
3/19/22, 9:14 PMRubric Assessment – CMSC 307 7381 Artificial Intelligence Applications (2222) – UMGC Learning Management System

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DiscussionsCourse: CMSC 307 7381 Ar!ficial Intelligence Applica!ons (2222)


Overall Score

Criteria Exceeds Meets Does not meet

Completeness of Submission

Submi"ed on Time

Interac!on with Others

3 points

Responses thoroughly addressed all

parts of the discussion ques!on adding

depth to the overall conversa!on.

Responses were clear and of the highest

quality demonstra!ng mastery of


References were properly cited.

2 points

Responses addressed some of the

ques!on but addi!onal clarifica!on and

details would have strengthened the


Responses were well organized with rare

spelling or grammar distrac!ons.

References were properly cited.

0 points

No responses or responses were

incorrect, or missing significant details.

No responses or responses were poorly

wri"en, disorganized with many spelling

and gramma!cal errors.

1 point

Ini!al responses submi"ed at least 3

days before the due date.

0.5 points

Ini!al responses submi"ed on or within

2 days before the due date.

0 points

No responses or responses submi"ed

a#er the due date.

1 point

Responded to student posts providing

addi!onal contribu!ons clearly

suppor!ng learning and successful

accomplishment of assignments and

classroom ac!vi!es.

0.5 points

Responded to student posts providing

addi!onal contribu!ons.

0 points

No responses to other students or

responses to other students do not

provide addi!onal insight and are not


Exceeds5 points minimum

Meets3.5 points minimum

Level 10 points minimum