
School of Kinesiology

Individual Health Behavior Change Program Plan – 25%

Topic: effect of time management on stress level when you have more time to do more exercises, rather than working all the time and not having free time for personal health.


As a primary component of this course you will complete an Individual Health Behaviour Change Program Plan. The purpose of the health behaviour change plan is to practice implementing behaviour changes skills and strategies, where you are the participant in the study.

Learning Objectives:

1. Evaluate scientific literature and theories relevant to your target behaviour/problem and integrate evidence in your health behaviour change program.

2. Use motivational interviewing, various assessment instruments, counselling techniques and intervention strategies appropriate for change.

3. Design your individual behaviour change program as culturally-sensitive and inclusive so anyone could follow this program for change.


Write a report including all of the following steps:

Individual Health Behaviour Change Program

Task 1: What is the problem behaviour to be addressed

· Identify target behaviour or problem to be addressed

· Describe the target behaviour

· Define the target behaviour(s) and target groups

· Measure the behaviour

· Identify a baseline for the behaviour

· Deciding to change behaviour

· Analyse the problem in behavioural terms (needs assessment)

· Develop a preliminary logic model or program theory

· Consider systems of behaviour and specifically the ecological system that the problem and behaviours are a part of

Task 2: What are the hypothesized mechanisms of effect on behaviour and intervention components

· Understand the target behaviour(s) informed by theory and evidence

· Select key modifiable determinants for influencing factors to be targeted

· Define and develop intervention content and delivery modes

· Evaluate the program and its’ effectiveness and reach conclusions

· Provide any modifications to your program

There will be a number of assignments during the semester leading up to the submission of the program plan itself. Each assignment/worksheet throughout the term will be necessary to complete the final program and will aid in your program progressions.

Steps to Behaviour Change

See outline


Use APA format (7th edition), Times New Roman 12-point font, double space and following subsections above for paper layout.

Submission Expectations:

One title page

One table of contents

One APA formatted paper saved as a PDF and submit on eLearn

One appendix

Evaluation Profile

Title Page


Table of Contents




Advanced – 4

Competent – 3

Developing 2

Initial – 1


Identifies a clearly defined and measurable problem/target behaviour

Identifies a goal but some components are not clearly defined or measurable

Goal is not appropriate for a behaviour change program. Goal would not result in behaviour change

No clear goal is stated


Clearly states and analyzes a behaviour he/she wishes to change, & behaviour is within control

States a behaviour but doesn’t clearly define how to be in control and how the behaviour will be measured

States behaviour he/she wishes to change; but either the behaviour is not in the student’s control or it is not measurable

No clear behavior is stated that will help student meet his/her goal


Formulates a plan which incorporates theory, appropriate terminology and strategies

Plan includes some but not all aspects of the appropriate strategy or terminology

Plan incorrectly uses some aspects of the appropriate behaviour change terminology

Plan incorrectly uses the behaviour change strategy and terminology


Appropriately researches, gathers and explains baseline data he/she wishes to change

Appropriately gathers baseline data but does not explain

Gathers some baseline data without clear explanation, or clearly explains baseline without data

Includes no baseline or explanation


Evaluates effectiveness of the program plan and provides evidence of change and forms conclusions

Evaluates effectiveness of plan but does not form conclusions

Evaluates the effectiveness of some of the plan but does not clearly explain how it was effective

No evaluation of conclusions are drawn on the program and it’s effectiveness


Provides modifications and recommendations to improve program

Provides modifications but no recommendations to improve plan

Provides some modifications but it is not clear how this will improve the plan

No modifications or recommendations are provided


Paper is well organized using subsections as outlined and following APA format, 12-point font and appropriate headings

Paper is organized but has minor formatting errors throughout or some missing subsections as outlined

Paper is poorly organized and missing subsections, and sometimes follows APA format

Paper is not organized, does not follow APA format and does not include subsections
