The Evaluation Plan
Is the evaluation design named or described?
Is the size of the sample(s) stated and how the individuals were selected?
Is a complete description of the demographic data included and how these data were used?
Is there a description of the manner in which the data were analyzed, indicating any statistical test(s) used and the level of significance chosen?
Is there a copy of all evaluation instruments, whether self-developed or purchased, included as part of the study?
Is there a description of the manner in which you developed the instrument, whether it was field tested and the results?
Is there a description of all limitations to the evaluation plan?
Are all the data collected directly relevant to the objectives?
Writing Chapter 4
Objective Analysis Design
In this segment, list each objective with a description of how the evaluation design will determine if the objective is met. Questions, collection of data, pre- and post-analysis, etc. may be used to accomplish the task. Each objective may have a different method of collecting proof to determine if the objective was met. The number of segments in the chapter is dependent upon the number of objectives. Remember, however, results are not included in this chapter.
Data Analysis
This section indicates what data analysis and calculations are important to the research. Each calculation should be noted with an explanation of why it was selected.
Limitations of the Data Collection Plan
The weaknesses of the design is established in this part. It also includes what variables may hinder clear answers and what other factors could not be controlled. Every experiment or test has elements that cannot be controlled, and should be noted.
Evaluation Design
If there is one design for the entire project, it is best to describe the plan in detail. This provides the reader with a complete overview of the design and how it was administered.
Data Collection Plan
In this section, weave into the discussion of the data collection, the objectives to be reached by such a collection. Mention pretest and post-test collections and how they will be used statistically to gather proof of objectives being met.
Keep the collection plan simple. In its analysis, each objective will be closely monitored to see if it was met. Be as complete as possible. As a consequence, the reader will know the plan in detail and how to apply it to all of the objectives.
Limitations of the Data Collection Plan
This section denotes the weaknesses of the design, what variables may hinder clear answers, and what other factors could not be controlled. Every experiment has elements which cannot be controlled, and they should be noted.
Start each chapter with an opening paragraph that explains what will be found in that chapter. Furthermore, close each chapter with a summary paragraph specifying how this particular chapter is integrated into the entire Business Application Project.
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