
Overall Feedback

In our first milestone we identified global target audiences for NationaliTea’s global launch, as well as cultural considerations for addressing them. To build from that assignment, in this next milestone, you were asked to use your initial target audience analysis to identify appropriate media channels the company will use to communicate with global audiences, as well as establish global citizenship standards to guide external communications. There were two primary parts for this assignment:

1. Best practices looking at areas around defining the standards and principles as well as the proactive benefits.

2. Messaging focused around media channels and communication methods as well as the media message and rationale.

Thank you for submitting this week’s milestone. To begin, a simple observation is around the flow of the paper. Some of the key points were hit, however, there are many grammatical issues with the paper which made it difficult to follow in many places. Quality is definitely a large part of the grade, and I would recommend proofreading your paper before submitting.

When looking at the section for Best Practices: Defining Standards and Principles, you provided some general detail, however, there was little supporting detail in this section. Continuing to Proactive Benefits, you noted “Having a clearly defined brand message ensures that everyone is on the same page. This creates consistency in your customer experience by getting everyone on the same page and telling the same story.” Why is this important? Is it always guaranteed that everyone will be on the same page? What benefit does this bring? You also note that “Whatever the message requires them to do they will do with no reservation.” I am not sure this is true. What evidence can you provide to support this statement?

When we look at communication channels to our external audience, I am not sure Video Conferencing would work well. When we think about how to communicate to our potential customers about our new expansion, you cannot reach customers here. Email would be good, but you would need to build a list. What about social media, television, radio or other channels?

Finally, the email sample you gave was good for an internal message, but the assignment is looking at how we would reach our target audience for the business. The assignment called for:

· Media Message: Create the copy (written content) for an example media message per identified channel that can be sent to global audiences to announce the company’s expansion using global communication best practices. The example can be for a new or traditional media channel. If the message would require visual components (e.g., Instagram post, printed flyer, etc.), you may describe the types of visuals you would include following your example message.

I would recommend taking a look at this for the final week seven submission.
