
ISYS 3356 – User-Centred Design Project Overview

Design a website for shopping centre visitors You have been tasked for designing a fictional website for a shopping centre located in Melbourne. Your teacher will provide a list of approved centres. This assignment may be done in groups of two, or individually. All sections should be completed. First you will gather information (with the help of survey in week3 Lab) about what visitors are looking for prior to their arrival at the centre. For this exercise all User-Centred Design students will undertake the survey. After this you need to Analyse information available on the current shopping centre sites according to the instructions given in week 3 Lab, as well as reflect on what you and other visitors were looking for prior to their arrival at a shopping centre. Then you will need to Design a site based on your analysis in week 3 lab. Later in the semester you will Implement this as a Google site in Project Stage 2 and have several fellow students Evaluate it for usefulness and overall user experience. Some fellow students will evaluate your site using a survey that you will create. Details of this will be provided when creating the site is complete. The focus of this assignment is on selecting appropriate content and organising it and labelling it in a way that makes it easy to find for users. Graphic Design is not an important consideration. You can spend time making your site look good, but it won’t get additional marks. Before you begin, think about the information that you would be looking for if you were going to a shopping centre. Your project is broken up into 2 Stages

 Project Stage 1: Analysis and Design  Project Stage 2: Implementation, Feedback and Evaluation

Project Stage 1: Analysis and Design

Due Date: 15th April 2022 It is worth 30% of your total mark Now that we have completed the analysis stage in Week 3 Lab, we are ready to commence work on the design stage. In this phase you will be required to create website design for a real-world shopping centre that you will select from a list provided by your teacher. This design will be based on:

 Information you have obtained in the analysis stage  Ideas you will explore in this phase  Information regarding the local area

Please note, you will not be building this website in this stage. You will need to create 5 personas and identify what their needs would be when using a website about a shopping centre. You will then use storyboards to investigate when, why and how the personas will meet their needs using your website. Based on this, you will need to design a website that will cater to the needs of all your personas and create a sitemap showing how your pages are linked together.

Task 1: Select a location for your shopping centre and complete the week 3 survey You will receive 6 ma rks f or completing thi s task c or rectly Chose an existing shopping centre from the list provided by your teacher as the centre you will be designing this website for. Write your selection below (1 mark): Provide a link to this site (1 mark): What are some of the characteristics about the local area surrounding the shopping centre that would aid you in your design? Please write your answer below (1 paragraph) (3 marks): Week 3 survey was completed (1 mark):

Task 2: Create five Personas You will receive 25 m ar ks for com pleti ng this tas k cor rectly If working as a team, each team member must create at least one persona individually. You must pick 5 personas out of the following:

1. Elder Person (+70 years old) 2. Young Person (under 18 years old) 3. TAFE/Uni Student (Between 18-24 years old) 4. Male Tradie 5. Mother with young kids (28-40 years old) 6. High Income Single Person 7. Budget Shopper 8. International Tourist (Non-English speaking) 9. Interstate Tourist (English speaking) 10. Retail Business Owner

Name, Age, and Image Give your persona an appropriate name and age. Their age should fit within the list above. For the image, go to select an image from here and add it to the persona. Identifying Characteristics For each persona’s identifying characteristics, you must include the following information:

 Persona identifier taken from the list (Elder person etc)  Name  Where they live  Computer/Internet experience  Job  Financial position  Level of education  Hobbies  Primary source of information  Other characteristics

Goals To complete this section, answer the question:

 What will they use the shopping centre website for? (e.g. to find a child friendly cafe)

Provide at least 2 areas of information they will use the website for and link these with the Pages List from Task 4

When writing the goals, please remember that your product is the shopping centre website, not the shopping centre. Motivations In the motivations section, you need to explain what motivated the persona’s goal (e.g. the motivation for the goal to find a child friendly cafe may be ‘the children get tired and hungry on shopping trips’) Pain Points What is/could be preventing the user from using a product like the shopping centre’s website? This needs to be based on your persona’s characteristics. If there is no obvious pain point, then explain why there isn’t one. You will need to create 5 different persona documents, one for each persona.

Task 3: create 5 storyboards You will receive 40 m ar ks for com pleti ng this tas k cor rectly You have to create storyboards for each task 2 Persona based on one of their goals. If working as a team, each team member must create at least one storyboard individually. Please refer to the following information to complete this template: Title Page

 Created By: Add your name to the storyboard you created. If the team has created this storyboard, simply write ‘The Team’

Persona Information  Persona Name: Name of the persona you have selected  Persona Type: Elder person, Young person etc  Persona Characteristics: Copy the characteristics you wrote in your

chosen persona. If you need to flesh the character out more, please add more information here.

 Persona Goal: The goal is made up of a combination of their motivations and pain-points of using the shopping centre website. This will help you build your scenes.

Each storyboard must contain a minimum of 5 panels (one panel setting up the initial context, three panels giving a high-level illustration of how the site is used, a final panel showing the success context) When creating your storyboards, your personas must access a page from the Pages found in Task 4.

Task 4: Select and label your pages You will receive 14 m ar ks for com pleti ng this tas k cor rectly The website you create will have the following 8 pages:

1. Homepage Homepage 2. Opening Hours 3. Dining/Eateries 4. Shopping 5. Parking 6. Entertainment 7. Transport 8. WiFi

Based on the analysis from your personas in task 2, select an additional 7 pages to add to your website from the following list:

Additional Pages list

 A map of the shopping centre  Child play facilities  Parenting room/ baby-change room  Accessibility services  Quiet room  Medical centre  Gift Cards  Events / what's on  Banking/ATM services  Fresh food  Leasing information  COVID-19 information/processes

For each page selected, explain its relevance to one or more of your listed personas. This should link with the most important information you listed in task 2. Additional Page 1: Which persona/s is linked with this page and why? Additional Page 2: Which persona/s is linked with this page and why? Additional Page 3: Which persona/s is linked with this page and why? Additional Page 4:

Which persona/s is linked with this page and why? Additional Page 5: Which persona/s is linked with this page and why? Additional Page 6: Which persona/s is linked with this page and why? Additional Page 7: Which persona/s is linked with this page and why?

Task 5: Sitemap You will receive 15 m ar ks for com pleti ng this tas k cor rectly Create a sitemap showing how navigation will work between your site pages. You will need to have 3 tiers in your sitemap design. Submission: If working in a group, only one group member needs to submit. Submit to the Project State 1: Analysis and Design link in Canvas a zip file containing solutions to each of the 5 tasks.