
SG2003: Theory in Criminology: Compare the application of the classical school and the positivist school of criminological theory in criminal justice practice.

Written Response Submission Form

Your Name: First and last

Your E-Mail Address: Your email here


Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much, as needed, to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the Rubric, which will be used to evaluate your responses.

Item 1

Explain how the classical school of criminal theory differs from the positivist school of criminal theory, ensuring an accurate description of each school within your comparison.

Next, explain whether society’s laws are based on the classical theory, the positivist theory, or both. Provide three examples. Then, explain the degree to which society’s laws serve as sufficient deterrence for crime in your country.

Your response should be 300–500 words in length.

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

The Classical and Positivist Schools of Criminological Theory

Explain how the classical school of criminal theory differs from the positivist school of criminal theory, ensuring an accurate description of each school within your comparison.

LO1: Compare the classical school and positivist schools of criminological theory

Response is not present.

The response may describe some aspects of the classical school of criminal theory and the positivist school of criminal theory, but it does not make a comparison between the two theories.

The response describes the classical school of criminal theory and the positivist school of criminal theory. The response makes a comparison between the two theories.

Explain whether society’s laws are based on the classical theory, the positivist theory, or both. Provide three examples.

LO2: Determine which type of theories influence laws in society

Response is not present.

The response does not take a position on whether or not contemporary society’s laws are based on the classical school theory, the positivist school theory, or both. The response does not provide three adequate examples related to the above positions.

The response takes a position on whether or not contemporary society’s laws are based on the classical school theory, the positivist school theory, or both. The response provides three adequate examples to support the above positions.

Explain the degree to which society’s laws serve as sufficient deterrence for crime in your country.

LO3: Analyze the effect of laws on the deterrence of crime

Response is not present.

The response may provide a position on the degree to which society’s laws serve as sufficient deterrence for crime.

The response provides a position on the degree to which society’s laws serve as sufficient deterrence for crime.

Item 2

Choose a crime that has occurred in the last 12 months in your community, state/province/region, or nation. Based on the classical school theory, explain what change could have occurred to prevent this crime from happening. Based on the positivist school theory, explain what change could have prevented this crime from happening.

Your response should be 300–350 words in length.

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

The Classical and Positivist Schools of Criminological Theory

Choose a crime that has occurred in the last 12 months in your community, state/province/region, or nation. Based on the classical school theory, explain what change could have occurred to prevent this crime from happening.

LO4: Determine how classical criminological theory could affect the outcome of contemporary criminal activity

Response is not present.

The response identifies a crime that has occurred in the last 12 months.

The response may demonstrate a limited understanding of classical theory but does not adequately connect an understanding of the theory to explain what change could have prevented the crime.

The response identifies a crime that has occurred in the last 12 months.

The response demonstrates an understanding of classical theory and connects that understanding to explaining what change could have prevented the crime.

Based on the positivist school theory, explain what change could have prevented this crime from happening.

LO5: Determine how positivist criminological theory could affect the outcome of contemporary criminal activity

Response is not present.

The response may demonstrate a limited understanding of the positivist theory but does not adequately connect an understanding of the theory to explain what change could have prevented the crime.

The response demonstrates an understanding of positivist theory and connects that understanding to explaining what change could have prevented the crime.

Item 3

Respond to the following:

A. Identify a current event in your community, state/province/region, or nation and describe how that situation relates to a criminological theory or theories.

B. Explain how the concepts of personal responsibility and social structure theories affect your view of the role that theories play in explaining the current event.

C. Explain the degree to which viewing this criminal justice-related event through a criminological theory better prepares you to address crime as a current or future professional.

D. Explain how viewing this criminal justice-related event through a criminological theory might affect your efforts toward social change.

Your response should be 500–750 words in length.

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Personal Responsibility and Social Structure Theories: Perspectives on Contemporary Crime

Identify a current event in your community, state/province/region, or nation and describe how that situation relates to a criminological theory or theories.

LO6: Demonstrate a connection between criminological theory and a current event

Response is not present.

The response identifies a current event that relates to the topic of criminological theory.

The response identifies a current event that relates to the topic of criminological theory.

Explain how the concepts of personal responsibility and social structure theories affect your view of the role that theories play in explaining the current event.

LO7: Analyze the effect of personal responsibility and social structure theories on perspectives of contemporary crime

Response is not present.

The response may connect how the role of personal responsibility and social structure theory affects the view of the current event, but it does not use concrete examples from the current event and the reading to support the claim.

The response demonstrates how the role of personal responsibility and social structure theory affects the view of the current event. The response uses concrete examples from the current event and the reading to support the claim.

Explain the degree to which viewing this criminal justice- related event through a criminological theory better prepares you to address crime as a current or future professional.

LO8: Apply perspectives on criminological theory to professional criminal justice practice

Response is not present.

The response does not explain adequately how viewing the identified criminal justice-related event through a criminological theory better prepares one to address crime as a current or future professional. The response does not adequately connect theories to applied criminal justice practice.

The response explains how viewing the identified criminal justice-related event through a criminological theory better prepare one to address crime as a current or future professional. The response accomplishes this by connecting theories covered in the competency with applied criminal justice practice.

Explain how viewing this criminal justice-related event through a criminological theory might affect your efforts toward social change.

LO9: Apply perspectives on criminological theory to social change efforts in criminal justice practice

Response is not present.

The response does not draw a meaningful connection to social change efforts.

The response connects these ideas to their potential effect on social change efforts.


Provide a citation for each resource you used to write your response to this Assessment. The following citation has been provided as an example:

· Walsh, A., & Jorgensen, C. (2018). Criminology: The essentials (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Mastery Rubric

In order to achieve mastery of this Competency, you must achieve a “2” on every rubric row in addition to meeting the additional expectation indicated in the Mastery Rubric.

Mastery Rubric



Exceeds Expectations: Perspective Taking/Embracing Contradictions

Acknowledges alternate, divergent, or contradictory perspectives when applying criminological theory to criminal justice practice.

Responses do not acknowledge multiple theories and perspectives from the discipline of criminology when applied to criminal justice practice.

Responses acknowledge multiple theories and perspectives from the discipline of criminology when applied to criminal justice practice.

Professional Skills Assessment

In this Competency Assessment, you will be assessed on the following Professional Skills: Written Communication. These skills count toward your achievement of the Competency and the Professional Skills.

Written Communication: Write with clarity, coherence, and purpose.


Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

LO1: Construct complete and correct sentences. (AWE 2; Sentence Level Skills)

Sentences are incoherent and impede reader’s access to ideas.

Sentences are incomplete and/or include fragments and run-on sentences, limiting reader’s access to ideas.

Sentences structure effectively conveys meaning to the reader.

LO2: Demonstrate the effective use of grammar and mechanics. (AWE 2; Sentence Level Skills)

Multiple inaccuracies in grammar and mechanics impede reader’s access to ideas.

Some inaccuracies in grammar and mechanics limit reader’s access to ideas.

Use of grammar and mechanics is straightforward and effectively conveys meaning to reader.

LO3: Create cohesive paragraphs with a clear central idea. (AWE 2; Paragraph Level Skills)

Paragraphs, or lack of paragraphs, impede reader’s access to ideas.

Construction of main idea and/or supporting paragraphs limit reader’s access to ideas.

Main idea and/or supporting paragraphs effectively convey meaning to reader.

LO4: Use supporting material to support a claim. (AWE 2; Use of Evidence)

Supporting materials are not present.

Supporting material is used inconsistently or inappropriately.

Supporting material is used to enhance meaning. Writing is appropriately paraphrased and uses direct quotes as applicable.

LO5: Demonstrate appropriate essay level writing skills, providing transitions between an introduction, body, and conclusion. (AWE 2; Essay Level Skills)

Ideas are disorganized with no/poor transitions.

Ideas are loosely organized with unclear paragraphing and transitions.

Ideas are organized with cohesive transitions.

LO6: Identify sources. (AWE 2; Credit to source)

Sources are missing.

Writing inconsistently identifies or misrepresents sources.

Writing clearly identifies the source of nonoriginal material and/or ideas.

Professional Skill Building


The faculty Assessor will provide feedback based on the following expectations related to inquiry and analysis. Review the rubric and check your work based on the learning objectives listed.