Feminism Paper
Sources you will need :
(The thing Around Your Neck) I attached the pdf to another file!
In her two TED Talks, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie discusses societal problems that shewants to overcome.
Write about "The Thing Around Your Neck" in terms of her theory on "why we should allbe feminists" as well as "single story" theory. **Single Story Theory MEANSSTEREOTYPES- PLEASE DO NOT WRITE STEREOTYPES AND WRITE IT AS “SingleStory”**
Here are some questions you might find of interest (though likely you will have differentones depending on your intellectual interests). Do characters in "The Thing Around Your Neck"transcend the single story? Do they become feminists? How has Akunna's time in the UnitedStates affected her understanding of the US and of gender? Don't forget that, in a story,characters change over time. Is there a relation between the single story and gender?
You will write an eight-hundred-to-thousand-word essay on the story using the lecturesas your research material. Make sure you discuss the entire story and significant parts of eachTED Talk.(Remember that the writer is Adichie and the protagonist of the story is Akunna. The former isreal, the latter is fictitious. Unless you are close friends with the writer, don't call her by her firstname.)
Double space. Make a new page. Format with a hanging indentCite one of the works in most paragraphs (exceptions can be in first and last paragraphs).If it is clear what you are citing, include the corresponding page number and time stamp inparentheses before the period.If it is not clear what you are citing, include an indication of which text this is from (perhaps"Neck," "Danger," "Feminists") and either a page number or time stamp in parentheses beforethe period.
For a story, list the writer's name (then a period), the title of the piece (then a period), the bookthe piece can be found in(then a period), the publisher (then a colon), the place of publication(then a comma), and the year of publication (then a period).
For a TED Talk, list the name of the speaker (then a period), the talk title (then a period), the sitename TED (then a comma), the month and year (then a comma), and the URL (then a period).
If you are repeating the author's name, a long dash will do.
Each discipline you study will have its own system of citations. This is according to the ModernLanguage Association. Use the appropriate form.
**You can make this paper mostly focused on feminism than Single Stories (Strereo Types) **
** SO basically just use all the sources and cite and evidence and stuff, and make sure you usea lot from the videos and story**