This Writing Assignment is required to provide students with the opportunity to:
Investigate a subtopic of special interest associated with any of the major topics addressed during the course.
Acquire in depth knowledge about a subtopic of choice expanding ones knowledge base beyond the basic course curriculum.
Reflect on facts, theories, and opinions associated with the subtopic of choice. Develop or change an opinion about the subject.
Communicate knowledge about chosen topic, offering learning community members an opportunity to increase their knowledge on a subtopic topic associated with the base course curriculum.
Communicate ones opinion on the subtopic, using critical thinking skills to form the opinion and writing skills to communicate ones thoughts.
1. Research the topic that you have chosen or have been assigned.
IMPORTANT: If using Internet based resources, ensure that resources are of high quality, such as websites that end in .gov or .edu.
Do not use the following as resources:
Law firm web sites
Law firms are trying to solicit clients. In Employment law, law firms usually represent either employers or workers – few represent both. As such, their web sites are designed to attract the clients they seek to represent. Therefore, the information contained therein may not be completely accurate as the information provided may be skewed to either a management or employee perspective.
Websites such as Wikipedia or ehow
Information found on those sites may not be reliable.
2. Organize and develop your writing assignment
Use the following format: Overview, Opinion Statements, Resource Citations.
Use the headings to divide your work into the 3 required areas in your paper.
Provide an overview of your topic using at least two resources.
Highlight the most important concepts.
The overview should be no more than 500 words. Thats about 7 8 average length paragraphs.
Do not place your opinions in the overview. This is an academically oriented portion of the assignment. Your opinions are welcome in the next portion of the paper .Your overview MUST include citation of sources within the text of the document. You are not the originator of the information being presented. The authors must be identified. Failing to provide citations within the content of your overview is considered plagiarism.
Example: (Last name of author, title of resource, page if available)
Resource Citations
Offer a full citation of the material used in this section of the paper.
Citations must be in MLA or APA format.
Use guides to guarantee that citations are correct.
MLA Citation Guide (Links to an external site.)
APA Citation Guide (Links to an external site.)
NOTE: A minimum of 30 points will be deducted from content score when proper citations are not provided. Further, failing to provide correct citations to your source within the text of the document is plagiarism.
Opinion Statements
Given the material youve organized and presented in the overview, offer your thoughts on specific aspects of the topic or the topic in general. Use higher order critical or creative thought!
Your opinion statement should be approximately 150 words in length.
3. Title your work.
Title your writing assignment by choosing a creative and informative name. Compel your learning community to read your writing assignment! Then add your full name.
The title of your paper and your name should be the FIRST material available on the page.
Some Examples of Captivating Writing Assignment Titles:
Short-Hand Definition of Employment-at-Will: Workers are Screwed: Full Name
Hi, I am Your Employer and I Can Break Any Promise I Make to You in the Employee Handbook: Full Name
Content (210 points 70%)
Indication of excellence:
Content in overview section is conceptually sophisticated and accurate.
Appropriate materials are selected as resources for the overview section.
Citations both inside the body of the overview as well as in the resource section are provided and are technically accurate. ( -30 points deducted if not accurate)
Content is communicated so that a depth of understanding and engagement with concepts is evident.
Content is not a reiteration of course materials. At least 2 resources are used to develop overview section of assignment.
Ideas & Opinions (60 points – 20%)
Indication of Excellence:
Critical thinking produces a sophisticated presentation of ideas and opinions.
Ideas and opinions are expressed only in the appropriate area.
Ideas and opinions are clear and well organized.
Mechanics & Organization (30 points – 10%)
Indication of Excellence:
Overall, content is well communicated and organized.
Content is presented using appropriate grammar, sentence structure, and spelling.
Opinions and ideas are stated only in reflection section of assignment.
Content is appropriate for an academic assignment.
Instructions are followed when completing questions.