Minority Languages Linguistic Landscape

I am planning to write about Minority Languages Linguistic Landscape and research that specifically in the GULF region aka (Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Kuwait). I will also attach some links that I found to be useful but feel free to find more links, the following is the guidelines for this project:

“final projects are meant to give you an opportunity to explore in some detail an aspect of language diversity and cultural identity that you find particularly interesting or compelling. The final project is a traditional research paper (5-7 pages; double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-pt font, 1 margins, etc.)

The following guidelines should help you prepare the final product.

Basic expectations:

Originality of the topic: The project addresses an original topic relevant to the course. This means that while you can certainly focus on something weve done in class, you are expected to take a novel perspective on it or explore the issue in a different context. Ask yourself: how does this topic directly relate to BOTH language diversity AND cultural identity?
Supporting evidence: Your project is supported by clear and appropriate evidence. This may include library research (for example, books or articles), original research (for example, new data you collect and analyze from a survey), relevant language examples, etc. In other words, the points you make in your project are backed up by something other than your opinion and/or experience. You should cite all sources according to APA conventions: IN-TEXT as well as a final Works Cited list.
Organization, clarity, and language: Your project is organized and presented in a clear manner. This means no stream of consciousness discussion. The project flows well. This means that the reader /audience needs to be able to follow your thinking with minimal effort. The language used in the project is appropriate for the genre (for example, academic English for a research paper). If you are not sure how to divide your paper into sections/organize it, please ask for help!
In addition, please pay attention to the following:

(A) Specify the topic you would like to investigate and tell us why it matters. (5 points)

(B) What are the questions you’d like to answer? Why do you think its important to answer your question(s)? Is there a research gap to be filled? A practical benefit to someone or some group? (5 points)

(C) What kinds of data you are going to collect in order to answer your question(s) appropriately? What are some ways for you to collect that information? (5 points)

(D) Analysis: you are expected to draw on one of the approaches  we studied in our class to analyze the data (5 points)

(E) Report your results and provide your conclusions. (5 points)

(F) Grammar, style, punctuation, references, and formatting (5 points)

If you’d like to write on Linguistic Landscape, below some points that might be helpful. Please note that you can write on any topic/theme we addressed in the course.
Conduct and write up an investigation/analysis into the linguistic landscape of a street, intersection, or neighborhood in Pittsburgh or elsewhere if you are traveling. It’s a good idea to choose an area that you expect will have some degree of multilingualism in the LL and probably with lots of shops and restaurants, and, therefore, signs. Some examples in Pittsburgh might include (e.g., The Strip District, Murray & Forbes in Squirrel Hill, or Forbes as you go through Pitts campus area).

What kind of signs do you see? What languages are present? Are there any interesting uses of language in the top-down or bottom-up LL? In other words, find some examples of multilingualism in the landscape, draw some conclusions about them, and justify your conclusions with references to the data itself and concepts we have discussed in class (top-down, bottom-up, language policy, language minorities, connections to cultural identity, etc.) Include pictures to support your analysis. Aim for about 5-7 pages, and be sure to give some brief (no more than a paragraph) context about the area you choose.”


