The Trials of the Scottsboro Boys

Go to Famous Trials. Then scroll to find the tab “The Trials of “Scottsboro Boys”: An Account”

Analyze: The Scottsboro Boys Trial. Read as much as you can about the case on this site. Obtain at least two other research sources on the case through the internet or other research.  Write a paper concerning the case where you discuss the following issues:

– the factual background of the case;
– the evidence introduced against the defendants at trial;
– the outcome of the case at trial and on appeal;
– the legal issues involved in the case and historical significance of the case in the American legal system;
– Conclusion.

Please attribute your research and any ideas that are not your own. Use at least two other research sources on the case through the internet or other research.  Be sure to use APA format for this paper, including double-spaced text, 12-point font size, and 1 margins. A reference list is required. A suitable length on this assignment is 4-5 pages.