
MKT 3600 Kings Bluff Brewery Case


Step 3: Read the three supplemental materials posted in the Kings Bluff Brewery module:

· Social Network Theory

· Uncertainty Reduction Theory

· Uses and Gratifications Theory

Step 4: Develop your own A+ response to the four case questions. Post it to your team discussion board by deadline (see D2L Discussions).

Step 5: Pretend your team is a consulting group KBB has hired to answer these four questions (see case study). Prepare a Memo using the template below. You must use external sources to support your recommendations and speak in marketing/business terminology. This is professional writing, not a text message or social media post.


1. Memo: Use the collective output of your individual work to prepare a memo, formatted as below (next page).

a. Due 11:59 p.m., April 18 via D2L assignment folder.

b. Minimum of six external resources. Use numbered superscripts in memo. List numbered references at end of memo.

c. No direct quotes.

d. No plagiarism.

e. Single-spaced, bold headings, Word document, 1.5-2 pages


TO: Dustyn and Kristen Brewer, Kings Bluff Brewery

FROM: Names of all participating team members (no usable contribution=no credit)


SUBJECT: Social Media Marketing for Kings Bluff Brewery

Following is a series of four research-based recommendations in response to your questions concerning Kings Bluff Brewery social media marketing.

2 Another resource

3 Another resource

4 Another resource

5 Another source

6 Another source