week 4 discussion capstone 3


Review the video “Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test” and review the  web page on the use of this test for paired samples when ordinal data are used.

Explain the statistical testing you will use to analyze the data for each outcome variable for each of your programs.  List each outcome that you will be evaluating and indicate which variables you will use in the statistical analyses.

If your evaluation compares different groups (either a control group or a different treatment group), what additional statistics will you need to run in addition to examining differences between pre- and post-test scores?


Wilcoxon signed-rank test using SPSS statistics. Retrieved from

*Notes: Avoid first person verbiage and write in third person, no direct quotes, and do not give possession to in-text citations or inanimate objects.

Your initial post with at least two peer reviewed references or one peer reviewed reference or textbook reference is due by Wednesday with three peer responses (two peer responses if you attend Keiser Live Session!) with at least one peer reviewed reference or questions each by Saturday if you expect to receive full credit for peer responses.