course, and proper title)

Your Interview Project should be typed in an Answer and Question format, and does not have to be written as an essay. It should include the following information:

 Your name

 The Interviewee, their Job Title

 Field of Work for Interviewee and number of years they have been working in their career field

 The Communication Channel Used to Conduct the Interview,

 Was there any “noise” during the interview? If so, identify the noise.

 The 8 questions asked to the Interviewee (6 of which must directly deal with communication.) and the Interviewee’s responses to each question.

 At the end of your paper, provide a summary of your interview by providing (1) what you learned from this interview as it relates to communication in this particular career field, (2) how is communication vital to the success of the interviewee’s employment, and (3) indicate if you still have an interest in this field of work.

Interpersonal CommunicationSPRING 2022

Jackie JonesCOM 1090April 7, 2022


Interviewee: Larry Brown, Program AnalystField of Work and Years: Cybersecurity/IT, 14 yearsCommunication Channel Used: Mediated Communication – Zoom MeetingNoise during Interview: Fax machine, cell phone ringing, other employees…etc.

Interview Questions and Responses

Question 1:Response:

Question 2:Response:

Question 3:Response:

Question 4:Response:

Question 5:Response:

Question 6:Response:

Question 7:Response:

Question 8:Response:

Interview Summary ( paragraph format )

As a result of this interview I learned…