
3/30/22, 5:06 PM Rubric Detail – 2022SP-COSC-2436-52701 2022SP …… 1/3

Rubric Detail A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this itemand made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric's layout.

  Missing Partial Correct

Create the assignment projectand driver class with correctmain method [�le]

0 (0.00%) 1.25 (2.50%) 2.5 (5.00%)

Create YourNameTree withrequired �elds and methods [grading �le]

0 (0.00%) 2.5 (5.00%) 5 (10.00%)

Wrote the "Left as an exercise"code for YourNameTree [grading �le]

0 (0.00%) 2.5 (5.00%) 5 (10.00%)

CreateYourNameBinarySearchTreewith required �elds andmethods [�le]

0 (0.00%) 5 (10.00%) 10 (20.00%)

Wrote the YourNamePrintmethod for all the classes andcall it in driver class mainmethod for all the structures

0 (0.00%) 2.5 (5.00%) 5 (10.00%)

Name: Assignment3A Rubric

Description: The grading rubric for Assignment3AExit

Grid View List View

3/30/22, 5:06 PM Rubric Detail – 2022SP-COSC-2436-52701 2022SP …… 2/3

  Missing Partial Correctand printed the returned strings [�le]

Create YourNameAVLTree withrequired �elds and methods [grading�le]

0 (0.00%) 6.25(12.50%)


In the driver class main, createan instance of the user-de�nedYourNameBinarySearchTreeabove and test/demonstrate ALLfunctionality/methods: shouldcall insert, search, delete,inorder, postorder, and preordermethods and call theYourNamePrint after each ofthem to show their functionality[�le]

0 (0.00%) 1.25 (2.50%) 2.5 (5.00%)

In the driver class main, createan instance of the user-de�nedYourNameAVLTree above andtest/demonstrate ALLfunctionality/methods: shouldcall insert, search, delete,inorder, postorder, and preordermethods and all balancingmethods and call theYourNamePrint after each ofthem to show their functionality[�le]

0 (0.00%) 1.25 (2.50%) 2.5 (5.00%)

Created the Screenshotsscreenshots document [ �le]

0 (0.00%) 0.25 (0.50%) 0.5 (1.00%)

The program compiles and doesnot have any compiler errors asshown by the screenshots of theentire code in editor

0 (0.00%) 0.75 (1.50%) 1.5 (3.00%)

3/30/22, 5:06 PM Rubric Detail – 2022SP-COSC-2436-52701 2022SP …… 3/3

  Missing Partial Correct[gradingYourNameAssignment2C-Screenshots.docx �le]

The program runs/executescorectly as shown by thecomplete screenshots of theentire program output in theconsole [gradingYourNameAssignment2C-Screenshots.docx �le]

0 (0.00%) 0.75 (1.50%) 1.5 (3.00%)

The program was user-friendlyand all the lines of code havecomments [grading all JAVA �les]

0 (0.00%) 0.75 (1.50%) 1.5 (3.00%)

PENALTY: Cheating [-50 points] 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)

PENALTY: Late submission(under 24 hours) [50% of theearned points]

0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)

Name:Assignment3A Rubric

Description:The grading rubric for Assignment3AExit