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Your manager is very pleased with your research data collection plan and quantitative research design for measuring employee contributions and has asked you to write a literature review (similar to Chapter 2 in your dissertation). Your dilemma is what empirical research should be included in your literature review. How can you discern quality studies in the quantitative realm from mediocre ones? What are the top five criteria for selecting high-quality quantitative empirical articles for your literature review? Justify criteria selected with appropriate sources.

1. Kevin Medley

   The top five criteria for selecting high quality quantitative empirical articles are the use of appropriate and rigorous methods in choosing empirical articles. The importance in finding the empirical research is addressing the researchers bias and the importance of the research. The action in conducting ethical research is also important to supporting high quality quantitative articles for a researcher’s literature review. The dilemma in empirical review is finding out how one can use their research based on observance of a measured phenomena that provides an actual experience instead of theories or beliefs. Empirical researched articles are reports that are based on experiments and actual observation in which the research can have a specific question on an educated guess. In Chapter 2 a researcher must achieve several a specific purpose as well as present a well-documented argument in your research (Pat D’Urso, Elizabeth Johnston, and Cristie McClendon 2021). The criteria must also show substantive and through literature reviews based on good research that provides a theoretical foundation in supporting your arguments and contribution to your research. The actions to supporting quality quantitative empire articles one must define key concepts. The concepts are used to support a researcher’s arguments that must be clearly defined that will relate to the information it is supporting when also supporting the previous work that contributes the argument. The literature review should also support the learner to develop a definition as well as a solid comprehension to identify the gaps in the literature in their study (Grand Canyon University, 2020).

   The literature review should not limit itself to construct definition but present a way that the information can be interconnected in supporting the argument. There are examples of empirical research will help in this society with people believing in something that they can hear see and experience through validated educated guess that improves and supports human knowledge in many fields. As in much research that is implemented the academic review will depend on the clarity of the report, what was found and what was done. The purpose in reviewing will depend the research with standards, strategies and specifications being developed in the literature review using guidelines to specifically measure the review (Moher, 2009).


D. Moher, A. Liberati, J. Tetzlaff, D.G. Altman (2009) Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: 151 pp. 264-269

Grand Canyon University. (2020). GCU doctoral research: The literature landscape. Author

Pat D’Urso, Elizabeth Johnston, and Cristie McClendon (2021) Foundations of Quantitative and Qualitative Research. In Grand Canyon University (Ed.), GCU doctoral research: Foundational Principles of Research Design (1st ed.). Grand Canyon University

2. Ambersol

Quantitative methodology is the dominant research framework in the social sciences. It refers to a set of strategies, techniques and assumptions used to study psychological, social, and economic processes through the exploration of numeric design. In using high quality quantitative empirical articles will demonstrate differences in source value and provide a more complete foundation for understanding what constitutes quality research articles (Sorenson,2016). To effectively discern quality studies, I will carefully examine the articles to determine if they are objective, internally and externally valid, reliable and rigorous. It is imperative to consider the criteria for selecting high quality quantitative articles. The top five criteria consist of accuracy is the information based on proven facts or can the information be verified against other reliable sources. Second, authority does the author have the qualifications to speak or write on the topic. Third, objectivity does the information have an intended purpose. Fourth, currency is the information current or outdated. fifth, coverage does the article provide basic or in-depth coverage. This in turn would help me take a critical approach in selecting high quality quantitative articles for my literature review.


Sorenson, M. (2016). Beyond the google search bar: Evaluating source credibility in contemporary research. Communication Teacher, V.30, 82-86. 

3. Amber

When having to write a literature review, it can be difficult at times to decide on what empirical research that should be included in the literature review. The importance of the literature review is to use evidence from past research in order to support a current research. Discerning the quality of studies in the quantitative realm from the mediocre ones is imperative and it can be done by looking deeply at the details of the study and comparing the focus of the study and seeing how it relates to the current study at hand. According to D’Urso et al., (2021), simply googling the internet can provide a lot of resources, but several researchers choose to use the CARS-credibility, accuracy, reasonableness, and support is used to evaluate sources (Ensuring quality of sources, para. 1). Using this protocol to look at credibility, accuracy, reasonableness, and support amongst the sources allows you to find the best fit literature for the research study in order to make the greatest impact of the study. The top criteria to follow when selecting high quality quantitative empirical articles is to first locate credible sources, in order to add literature in your literature review, the source must be a credible source. The second is checking for the most recent publication date, this will give you the most relevant data to use. Using peer reviewed resources is also important because they have been previously reviewed and are more credible. It is also imperative to check for valid and reliable sources when using quantitative data. Lastly, using the CARS approach as previously mentioned can help to ensure all the boxes are checked off for deciding on a quality source.

D’Urso, P., Johnston, E., & McClendon, C. (2021). Critical Appraisal of Quantitative and Qualitative Literature. In Grand Canyon University (Ed.), GCU doctoral research: Foundational Principles of Research Design (1st ed.). Grand Canyon University. 

4. Olamide

Empirical research is based on observed and measured phenomena and derives knowledge from actual experience rather than from theory or belief. The characteristics of quantitative research contribute to methods that use statistics as the basis for making generalizations about something. These generalizations are constructed from data that is used to find patterns and averages and test causal relationships.

The general purpose of a quantitative study is to investigate a particular topic (in this case causes of high turnover in the organization) through the measurement of variables in quantifiable terms. To that end, a quality quantitative study must have a goal by examining relationships between several variables, the research must also use statistical methods and include a large number of subjects.

Knowledge production within the field of business research is accelerating at a tremendous speed while at the same time remaining fragmented and interdisciplinary. This makes it hard to keep up with state-of-the-art and to be at the forefront of research, as well as to assess the collective evidence in a particular area of business research. This is why the literature review as a research method is more relevant than ever. Traditional literature reviews often lack thoroughness and rigor and are conducted ad hoc, rather than following a specific methodology. Therefore, questions can be raised about the quality and trustworthiness of these types of reviews. (Snyder, 2019)

To select high quality quantitative empirical articles for literature review, there are certain criteria/questions that must be met/answered. Top of them include:

Where the article is published whether in an academic, scholarly, or professional journal, Does the abstract of the article mention a study, an observation, an analysis or a number of participants or subjects? Does the article include an introduction, methodology, result, discussion, conclusion, and a reference page? Length of the article,


Snyder, H. (2019). Literature review as a research methodology: An overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 104, 333–339. 

Walker, D. H. T. (1997). Choosing an appropriate research methodology. Construction Management and Economics, 15(2), 149–159. 

5. Michelle

Replies to Kevin Medley

It is important to think of knowledge in a given field as consisting of three layers. First, there are the primary studies that researchers conduct and publish. Second are the reviews of those studies that summarize and offer new interpretations built from and often extending beyond the primary studies. Third, there are the perceptions, conclusions, opinion, and interpretations that are shared informally that become part of the lore of field. In composing a literature review, it is important to note that it is often this third layer of knowledge that is cited as "true" even though it often has only a loose relationship to the primary studies and secondary literature reviews (Greenberger, 2021). Given this, while literature reviews are designed to provide an overview and synthesis of pertinent sources you have explored, there are a number of approaches you could adopt depending upon the type of analysis underpinning your study.

Your analysis should cover the key points of the report and regard the writers fairly. Before critiquing the author's points, the literature review should do them justice. (It's impossible to agree or disagree with something if you don't know what you're agreeing or disagreeing with!) It should be current. It shouldn't just be limited to online sources. Rather than being summaries of what you've read, it should be organized around the research questions and key concepts. Take note of the authors' authority as well as the validity and reliability of their methods. It's a fine line to walk between sharing what others have said and discovered and finding your own "voice." (Greenberger, 2021).  It is preferable to create a theme first, then quote related authors' work to back up the claim. Using your own language to explain complex ideas can make you and others believe that you really grasp what you're learning.

In conclusion, rather than being summaries of what you have studied, the literature review should be specific, present, and historical in nature, as well as concise, interesting, and well organized around the study questions and core concepts. It can be a critical examination of applicable data from various sources. Don't feel compelled to share anything you know; instead, select and choose what you report. Any source you cite can add to the facts you're providing to back up your 'argument.'


Greenberger, S. (2021). Foundations of quantitative and qualitative research. In Grand Canyon University (ED.),GCU Doctoral Research: Foundational Principles of Research Design. 

After you have determined what sources to include in your literature review to assess employee contributions in the workplace, you must now compile your review and reflect on the implications of all that you have read in the extant literature and how that applies to your research. To what extent might the strengths, weakness, limitations, and delimitations of existing studies indicate strengths, weakness, limitations, and delimitations of your study? Explain.

6. Keith

Performing a successful, credible study, starts with the credibility of the research. Credibility comes with the depth and quality of your research.  Quality research means utilizing sources that are deemed scholarly, in other words sources that follow scholarly practices and have been properly peer reviewed. Depth of research means that the researcher has studied the topic extensively. This would come from reading from a large variety of sources, understanding and reviewing scholarly studies, and potentially establishing and performing studies of your own. Research credibility helps emphasize the validity of the study or assertion being made (Dunn et al., 2019). 

Credible research is also transparent. This means the research has clearly documented support that is well explained and easy to follow. Good research articles describe the purpose, the theory, the methods used to validate the assertion, and cite the sources from which the conclusion was drawn. Without quality, depth, and transparency, articles can be received with skepticism. Without these characteristics research may be perceived as merely opinion when in reality it could have a mountain of evidence that supports the position. If the research output of the researcher is not perceived as credible, the researcher is not doing their job effectively.




Dunn, B. D., O’Mahen, H., Wright, K., & Brown, G. (2019). A commentary on research rigour in clinical psychological science: How to avoid throwing out the innovation baby with the research credibility bath water in the depression field. Behaviour Research and Therapy120.
