
ISSC457Week 6 Lab 5

Name: _________________________Date: _____________

Fill in your name above, put your full response below the question, save the file using the file naming convention: “ISSC457_Lab5_LastName_FirstName.doc” where LastName is your last name and FirstName is your first name, then return this document for grading.

Hardware/Software Setup Required

Spam Arrest (available at )

Problem Description

Spam Arrest is a tool used to protect e-mail accounts against spam. It uses challenge/response technology. Go to the Spam Arrest Web site and read more about it. Then, write a brief report explaining how it works, its main characteristics, and at least five advantages and five disadvantages of Spam Arrest.

Estimated completion time: 60 minutes.


A brief report explaining how Spam Arrest works, including its main advantages and disadvantages


· How does Spam Arrest work?

· What are its main characteristics?

· What are its main advantages?

· What are its main disadvantages?

Lab Solution

1. Go to .


2. Click on Learn in the “See How Spam Arrest Works” panel or go directly to to check how Spam Arrest works.


3. Click on “SHOW ME” to start the presentation.


4. Click on the Help tab on the top of the window.


5. Then, click on the General FAQ option on the navigation menu at the left of the window. Read all the information presented in that page to get a better understanding of Spam Arrest.

