The Prevalence of Divorce in Modern Society and Premarital Cohabitation as a Contributing Factor

I need a well written essay that discusses the Prevalence of Divorce in Modern Society and Premarital Cohabitation as a contributing factor. I have attached some sources in my annotated bibliography and outline, I would like you to use many of them as you can and also incorporate other relevant sources. Please follow my outline.

Here is the feedback from my professor on the Annotated Bibliography I attached:

“You note in your outline that religious factors contribute to choices regarding your topic, which is good, and you note that cohabitation and divorce are in violation of church teaching, which is also good. In order to flesh this discussion out, I suggest you look, for a start, to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (available on the Vatican website: and, in part, in the course materials ahead) to understand the teaching itself. I also suggest you seek out theological resources regarding marriage in Christian thought.”

Please make follow the feedback when writing the paper.