
 Interdisciplinary Lesson Plan


Need research

Provide a brief description of the lesson. Include the purpose of the lesson especially related to gifted students and creativity development. Include appropriate research to justify your ideas about giftedness and creativity.

Content Area:

Need research

Define all content areas included in this lesson. Be explicit about the interdisciplinary (1) Scientific connection (2) Reading connection (3) Arts connection. Include appropriate research to justify the need for these in creativity development.

Learner Profile:

Define the specific audience (grade level, number of students in classroom, ELL students – number and levels, students with disabilities – number and nature of disability, etc.)

Time Frame:

Define the time frame necessary to successfully complete the lesson.


Choose appropriate NAGC Standards and Florida Content standards. How does the unit align with these standards?


The goals of the lesson are what the student should know and understand upon completion of the lesson. This should be related to the theme of the lesson. For example, “students will understand how individuals in society are affected by technological advances.”


The objectives are the specific, measurable steps to meet the goal. What will students learn from this unit? These are the students’ actions. They often begin with “The student will…” Use observable verbs such as develop, modify, analyze, and so on—use the verbs in the higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy or Webb's Depth of Knowledge. The words “know” and “understand are too broad for objective writing.

· What will the student be able to do during this lesson?

· Under what conditions will student performance be accomplished?

· What is the degree or criterion on the basis of which satisfactory attainment of the objectives will be judged?

· How will the student demonstrate that they have learned and understood the objectives of the lesson?

Remember, your objectives should be SMART:

· S Specific

· M Measurable

· A Attainable

· R Relevant

· T Time-bound


This section has two functions: it helps other teachers quickly determine: a) how much preparation time, resources, and management will be involved in carrying out this plan and b) what materials, books, equipment, and resources they will need to have ready to instruct a diverse population of students. A complete list of materials, including full citations of textbooks or story books used, worksheets, and any other special considerations must be included.

· What materials will be needed?

· What textbooks or story books are needed? (Please include full bibliographic citations)

· What needs to be prepared in advance? (Typical for any lesson utilizing a hands-on activity)


List print and web resources utilized for lesson strategies, materials, or procedures (include books, websites, games, videos, etc.).

Anticipatory Set:

· How will you introduce the ideas and objectives of this lesson so that they are linked to students' existing prior knowledge?

· How will you get students' attention and motivate them to hold their attention?

· How can you tie lesson objectives with students’ interests and previous classroom interdisciplinary experiences?

Procedures for the Teacher:

This section provides a detailed, step-by-step description of how to replicate the lesson and achieve lesson plan objectives in a classroom of diverse learners. This is usually intended for the teacher and provides suggestions on how to proceed with implementation of the lesson plan.

Be clear about what teachers are expected to do for creativity development in the following areas: (1) Science (2) Reading (3) Arts (4) Social interaction (5) Technology

Procedures for the Learners:

Describe in detail and sequentially what student will do. These could be questions for discussion students will explore, exercises students will complete, etc. What are the action words that describe what the students will accomplish (Refer to Webb’s Depth of Knowledge and/or Bloom's Taxonomy)?

Be explicit about what students will do and complete for creativity development in the following areas: (1) Science (2) Reading (3) Arts (4) Social interaction (5) Technology

Instructional Strategies:

Need research

Describe in detail and sequentially what instructional strategies the teacher will use with the students. How will the lesson content be taught through various instructional activities that allows for creativity development?

Be specific about what you will do for science, reading, arts, social interaction, and technology integration. Discuss the research-based strategies you will use. Include appropriate research to justify the need for these in creativity development.

Differentiation Features:

Need research

Describe the differentiation that will be utilized for gifted learners. Discuss the research-based strategies you will use. Include appropriate research to justify your ideas and implementation.


Need research

Determine remediation strategies. What do you plan to do for the students who didn't demonstrate mastery of the objectives? A variety of specific materials and research-based strategies such as software, web pages, DVDs, books, and games need to be included. Discuss the research-based strategies you will use. Include appropriate research to support your ideas and implementation.

Accommodations for At-Risk Gifted Students:

Need research

Determine support strategies for students who may be twice exceptional, English Language Learners, students from low socio-economic status, gifted girls, underachievers, perfectionists, etc. What do you plan to do for students who did not accomplish the objectives? List a variety of materials and strategies that will be used. Include appropriate research to support your ideas and implementation.


Identify specific ESOL strategies that you will incorporate into the lesson according to the needs of the ELLs and the content to be learned.

Gifted Learner Needs:

Need research

Provide an explanation of how your unit meets the social, academic, and emotional needs of gifted students. Include appropriate research to support your ideas.

Assessments/ Checks for Understanding or Home Learning:

Describe a follow-up activity or assessment strategies that can be completed at home or in-class to reinforce the skills/knowledge taught in the lesson and that is related to each lesson objective. You need to include informal and formal assessments that are both formative and summative as well as authentic and traditional strategies and evaluation techniques. How will you know your students have met the objective? How will you identify the gaps in students’ subject matter knowledge? It may occur by the lesson’s objectives.


Actions or statements designed to bring a lesson to an appropriate conclusion. These include:

· summary / review of major concepts taught

· explanation of home learning assignment

· questions or clarifications

ESOL Strategies (check all that apply):

· Audiovisual

· Individual Help

· Summarizing

· Choral Reading

· Manipulatives

· Taking Notes

· Demonstration

· Modeling

· Think/Pair/Share

· Extended Time

· Oral Testing

· Underlining/ Highlighting

· Graphic Organizer

· Peer Pair

· Verbal Response

· Hands-on Activity

· Repetition

· Write Key Words

· Illustrations & Diagrams

· Rephrasing & Simplifying

· Other/Explain:

SPED Accommodations (check all that apply):

· Flexible Presentation

· Flexible Recording

· Flexible Response

· Flexible Scheduling

· Flexible Setting

· Other/Explain: