

If a question is worth 10 points, then I'm looking for 10 quality sentences as a minimum. I welcome more discussion as opposed to less, but this rule of thumb seems to get at a minimum that reaches a quality level that I desire.

Also, be sure that you answer all the parts of the question requested. Part A has a lot of parts. Part A and B also require some RESEARCH beyond what I give you in the course shell. Give me the URLs for that part so I know from where you got your information.

Module 4 Assignment (100 possible points)

Name: ______________________________________________________

All assignments are to be completed individually without the assistance of classmates or anyone else. If you have questions, contact the professor who will be glad to help you. By turning in this assignment, you are stating that this work is yours alone.

PART A:  Are they better off? (26 total points)

In this module, through video links, we explore the impact of outsourcing on the people who are hired by US companies to complete the work for much, much lower wages. We watched videos by Jim Keady including the one where he tries to live on Nike wages as workers do.

Now, DO SOME RESEARCH. Repeat, you are expected to do RESEARCH for this question.

Part A, Question 1 (18 possible points) To determine for yourself whether you believe Nike workers in other countries are better off because NIKE is there and provides jobs, RESEARCH and answer THREE of the following questions (6 points each). You must support your answers with RESEARCH and URLs/Sites for that research. I’m looking for at least 6 sentences of discussion and no less than 2 cites per each bulleted question you answer.

You must go beyond the clips and information I provided:

· What is the cost living in the worker’s country and how do the wages compare with average earnings?

· Do the workers have to do this work? Why/why not?

· Does having the US company there have a chilling impact on other home-grown industries?

· How corrupt is the government there?

· What is the life of a worker like since the US company came to the worker’s country?

· What do local people say about the company?

· What benefits does the US company bring to the local community?

Part A, Question 2 (8 possible points) Based on your research above, is Keady telling the truth or is he wrong? Are workers making those wages better off?  Conduct research beyond what I provided you to find information on whether workers at a Nike facility of your choice are better off because the US company is doing business there? 

Part B: Look at the Board of Directors for Nike (16 total points)

Look at the NIKE corporate board members. Be sure you are looking at the corporate board members and not shareholders and not executive leadership only.

1. What do you notice about this board in terms of their gender, age and experience they bring to the board? (4 points)

2. Based on perspectives which are missing, who would you recommend serve on the board and why? (4 points)

3. How likely is this board to decide to limit CEO pay? Why do you believe that? (4 points)

4. How likely is this board to look closely into the issues that Jim Keady raises? Why do answer that way? (4 points)

Part C: Do the Math – Hidden Face of Globalization (19 total points)

As you watch the video of Hidden Face of Globalization, jot down this information:

In the clip at 6:03, it says:

A sewer makes between __11__ cents to _17___ cents an hour or as little as $__5.28________ a week. A sewer can work up to 107 hours a week.

The young girls who remove the string from the garments make __as little as $3.84 a week___.

The corporations have practically wiped out the cost of labor.

Now, do some math (worth 4 points).

A. For a sewer working 12 hours a day for 7 days of week getting paid 11 cents an hour, it costs a company ______ a week.

B. Repeat, they are getting 84 hours of labor for __________ a week. (same answer as A)

C. In the USA, a worker in TN would have to make minimum wage of $________ an hour. (can Google to find)

D. The first 40 hours of work would cost a company $ __________.

E. The remaining 44 hours would cost a company $ ____________ (rate of time and half)

44 Hours x (minimum wage + ½ minimum wage)

F. In Bangladesh, it costs a company $ ___________ for 84 hours of work. (same answer as A and B)

G. In USA, it costs a company $_____________ for 84 hours of work. (add D and E together)



So what? (worth 15 points) – Remember the Rule of Thumb (1 point = 1 quality sentence)

A. Now, what could the Board of Directors decide to do with those cost savings which are magnified for each worker it outsources to a country like Bangladesh? When answering think about the stakeholders (sewers doing work in factories, factory owners, towns where factories are located, customers, employees of the company back home, shareholders). (6 points)

B. What do Board of Directors typically do with all these cost savings? (4 points)

C. What do you believe the ethical action is for a board in using these cost savings? Why do you believe this way? (5 points)

Part D: Board of Directors for your Selected Documentary Company (25 points)

Remember the Rule of Thumb (1 point = 1 quality sentence)

Look at the corporate board members for your selected company or nonprofit you are using in your documentary case analysis. Be sure you are looking at the board members and not shareholders, employees/ executive leadership only, or founders.

1. What do you notice about this board in terms of their gender, age and experience they bring to the board? (4 points)

2. Based on perspectives which are missing, who would you recommend serve on the board and why? (4 points)

3. You will have to RESEARCH to find this answer. What did the board know and/or do with regards to the unethical actions of the company? Did they ignore it? Did they defend the actions? Did they cover it up? (7 points)

4. Who is the CEO of the company currently? How long has this person been in this position? Was this the same person who was in control of the company during the unethical behavior? Can you find anything out about how the CEO is compensated? (5 points)

5. Who is the current Chair or President of the Board (for NFL, looking for Commissioner)? How long has this person been in this position? Was this the same person who was in control of the BOARD during the unethical behavior? Can you find anything out about how the BOARD is compensated? (5 points)

Part F: Lessons Learned – Advice for the Board of Directors of your Documentary Organization (14 points)

Give two specific ideas to the Board of Directors on what they should do to have ethical organizations with ethical people within them. You need a total of 14 quality sentences across the three ideas.

1. Idea 1 for Board of Directors

2. Idea 2 for Board of Directors