Choose ONE term from the list below. Write a 3-4 page essay (APA format) to define the term using the Bible as the primary source of evidence. The essay should include an introduction, three (3) body paragraphs, and a conclusion. A background paragraph is not needed.
You can use additional sources (make sure they are authoritative/credible) to help you understand the term. Make sure to include citations for these sources if you use ideas from them in the discussion sections of your body paragraphs.
A reference for the Bible is NOT necessary (i.e. if the Bible is your only source of evidence, no References page needed).
However, additional sources are needed as evidence for comparison/contrast paragraphs (as well as a References page, in that case). Make sure to use correct citations. This includes the use of Bible Dictionaries or Encyclopedias, such as those found at , or
You may use any translation of the Bible to prepare this assignment, but it is recommended that you quote from the NRSV (the most common Bible for academic work) or the NIV (the most popular modern translation of the Bible).
You can also try a Google search by entering your “term (below)” + “definition or meaning in the Bible”
For example, search: justice definition or meaning in the Bible
or “justice in the Bible”
or “definition of biblical justice”
or “meaning of biblical justice”
Another option is to try searching with the “method of definition” + “term” + “in the Bible”
For example, search: Examples of Justice in the Bible
or Function of Justice in the Bible
(Choose only one term, and the choice must come from the list below. Essays about terms other than on the list below without approval will not receive a grade):
A. Fear (Example Story: Jesus Calms the Storm, Matthew 14:22-33 & Jesus Walks on Water, Mark 4:35-41)
B. Grace (Example Story: Laborers in the Vineyard, Matthew 20:1-16)
C. Heaven (Example Story: A New Heaven and Earth, Revelation Chapter 21)