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Course: BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
Unit Code and Name: BSBLDR601 Lead and Manage Organizational Change
Time allowed: 2 Hours
Assessment type:Examination

Name of the Student: ______________________________________________________

Student ID number: ______________________________Section: __________________

Student’s Signature: _______________________________Date: __________________

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Assessor’s name & signature





Purpose and context:

To be assessed as competent in this unit you must provide evidence that you can:

1. Develop Change management strategy

2. Implement Change management strategy

3. Evaluate Change management strategy

The following table maps the final assessment activity against the Elements and performance criteria of BSBLDR601 Lead and Manage Organizational Change.



Performance criteria

A:Multiple choice questions(10)



B: SAQ (8)

1, 2, 3


C: Essay type question (1)

1, 2, 3



1. This assessment item has four parts. Part A has Multiple Choice questions and Part B has Short answer questions and Part C has an Essay type long answer question

1. In order to be treated as competent, you have to attempt all sections and demonstrate satisfactory performance.

1. Answer all questions.

1. In case of any doubt, contact/email your trainer.

Part A : Multiple Choice Questions

Tick () or circle clearly the most appropriate answer:

1. When leaders or managers are planning to manage change, some key principles should be kept in mind. One of them is,

a) Different people react differently to change

b) Make decisions on your own

c) Change is not costly affair

d) During change project, do not use technology too much

1. It is important to review existing policies and practices before a change management initiative. How it can be done?

a) Conducting meetings with all staff, managers and supervisors

b) Analyzing past performance data and results

c) Through a survey done internally

d) All of the above

1. Darren is recently appointed as Chief of Change management project in an organization. Since his joining Darren is considering few options like, maintaining a flat organizational team structure, making reporting processes minimum and informal (wherever possible), and involve people with high energy and relevant skills in the leadership.

Which of the following statements is correct in relation to the above scenario?

1. Darren’s approach is appropriate

1. Darren should change the team structure as it does not support change

1. Darren should adopt a robust reporting process in order to take exercise control

1. Leadership is not that important issue during change

1. A risk mitigation strategy may include,

1. Roles and responsibilities for developing and monitoring strategy

1. Resources and timelines

1. Conditions present in order for risk level to be acceptable

1. All of the above

1. SWOT is commonly suggested method for:

1. Managing challenges and opportunities

1. Implementing a new process

1. Building trust among the employees

1. PEST analysis

1. Developing a Change Management strategy may include:

a) Undertaking cost-benefit analysis

b) Identify barriers to change

c) Obtain approvals and assign resources to the project

d) All of the above

1. To effectively manage consultation after a change has been announced, you should plan,

1. Announce the change

1. Arrange consultation activities, updating draft project and training plans

1. Commencing implementation

1. All of the above

1. There are a number of organizational development programs and techniques that can be applied to improve attitudes, behavior and work relationships (of employees), all of which can help to improve productivity and the quality of work. Organizational development techniques may include,

1. Surveys of staff to identify current attitudes and to seek input from staff on ways to resolve issues

1. Engagement in process consultation by seeking input from staff

1. Team and intergroup development to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and skills

1. All of the above

1. Implementing change may NOT include;

a) Monitoring change in political environment

b) Developing communication or education plans

c) Activate strategies for embedding the change

d) Conduct regular evaluation and review

1. There can be formal or informal reward systems in organizations to encourage behaviors of employees during change implementation. Informal approach of providing recognition may include –

a) Company reward programs

b) Celebration at lunch

c) Access to further learning/training i.e., sending employees to TAFE

d) Promotion or increased pay

Part B -Short answer questions

1. Briefly describe the components of a change management project plan.

· The components of a change management project plan are understood as plans or ideas that should be considered and incorporated in a project that needs a change. This change ensures the greatest success of the project. They are as follows.

1.Assessments of various aspects regarding the organisation in the first place and then about the project in particular will yield a greater result. The organisation should be ready and willing to accept the changes. It can be aspects regarding finance, culture of the organisation

2.The second aspect of change management is to know the understanding level of the employees. For this communication and understandable communication plays a major role. The organisation should know how the employees are able to understand and accept the changes.

3.The next important aspect of getting the right guidance from the top executives and management through sponsors. If the right sponsor is given then the change in a project will be a success.

4.The managers and supervisors should be trained in such a way that they in turn train their group or their team for success. Training and motivation should be given at all levels.

5.Different kind of resistance from various levels should be analysed and expected. The solutions for the same should also be prepared in advance.

Implementing ideas at all level is a major issue.

7.Due recognition should be shown to the employees for their contribution. This will encourage them to do better.

1. Why is it necessary to analyze strategic planning during a change process? Give reasons.


1. Explain the use of SWOT analysis in developing a change strategy.

· SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The SWOT analysis helps you see how you stand out in the marketplace, how you can grow as a business and where you are vulnerable. This easy-to-use tool also helps you identify your company’s opportunities and any threats it faces. The process takes account of both the internal and external factors your company must navigate.

SWOT analysis is used for following reasons in developing a change strategy;

· Brainstorming and Decision making:

A SWOT analysis is a useful tool for brainstorming and strategic planning. There is greater chance of getting more value from a SWOT analysis if conducted it with a specific objective or question in mind. For example, you can use a SWOT analysis to help you decide if and how you should:

· take advantage of a new business opportunity

· respond to new trends

· implement new technology

· deal with changes to your competitors' operations.

· Building on strengths:

A SWOT analysis will help you identify areas of change project that are performing well. These areas are your critical success factors and they give your business its competitive advantage.

Identifying these strengths can help make sure to maintain them so the organization won’t lose your competitive advantage. Growing business involves finding ways of using and building on these strengths.

· Minimizing Weakness:

Weaknesses are the characteristics that put the organization at a disadvantage to others. Conducting a SWOT analysis can help to identify these characteristics and minimize or improve them before they become a problem. When conducting a SWOT analysis, it is important to be realistic about the weaknesses in the business to deal with them adequately

· Counteracting threats:

Threats are external factors that could cause problems for your business, such as changes to the market, a competitor's new advertising campaign, or new government policy. A SWOT analysis can help to identify threats and ways to counteract them, depending on strengths and weaknesses.

· Addressing individual issues:

Conducting a SWOT analysis to address individual issues, such as:

· staffing issues

· business culture and image

· new product development

· organizational structure

· advertising

· financial resources

· operational efficiency.

1. Why do staffs resist change in organizations? Given examples.


1. Why is the cost benefit analysis extremely important for a change management? Discuss.

· A cost-benefit analysis is a process of comparing the projected or estimated costs and benefits (or opportunities) associated with a project decision to determine whether it makes sense from a business perspective.

Generally speaking, cost-benefit analysis involves tallying up all costs of a project or decision and subtracting that amount from the total projected benefits of the project or decision. (Sometimes, this value is represented as a ratio).

It is important because: –

· It is data-driven: Cost-benefit analysis allows an individual or organization to evaluate a decision or potential project free of opinions or personal biases. As such, it offers an agnostic and evidence-based evaluation of your options, which can help your business become more data-driven and logical in how it operates.

· It makes decisions simpler: Business decisions are often complex by nature. By reducing a decision to costs versus benefits, the cost-benefit analysis can make them less complex.

· It can uncover hidden costs and benefits: Cost-benefit analysis forces you to sit down and outline every potential cost and benefit associated with a project, which can help you uncover less-than-obvious factors, such as indirect or intangible costs.


1. Why is it important to have regular consultation and communication during change management?

· Effective communication could be a two-way strategy, any place everyone tunes in to what the others should state and thinks about what it implies that, and correspondingly is tuned in to.

At the point when people impart adequately, it's simpler to discuss imperative information, share contemplations or incite encourage. there's a heartier understanding of another person's point of view and thusly the situation, bringing about higher intellectual process and a ton of property answers for issues.

As direct as communication shows up, a ton of what we will in general attempt to impart to other people (and what others attempt to convey to us) gets misconstrued, which may bring about mishaps, struggle and disappointment at the work.

Consultation is that the method by that organization should analyse the event of structures, systems, practices and issues with basic concern with laborers or their agents.

Consultation doesn't remove the right of directors to oversee as they need to at present form a definitive call. Nonetheless, it will force A commitment that the perspectives on representatives are needed and respected on issues that affect those workers before determinations are taken. In choosing the best approach to meet this commitment, managers should consider the effect of the trouble on specialists' wellbeing and wellbeing, and the manner in which compelling and intentional consultation on the trouble is accomplished.

Consultation includes businesses effectively looking for and so considering the perspectives on representatives prior to making a decision. It includes two-route communication with bosses giving information and representatives assuming up the liability of effectively partaking inside the technique.

A significant standard of consultation is arriving at satisfying result on a trouble or point that is acceptable to all or any gatherings and people, and moves towards a more secure and more beneficial environmental factors.

1. Explain external environment’s impact on organization’s change management strategy. Give examples.


1. How would you measure the success of your change management project?

· The success of the change management project can be measured in 3 categories. The actual measure used in each category is highly project-dependent. They are:

7. Measuring Organizational Performance:

The first category of measurement is organizational performance. These measures are associated with the project achieving the desired outcomes for the organization. Organizational performance metrics should answer the question, “Did the initiative deliver what was expected?” Here are some examples for organizational performance metrics:

· Performance improvements

· Adherence to project plan

· Business and change readiness

· Project KPI measurements

· Benefit realization and ROI

· Adherence to timeline

· Speed of execution

7. Measuring Individual Performance

The next category of measurement is individual performance. These measures indicate whether the individuals impacted by the change are progressing through their change journeys. Since the individual is the unit of change, measuring individual progress can be a leading indicator of overall project success. The methods used to obtain these measures include surveys, tests, assessments, observation, and performance evaluations. The individual employee metrics to measure performance are:

· Adoption metrics

· Usage and utilization reports

· Compliance and adherence reports

· Proficiency measures

· Employee engagement, buy-in and participation measures

· Employee feedback

7. Measuring change Management Performance

The metrics in this category are connected to the actual activities carried out by the change management team. While it’s helpful to monitor these activities, the other two outcome-oriented categories of individual and project performance are necessary to determine if the change management activities are successful. Change management performance measures include:

· Tracking change management activities conducted according to plan

· Training tests and effectiveness measures

· Training participation and attendance numbers

· Communication deliveries

· Communication effectiveness

· Performance improvements

· Progress and adherence to plan

· Business and change readiness

· Project KPI measurements

· Benefit realization and ROI

· Adherence to timeline

· Speed of execution

Part C – Essay

Change in organizations, large and small, private or governments are common. If we study our business environment we will find that many such organizational changes are happening everywhere. Obviously, the purpose of change in organizations is probably not the same, but the core objective of change management remains common i.e. to make organizations stronger, better and competitive. However, there are many instances where we see change initiatives fail or become unsuccessful.

Write a short essay explaining what a ‘Change Management’ is and why change programs often fail and therefore, suggest ways to manage them successfully.


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