ethical autobiography

Part II is a critical, academic analysis of your moral identity, employing categories and terms engaged over the course of the semester.  You write about yourself “in the third person,” as an anthropologist or therapist would.  It’s analytical and academic, rather than personal and autobiographical.  It should show what you learned over the course, including from the Sandel book and from other readings and assignments.  This will have footnotes / citations and is an academic analysis rather than a personal narrative. 

This writing assignment will be organized topically, rather than chronologically.  Here are some questions to answer:

1.  What do you value most in life?  How would you like to be remembered (Ethical Will qs, personal bucket list)

2.  What is your philosophy of life?  Your motto?  Your mission ?  Your purpose?  Your worldview  (Ethical Will)
3.  Reflect on Part I of your autobiography; and the decisions you made / or didn’t make (weighing ethical principles).  Would you do things differently ? From the worksheets.
4. How will you approach and make ethical decisions…as a friend, sibling, student, pharmacist, citizen, believer in a religious faith, parent, ?
Most importantly, in your analysis of your identity, you will make use of course materials, including:  mainly, the The Sandel book; but also in-class discussions and materials.

Length: about 2000 words

Citations: Use MLA or Chicago style

Style: use first person; eclectic;  may include images, media files, (favorite songs), links; but use academic prose