
N320 Grading Criteria /Rubric Part 2


Possible Points

Points Earned


Title Page: APA format corrected from Assignment I


Abstract: Clear concise summary of the paper, identifies purpose, literature review & findings, 100-250 words, single paragraph, not indented, past tense. Include keywords section


Findings: Combine & synthesize evidence from the literature to answer your research question that will support a practice recommendation. Describe overall strength/consistency of findings (important statistical data, levels of evidence, evidenced based tools or protocols, etc.) to support (or not support) the intervention. Discuss each article utilized in your paper to support your PICOT. Include research found on literature review tables and any additional research. Should have a minimum of 7 articles. Refer reader to the lit review table appendix.


Discussion: ties together the other sections & gives them meaning, includes major findings, limitations of the reviewed studies, conclusions drawn from the findings, implications for nursing practice & recommendations for further research.


Recommendations for Nursing Practice: Based on your findings, what do you recommend for nursing practice? Should you implement a practice change & is further research needed? Describe methods to make inclusive, equitable , and accessible for populations


Conclusion: Reviews major points of the paper and is a logical flow from the body of the paper.


References: formatted and cited correctly


APA Format (Title page, headers, headings, in-text referencing, reference list, page numbering)

free of spelling and grammatical errors


Total Points Earned__________(out of 75)