Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer ALL FOUR essay questions comprehensively & concisely. 

DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! DO NOT QUOTE! Everything must be in your own words.
A response that includes phrases from the textbook/lecture with or without quotation marks = zero points.

FORMATTING: Follow ALL these instructions or you will lose 2 points on your total score.

Submit 1 PDF document to Canvas
Include your name at the top.
Each essay must be at least 1 double spaced page,
12 point Times New Roman Font, 1 inch margins
Entire exam must NOT surpass 5 pages
Label your essays with numerals only (#1, #2, #3, #4).
DO NOT include the question with your essay response.
DO NOT include an introduction and conclusion.
Get to the point as quickly as possible.
Information, evidence, specifics > Flourishes of language.
DO NOT include a references/works cited page.

CITING YOUR SOURCES: You must refer to information in the textbook and lectures in your essays using APA style for in-text citations. Follow the format of these examples of in-text citations or you will lose 2 points on your total score. Notice that you only cite a source once per paragraph!

Examples of proper in-text citations:
Referring to Textbook: There are four major domains of language acquisition: phonological, semantic, grammar, and pragmatic (Lightfoot et al., 2018). The paragraph continues with a description of each of these domains without having to cite Lightfoot again.
Referring to Lecture: Language shapes how we view the world (Manago, 2021). For example, Spanish speakers tend to describe bridges as strong whereas German speakers tend to describe bridges as elegant. Even though the second sentence with the example was also from the lecture, you dont have to cite Manago again.
Referring to Specific Studies in Textbook: One study found that storytelling in African-American culture often emphasizes physical expression (Lee et al., 2004). The paragraph continues with a description of the study and its implications without having to cite Lee again.

Exam Questions

Theories of Development: What are the four main issues involved in the process of human development? (1 point for each). Pick two developmental theorists described in textbook or lectures and compare and contrast their approaches on each of the four main issues (5 points for each issue). Total Points: 24

Biology & Culture: How is human language a product of our biology and culture? Describe two reasons why biology is important and two reasons why culture is important (5 points for each reason). Provide one example of how caregiver interactions promote language development (4 points). Total Points: 24

Apply your Knowledge: Imagine you are a clinical social worker and have been asked to evaluate the socioemotional well-being of a 2.5-year-old child who has been adopted from a Romanian orphanage. Describe four things should you look for in observations of the child with the primary caregiver to determine the quality of the childs attachment to the caregiver (4 points each). Describe two factors that could explain why the child may not be securely attached to their caregiver (4 points each). Total Points: 24

Infant Cognitive Development: Piaget believed that babies are not capable of representation thinking until around 18 months of age. Why did he believe this? Describe his theory of cognitive development (4 points) and two observations he made to support his theory (5 points each). Describe two studies with infants and how they refute Piagets theory ( 5 points each). Total Points: 24

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