Reponse to the following post below. 5-6 sentences


  • Complete the following . Based on this survey, what appears to be your strongest learning style? Do you agree? If you do agree, explain why. If you don’t agree with the survey results, what do you feel is your strongest learning style and why?                                   
  • Answer: The learning style the survey said is my strongest is kinesthetic. I completely agree with results. Practical exercises and experience is the best way for me to grasp knowledge not only the best but the quickest as well. Learning by someone explaining information typically goes over my head.
  • Question 2:  Some researchers believe that we do not have just one “strongest” learning style, but in fact, will use a variety of styles based on what it is we are trying to learn. Can you think of a learning task that you might face in which your “strongest” learning style might not work? Which one might work better?
  • Answer 2: I feel that out of any learning style kinesthetic would be the best option for me in any situation. Physically doing the work and practicing with similar work would benefit me the most. If I had to choose another learning style that would work the second best for me though would be visual. Threw graphs and diagrams would help me see how things should work and then complete the task based on examples given to me.
  • Question 3: Based on the VARK Questionnaire Results page, identify two strategies from the help sheet links that might benefit you in an educational setting. Explain if you can start using these strategies right away in FOR110
  • Answer 3: For my first strategy I would like to reference would be Recall past examples and performances. By using this strategy, I can not only help myself but help others by using my own past experiences on related topics to help cast more relatable ideas and examples. I know that when I am struggling to understand something, and a classmate/ instructor helps explain the situation and problem I am running into with a past experience it helps me grasp the concept better. This has always been a very good strategy to help me succeed in the past. The second strategy I would like to reference would be Put plenty of examples into your notes and answers. By doing this in my education I can always reference back to see how my work should be done. Having plenty of examples in your notes allows you to see past examples to see exact step by step and to help teach a lesson again. I can also figure out different ways to work out problems. 
  • Question 4: Complete the following 64-question personality survey based on . Report your type (example: ISTP), read the full description under the Self-development heading, and then explain how you can use this information personally, academically, and professionally.
  • Answer 4: My personality type is ENTP (extravert, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving). One big thing I noticed on the full description was that it said “sometimes too clever and will unknowingly cut corners.” I feel that I have been told before that I rush threw my work or begin to ramble. I feel reading this description and knowing how I am I can look for these actions. Being able to see when I am rushing my work whether it is in school or in my professional work will help me tremendously. I will be able to catch these actions before I finish so tha