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Discussion # 1

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My top five themes are: Harmony, consistency, Relator, Deliberative and Analytical. As a leader, I would want my team to get along and follow clearly defined expectations. A great leader strives to establish trust in the team and let them know that they are there for you and will advocate for your wellbeing and success (Broome & Marshall, 2021). Being deliberative is often mistaking with being shy, I just like to listen and analyze before I draw conclusions. I see myself more as a moral leader that is there to make sure that everything runs smoothy, and that everybody is pulling their weight. A moral leader is a great model of integrity and fairness and is also there to support and serve the team members (Li & Li, 2021). Analytical means to be a leader who like to see measurable outcomes to define success. A leader who likes to educate by using a reasoned approach to solve problems.

The two characteristics that I would like to strengthen are:  includer and communication. I tend to stay within my comfort zone and ride with my team, my own little crew; I am slow to make new friends. Having good communication skills gives rise to effective and healthy relationship within the team and leaves little room for misunderstanding (Raouf et al., 2020). I have little issue with verbal communication and tend to listen more and keep my opinion to myself until I am positive, I have something valuable and constructive to offer to the discussion. I would like to work on finding better ways to communicate with my team besides quoting rules and regulations.

Evan P

Discussion # 2

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 The Clifton Strengths Finder 2.0 test showed that my top 5 signature themes were adaptability, includer, ideation, relator, and input. Adaptability shows that I can be productive in any situation and I’m able to change or pivot to meet the needs of the whole. The includer theme shows that I don’t want anyone to feel left out. That I am accepting of others and want to have a positive group setting.  Ideation shows that I am open to any kind of ideas, and I enjoy the process of thinking of new ideas. Relator shows that I want to bring my friends closer and build comradery. I want to be able to put my trust in others. Input is the last of my themes. I collect information and items on subjects that I enjoy.

Two core values that I hold to are human dignity and altruism. Altruism refers to an unselfish concern in others’ well-being. Altruism in nursing is giving the best care to every patient without expecting anything in return. Human dignity refers to treating each person as a human being and respecting their individuality (Alavi et al., 2017).

Two strengths that I would like to focus on would be adaptability and includer. Adaptability is my number one strength according to the strengths finder. Adaptability has especially become important in times of a covid pandemic. There may be acute changes in CDC or hospital guidelines as well as increased deaths and an effective leader must be adaptable to these changes . Inclusivity is important for effective leadership as well. Inclusivity allows for a group to have a sense of direction. A leader must be inclusive with his or her followers to achieve a common goal (Uhl-Bien, 2021).

Two characteristics I would like to strengthen include woo and positivity. Woo is the ability to win people over and convince them to support your cause. Woo is a measure of how well you can get others to like you. Positivity is a strength that helps support yourself and others around you. A positive leader allows an increased enthusiasm to work together and achieve the goal. I believe being strong in these two characteristics would synergize well with my current leadership strengths (Rath, 2017).

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