
Please comment on at least  2 to 3 of your classmates' postings with questions or thoughtful, respectful, thorough responses.


Based off of my "must have media" list, I would have to say I do not think the list reflects my personal values. I think that a lot of times media, and especially reality TV, can become very dramatic, fake, and materialistic. In my opinion, I think reality TV is entertaining, but not quite practical if you are trying to live similar lifestyles to who you are watching on those shows.  I also think that the media specifically targets certain groups of people. For example, there are plenty of shows that involve the main character dealing with eating disorders, depression, true love, a loss of a loved one, etc. Those shows or movies are targeting a specific viewer who has also gone through what the main character is going through. Most of the time, I think the media does this to get more views and to get people talking about the show or movie, which results in them getting more popularity. I believe that the digital divide is a huge problem that people face everyday. Especially when it interferes with school or jobs. When someone cannot access internet or any source of media, they are already at a disadvantage. Most of the stuff we do is all online, for example, when COVID was first interfering with our Country, a lot of schools and jobs turned to online options. When someone does not have access to these resources they are set back greatly. I cannot think of a specific example of my life that expresses media literacy, however going forward I will be more aware of what I am listening to and watching on television. I think an example of this would be to just keep an open mind about any topic at hand. It is always good to hear multiple opinions as opposed to only one. Sometimes when we stick to one source of information, we begin the lack in media literacy and become a bit close-minded. Keeping your bias to a minimum and we open to expanding your resources should allow you to understand media literacy when it is right in front of you. 


A) Does your list of "must have media" reflect your personal values? How? 

I believe that we are what we surround ourselves with. So our media choices reflect what we are seeking to fill our lives and time with. Understanding the target audience and connecting with the cultural demographics can help decrease the divide in Media fragmentation. For example, advertisements alone would not appeal to me. Still, if they are strategically placed within my must-have media choices, I would consider purchasing items that I might not have considered. Mainly social media, I do not know how often I have been scrolling on Instagram and buying something because it appealed to what I liked. 

B) Do you feel that media's targeting of specific groups for specific content has had adverse effects on our society? Positive effects? Explain and cite examples.

"All societies have internal divisions, and the media landscape is one site where these divisions may become visible." (Sreberny, n.d.) Targeting certain groups of people can cause social divides and bias depending on how the content is promoted. An example of this is how the news media in 2018 had many restaurants and other businesses owners in the crossfire of intense political loyalties when they appeared to take sides, either left or the right (Petersen, 2019). So it is now to the point that if your company does not take a side politically but appears to favor one party over another can cause political fallout with boycotts and fake reviews (Petersen, 2019). Politics is a sensitive subject and is often the main target of today's news media. Targeting one party in the news does not help bring people together but causes more division. There are also many other groups of individuals that are struggling to be heard or want a space in media. 

C) Considering the concept of the  as you read in this week's readings, is it problematic that the internet is becoming driven by economic objectives? Explain your answer.

The digital divide consists of phones, computers, the internet, and technology. Currently, broadband internet is lacking in American homes and public areas. However, with the focus on people becoming more and more dependent on remote work due to the pandemic, many people rely on the internet to get their jobs done. It also brought to light how children need social skills to develop conversation skills, and online classes seem to have slowed down some of their development. Therefore, the internet has now become a basic need in society. Even our classes now are mainly online where we need to be able to have internet access and time manage in case of internet failure. 

D) After reading 21st Century Communication: A Reference Handbook, : Media Literacy, you read that "media education is a lifelong process." Give examples of times that you have become enlightened about media, resulting in increased media literacy. Or, if you have no personal examples discuss what situations might force media literacy. 

Taking classes online has increased my media literacy by having to create PowerPoint presentations to communicate what I am trying to say. Social media websites have also allowed me to understand what not to post and why saying one wrong thing can cause various problems by being misinterpreted. Also, analyzing how to use and properly utilize the new phones constantly coming out or the new media devices that have evolved. 

Petersen, L. (2019). The negative effect of social media on society and individuals. Small Business – 

Sreberny, A. (n.d.). Chapter 5: Society, Culture, and Media: Thinking Comparatively. Shibboleth Authentication Request.