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Response Paper #4: Modern Ideologies Remember the recommendations for completing response papers:

1. Read each step of the assignment carefully and be sure to complete the bullet points for each step.

2. Complete each bullet point with detailed explanations. Don’t just list information quickly. Show your mind working by providing explanations which prove you studied and understood the details of the lectures.

3. Don’t copy my sentences. Don’t use my sentences with just a few word changes. Write your own sentences. You may use words, phrases, and concepts from the lectures. But the sentences should be your own. That means your sentences should clearly be distinct from mine – in order to show your mind working.

4. Re-read your writing before submitting your work. Look for mistakes and unclear sentences to fix. The more time you invest in your writing, the more your writing will express your intelligence.

Here’s the assignment for Response Paper #4: Write an essay completing the four steps below. Make sure your essay is based exclusively on studying the assigned lectures on Blackboard in the “Modern Ideologies” folder. Do not use the Internet or other sources. 1) Write a paragraph (or two) discussing Classical Liberalism. Identify two Classical Liberal authors, their

books, and dates. Be sure to explain

• what natural rights are – give an example.

• why the right to private property is a natural right

• what a free market is o Base your discussion exclusively on the lecture “Classical Liberalism.” That means do not use the

Internet or other sources. Focus on the assigned lecture. Show that you studied this lecture. 2) Write a paragraph (or two) discussing Modern Liberalism. Identify two Modern Liberal authors, their

books, and dates. Be sure to explain

• how Modern Liberals understand democracy and human nature

• how Modern Liberals understand freedom

• what a Welfare State is. Include examples of what a Welfare State does o Base your discussion exclusively on the lecture “Modern Liberalism.” That means do not use the

Internet or other sources. Focus on the assigned lecture. Show that you studied this lecture. 3) Write a paragraph (or two) discussing Communism. Identify two Communist authors, their book, and

date. Be sure to explain

• how Marx and Engels simplify the complexity of industrial society

• how Marx and Engels see society as a zero-sum conflict

• what Marx and Engels thought would happen in industrial society, including whether they were correct

• the lasting influence of Marx and Engels. Helpful hint: Include Gramsci and Marcuse o Base your discussion exclusively on the lecture “Communism.” That means do not use the Internet or

other sources. Focus on the assigned lecture. Show that you studied this lecture. 4) Write a paragraph discussing Socialism. Identify a Socialist author, book, and date. Be sure to explain

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• why Bernstein revised Marx and Engels’ philosophy

• what Bernstein wanted the working class to do

• the British experience with Socialism

• the difference between a Welfare State and Socialism o Base your discussion exclusively on the lecture “Socialism” (and “Modern Liberalism” for the fourth

bullet point). That means do not use the Internet or other sources. Focus on the assigned lecture. Show that you studied this lecture.