
This week, the reading focused on Aristotle’s theory of effective arguments using ethos, logos, and pathos.  Before we try to create our own effective arguments, let us look at some examples. 

One of society’s best examples of rhetoric is the political ad.  Candidates purchase TV time in 30-second increments to try to convince you, the voter, to cast your vote for them.   The following three videos are political advertisements that tried to sway undecided voters right before election day.  Watch all three videos (they’re each about a minute long):

Your assignment:

Choose one video to write about.  Was the video an effective argument on why voters should choose that candidate?  Did the video display all three components of effective arguments?  Cite examples.  Did it fail to provide all three components?  Tell us how it tried and failed to do so.  Your initial post should be 200 or more words.