Pick TWO philosophers we have covered this semester (Plato, Socrates, Descartes, Sartre, Nietzsche) and explain how they would respond to TWO of the following statements: “Ignorance is bliss.” “Perception is reality.” “The good life is the life of

Be sure to explain the reasoning behind their responses to the two statements you choose. Also, explain which of the two philosophers you most agree with, and support your position using good reasoning. NOTE: DO NOT USE ANY OUTSIDE MATERIAL OR CITATIONS FOR YOUR ESSAY BESIDES THE ASSIGNED READINGS AND WHAT WAS COVERED IN THE CLASS.
Pick TWO philosophers we have covered this semester (Plato, Socrates, Descartes, Sartre, Nietzsche) and explain how they would respond to TWO of the following statements: “Ignorance is bliss.”    “Perception is reality.”    “The good life is the life of Pick TWO philosophers we have covered this semester (Plato, Socrates, Descartes, Sartre, Nietzsche) and explain how they would respond to TWO of the following statements: “Ignorance is bliss.”    “Perception is reality.”    “The good life is the life of pleasure”