Leo Toylstoy & Richard Taylor

Compare and contrast Leo Tolystoy & Richard Taylor. Both authors should be included in the thesis.
The paper is to be three to five pages long, double-spaced, and based on the research that you have done for your presentation. As we said in class, you can choose any article from the book, but please let me know if you are doing this before you start writing. If one of the papers you have already written involved the topic of your presentation, you will have to choose another topic.

As usual, it should include (1) the introduction that states your thesis, (2) the body of the paper in which you support your thesis with evidence and/or argument, and (3) the conclusion. The body has to include at least one comparison with the argument from another article in the textbook. This latter argument should either support the main argument of your essay, or be used as a counterargument against your main argument. In any case, your essay must contain at least one counterargument. If you do not use the second text as a counterargument, you may make a counterargument that you thought of yourself; and then you have to answer that opposing argument.

You have to make sure to use at least one or more secondary sources, which have to be cited properly in the MLA style.

Note that in writing this paper you can include your own personal opinion about the argument that you have presented. You may do so in one of two ways: either (1) include your opinion in the conclusion, or (2) make an argument against the author upon whom you based your presentation. If you choose the second option, remember to make your critical argument part of your thesis.