
Submit: Assignment 1, Media and Culture Theory ~

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After studying the assigned reading The Handbook of Communication Science, Second Edition, : Mass Media Effects and considering one of the five categories of media effect theories mentioned in the article (learning, socialization, selective exposure, selective presentation, and perceived effects—remember, these are the categories, not the names of the theories themselves), identify one of the theories listed in the reading and answer the following questions or prompts.

Do not include the questions in the essay.

A) Does media directly influence individuals? Explain your answer

B) Which of the mass communication theories do you feel most accurately portrays your media experiences? Why? Be sure to provide an example that supports your opinion.

C) How involved should the government be in protecting us from media effects? Where do you draw the line between free speech and indecency? Is censorship ever warranted? 

Support your responses with research from the Learning Resources. Use  where necessary and cite any outside sources. Create an at the end of the document.

Submit your responses in the file submission area for this assignment. If you choose to “add a file” by attaching an MS Word  document, please also copy and paste your response into the comments area.

400 to 500 words

©2020 University of Maryland Global Campus

Below are the required learning resources for this week.

SAGE Handbook of Media Studies: Chapter 5: Society Culture and Media

Gale Encyclopedia of E-Commerce: Digital Divide

The digital divide, in the simplest terms, points to an unequal distribution of resources. This article discusses key points of access to emerging technologies.

21st Century Communication: A Reference Handbook: Chapter 62: Media Literacy

This chapter provides definitions and discusses key issues related to media literacy.

The Handbook of Communication Science, Second Edition: Chapter 15: Mass Media Effects

This article discusses the history of and theories on the impact of mass media.

Rubric Name: COMM 202 Assignment Rubric

Print Rubric

This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.Development and Content

Exceeds Standards

40 points

Meets Standards

35.6 points

Needs Improvement

27.6 points

Does Not Meet Standards

23.6 points

Criterion Score

Category is worth 40% of overall grade

Develops answers with effective supportive examples; provides a balanced presentation of relevant information and shows a thoughtful, in-depth analysis; reader gains insights; specifically meets criteria of defining key points, events, or contributions

Develops answers with adequate supportive examples; information displays evidence of a basic analysis; reader gains some insights

Does not fully develop answers and may lack detailed supportive examples; analysis is basic or general; reader gains insights

Answers are undeveloped or has no supportive examples; analysis is vague or not evident; reader is confused or may be misinformed

Score of Category is worth 40% of overall grade,/ 40

This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.Purpose

Exceeds Standards

30 points

Meets Standards

26.7 points

Needs Improvement

20.7 points

Does Not Meet Standards

17.7 points

Criterion Score

Category is worth 30% of overall grade

Introduces and answers all questions effectively and clearly; central purpose is readily apparent to the reader; makes connections

Introduces and answers all questions adequately; purpose is consistently clear throughout the paper

Introduces and answers all questions somewhat effectively; writing has a clear purpose but may sometimes digress from it

Introduces and answer questions poorly; purpose is generally unclear

Score of Category is worth 30% of overall grade,/ 30

This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.Documentation and Support

Exceeds Standards

20 points

Meets Standards

17.8 points

Needs Improvement

13.8 points

Does Not Meet Standards

11.8 points

Criterion Score

Category is worth or 20% of overall grade

Answers are supported effectively with legitimate sources from the learning resources and/or outside resources that are clearly attributed consistently throughout paper; uses APA format accurately and consistently

Answers are supported effectively with legitimate sources from the learning resources and/or outside resources that are clearly attributed but not consistent, yet "generally" supported; uses proper formatting with minor violations

Although attribution is present and many sources seem to be legitimate, some statements are unsubstantiated or generalized and the source of some ideas is unclear or some claims are made without support from the learning resources and/or outside resources

Attribution is missing, or sources given are poorly chosen; claims are consistently made without support from the learning resources and/or outside resources; reflect incomplete knowledge of formatting.

Score of Category is worth or 20% of overall grade,/ 20

This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.Organization and Writing Mechanics

Exceeds Standards

10 points

Meets Standards

8.9 points

Needs Improvement

6.9 points

Does Not Meet Standards

5.9 points

Criterion Score

Category is worth 10% of overall grade

Arranges ideas clearly and logically to support the purpose; ideas flow smoothly and are effectively linked; reader can follow the line of reasoning; Writing demonstrates a sophisticated clarity, conciseness, and correctness with no grammatical/sentence structure errors

Arranges ideas adequately to support the purpose; links between ideas are generally clear; reader can follow the line of reasoning for the most part; Writing is accomplished in terms of clarity and conciseness and contains only a few grammatical/sentence

Arranges ideas adequately, in general, although ideas sometimes fail to make sense together; reader remains fairly clear about what writer intends; Writing sometimes lacks clarity or conciseness and contains various grammatical/sentence structure errors

Arranges ideas illogically; ideas frequently fail to make sense together; reader cannot identify a line of reasoning and becomes frustrated or loses interest; Writing is unfocused, rambling, or contains serious grammatical/sentence structure errors

Score of Category is worth 10% of overall grade,/ 10

Rubric Total ScoreTotal

Score of COMM 202 Assignment Rubric,/ 100Criterion score has been overridden

Overall Score

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