
View the video below. Then post a response to the question below. Submit your answer as a 1-page single-spaced, or 2-page, double-spaced essay. 
Video link: https://wwnorton.com/common/flvplayer/?flvid=/college/soc/milk_in_the_land.mp4

Food is central in any culture, and milk has been a staple in American diets for a century and a half. But food has a deeper meaning than nourishment. This documentary clip explores how milk consumption was linked with racial superiority in the early twentieth century.

Why do you think drinking cow’s milk is so common in the United States? How has milk been used to promote nationalism? Racial superiority? What other foods are used to promote nationalism? How and why? In your response, be sure to define key terms, draw on sociological theories or ideas from the textbook, compare alternative views on the issues at hand, and take a clear and logically supported position.
Here are some terms and theories from Chapter 9: Race of the textbook You May Ask Yourself by Dalton Conley:
Race, racism, racialization, ethnicity, symbolic ethnicity, straight-line assimilation, primordialism, pluralism, segregation, genocide, subaltern, collective resistance, prejudice, discrimination, color-blind racism, institutional racism

You should use at least 2 sources.