sentence Determinate or indeterminate, Consecutive or concurrent.

  This week Former Police Officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty on multiple counts for the death of George Floyd. Assume the role of the correctional branch: based on your knowledge and what you’ve learned thus far what type of sentencing would you give to the police officer. Please conduct research for the case online to attain all background info and all counts he was found guilty of. Make an assessment for the court of what you would recommend for the officer’s sentencing. Please include:

What type of punishment would you give?

How much time would you give for each count and how/where should it be served?

What type of sentence? Determinate or indeterminate. Consecutive or concurrent.

Should he eligible for parole and if so when and under what provisions?

Should he be treated differently for all his years of service as a police officer?

Please be as detailed as possible and explain why you have made the decisions above.