
Unit 4: Lecture

The foreign direct investment (FDI) is also considered as an attempt to access external resources in order to offset the weaknesses of the investor. The Strategic linkage theory and network approach fall into this category and this topic explores these concepts to enhance the understanding of the aforementioned theory and approach.

Conduct your own research to explore the external resources found in Asia.


· Chen, H., & Chen, T.-J. (1998). . Journal of International Business Studies, (n3). Retrieved from Park Library.

This unit, we are discussing the foreign direct investment (FDI) at global investment level. You are encouraged to get a better understanding of strategic linkage and location choice theory to be comfortable as a global manager.

Readings and Materials

1. Articles

0. Chen, H., & Chen, T.-J. (1998). . Journal of International Business Studies, (n3). Retrieved from Park Library.

2. Podcast (Optional)
