Review the section in “What Is Culture?” that discusses the concept of “cultural relativism,” particularly the claim that the concept is a “double-edged sword,”

Review the section in “What Is Culture?” that discusses the concept of “cultural relativism,” particularly the claim that the concept is a “double-edged sword,” in light of the social constructivist view of social problems that you’ve learned in this unit. Together, these concepts suggest that identifying and criticizing social problems will not only differ from society to society but that attempting to intervene in the affairs of a society other than one’s own raises serious moral difficulties. Considering these difficulties, do you think it is justifiable for one society to judge another? If so, why? If not, why not?

Your answer must be written in the form of at least two (2) full paragraphs, and you must respond to the answers of at least two (2) of your classmates. You will be graded on how well you considered and answered the question regarding what you have learned in the course so far. Your instructor will also consider whether your responses to other students were a substantial contribution to the discussion.