You will have one paper due during the term. You will select two tests of personality (I will have some available, though with approval you can use others) and discuss the theory behind those tests. You will then complete the two tests and have one othe

You will have one paper due during the term.  You will select two tests of personality (I will have some available, though with approval you can use others) and discuss the theory behind those tests.  You will then complete the two tests and have one other person (well known to you) complete the tests as well.  You will then compare and contrast your results on the two tests, the other persons results on the two tests, and then the results of your test results to those of the other person (20% of grade). At least 4 peer-reviewed journal articles should be included as references.  More details on this assignment will be given as we progress.  Additionally, you will each submit a draft which will then be reviewed by another student and returned to you for editing.