Part II: Data Collection Procedures & Measurement Tools/Instruments

Describe ALL methods to collect data in detail (i.e. interview, survey, observationetc.)

Describe each measurement tool/instrument used to measure/assess outcomes in the study in detail.


Participant Characteristics/Sociodemographic Findings

Describe participant characteristics or sociodemographic status

Must be objective, descriptive, and comprehensive

Must describe the findings of Tables/Figures to provide comprehensive information about participant characteristics as article provided.

Study Results/Findings

Describe ALL Other Results/Findings besides above participant characteristics in detail.

Each result item must include Headings/Subheadings as the article provided.

Do NOT simply saying pain level was decreased, adherence was increasedetc  

Do NOT include contents from Discussion and/or Conclusion in the article. 

Part III: Synthesis of Findings 

Synthesis of Findings

Describe the Rationale/Mechanism for how/why Finding of each intervention/factor helps your Research Question (i.e. how/what mechanism does music therapy help pain, how does sucking stimulation increase oral intake for pre-term infants)

Should NOT repeat same contents you had on Findings section and/or article

May include citations from other sources for above described rationale/mechanism (i.e. textbooks, CDCetc) 

Nursing Implications

How the nurses can implement the research findings into nursing practice.

Group Article Summary Table (All group members)

Describe each group members article on Research Article Summary Table.

Use bullet points for each category.