

Complete the Staffing Issues interactive case study following the readings and presentation for this week. Associate what you have learned in your weekly materials with what was presented in the case study.After you complete the case study, click on "Create Journal Entry" to reflect upon what you havelearned from the case study and related learning materials this week. Compare this case study to your nursing practice and give a similar example from your nursing experience in which you might have run into on staffing or a similar situation.

Staffing issues is a constant ongoing battle within hospital units. Whether the hours are

being cut or nurses are being overworked, the issue seems to always come up in connection with

unhappy employees. The current nursing schedule has every nurse working multiple shifts in a

row with only one day off in between (West Coast University, 2020). It appears as though

mandatory overtime has been assigned to the nursing staff again (West Coast University, 2020).

One nurse expresses her fear in having to work mandatory overtime because of how tired

she feels (West Coast University, 2020). She states that she made a medication error last month

and is fearful that because of inadequate rest, she is likely to make another one (West Coast

University, 2020). Another nurse states that she has a wedding she has already sent her RSVP to

and that she has worked three Saturdays in a row (West Coast University, 2020). She adds that

every time she is at work, she is always the senior nurse, working with preceptors or new

graduate nurses (West Coast University, 2020). A third nurse discusses she does not mind

working an extra day and comments that they just need “a warm body here” and she provides

that (West Coast University, 2020).

It is clear that morale is low among the nurses and they are unhappy with their

assignments (West Coast University, 2020). They begin to discuss reaching out to their union

representative for help with the nursing staff schedule and the unit ratios (West Coast University,

2020). Nurse understaffing and nurse fatigue are the two main issues that negatively affect a unit

and can have serious impacts (West Coast University, 2020).

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One study cited that neonatal intensive care units (NICU) are one of the most

understaffed departments and yet they have critically ill neonates (Rogowski et al., 2015).

“Substantial NICU nurse understaffing relative to national guidelines is widespread.

Understaffing is associated with an increased risk for VLBW nosocomial infections” (Rogowski

et al., 2015). This study highlights the need for more nurses to comply to the nurse to patient

ratios as well as to relieve tired nurses, giving them time off (Rogowski et al., 2015).

The conversation ended with nurses discussing the nurse acuity ratios and even though

units can ask nurses to work mandatory overtime, the health and safety of patients is always the

priority (West Coast University, 2020). The conversation ends with the nurses deciding to check

with their union representative first to advocate for the safety of their patients, which is directly

linked to nursing shortage at the bedside (West Coast University, 2020).


Rogowski, J., Staiger, D., Patrick, T., Horbar, J., Kenny, M., & Lake, E. (2015). Nursing staffing

and NICU infection rates. JAMA Pediatrics 167(5):444-450. doi:


West Coast University. (n.d.). Staffing issues interactive case study. [Video file]. Retrieved from



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