What type of qualitative research and quantitative research can be used with suitable for all of four key marketing question identified by michael.

Hi, basically, this is the marketing research class and the professor wants us to do this task.

Task 1: Identify the appropriate approach of research suitable for the four key marketing questions

Identify one appropriate approach of qualitative research (for example, focus group interview) and one appropriate approach of quantitative research (for example, online survey) suitable for all of four key marketing questions identified by Michael. Make justifications for your choices.
Before making your decision about the appropriate approach, refer to (1) each stage of the marketing research process; and (2) the nature of qualitative research and quantitative research, compare and contrast these two types of marketing research.

1. What markets in Japan hold the most promise for Michaels new business?
2. What type of customers is best for targeting?
3. What product features do target customers prefer?
4. How Michaels new business can compete with competitors in the target market in Japan?

Well I uploaded two screenshot
First one is the answer’s example like how the answers should be look like and the second one is the assignment’s full instruction for you to quick understand.

As you can see two example(screenshoot) the answers should be look like this with 50~100words per each.
Qualitative Research -(50~100 words)
Quantitative Research – (50~100words)