
GEN104 Quizzes Week 1 – Quiz!

Week 1 – QuizStarted: Apr 3 at 4:37pm

Quiz Instruc!ons

Quiz saved at 5:40pm

Outside Reading[WLOs: 1, 3] [CLOs: 1, 3]Prior to beginning work on this quiz, watch the What Counts as Reading? video. Each week you will select somethingto read on your own and read for 2 hours. You may read a longer selec!on spread over several weeks, such as a novel,or you may read a combina!on of items (such as ar!cles, essays, shorter works of fic!on, etc.), as long as your readingadds up to 2 hours. Ul!mately, you should select something you are interested in reading; however, social media andmaterials assigned in the course are not permi"ed for this task. This is an opportunity to read something you may haveput off due to other events in your life.

Complete your outside reading and this quiz by Day 7. You will provide the !tle or !tles, a short descrip!on of what youare reading, and a reflec!on, but keep in mind that this is not a book report. The purpose of this quiz is to reflect onyour experience as you read. The quiz contains three short-answer ques!ons and is worth 2% of your course grade.There is unlimited !me to complete this quiz, however please be aware that Canvas may !me out if le$ inac!ve for toolong.

It is recommended you dra$ your answers in a Word document prior to star!ng the quiz to ensure you have enough!me to thoroughly reflect and respond within the quiz !me limit.

Click on the Take the Quiz bu"on when you are ready to start this exam. When finished, click on Submit Quiz.

1 ptsQues!on 1

p 0 words

List the !tle or !tles of what you chose to read this week


1 ptsQues!on 2

p 0 words

Provide a 1-3 sentence summary for each item you read


1 ptsQues!on 3

p 0 words

In 1-2 paragraphs, reflect your thoughts and feelings as you read. Explain:

Why you chose this or these items to readWhether you are happy with that choice and why or why notYour thoughts and feeling as you read, both about the text you are reading as well as yourreading process


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Time Elapsed:A"empt due: Apr 4 at 11:59pm

3 Minutes, 3 Seconds

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